Malachi York / Nuwaubian Library

ISBN 978-90-78156-52-9
© 2024 by Stichting Argus

Publication of these texts does not imply in any way that the Argus Foundation or its staff endorse the ideas of any of Malachi York and his orders. The sole purpose of publishing this collection of hard to obtain texts is to make them available for research and comparison with initiation rituals and texts of other (secret) societies and fraternal organizations.

The contents of this Library (in PDF-files):

Ancient and Mystic Order of Melchizedek

Ansara Allah Community

As Sayad Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi

Holy Seed Baptist Synagogue

Holy Tabernacle Ministries

Holy Tabernacle Ministries / Ancient & Mystic Order of Malachizodok, Heliopolis, Thebes & Memphis Tama-Re, Egypt of the West Embassy


Original Tents of Kedar

Ancient Egiptian Order

Sacred Order of the Sisters of Aset

The Revelations to the Nuwaupians - Paa Taraq-The Way - Revelations of the Sabaeans

United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors

United Nuwaupian Nation - Department of Education

Paa Medjayu Dakrun
Paa Munzul Atum Re

Sons of the Green Light

Department of Supreme Wisdom
At-Sik - Hata Nation of Yamassee Moors

This collection costs € 35,00. Please send an email to, with subject Nuwaubian Library, for an invoice and payment instructions.

Publication of these texts does not imply in any way that the Argus Foundation or its staff endorse the ideas of any of Malachi York and his orders. The sole purpose of publishing this collection of hard to obtain texts is to make them available for research and comparison with initiation rituals and texts of other (secret) societies and fraternal organizations.

The contents of this Library (in PDF-files):

Ancient and Mystic Order of Melchizedek

Ansara Allah Community

As Sayad Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi

Holy Seed Baptist Synagogue

Holy Tabernacle Ministries

Holy Tabernacle Ministries / Ancient & Mystic Order of Malachizodok, Heliopolis, Thebes & Memphis Tama-Re, Egypt of the West Embassy


Original Tents of Kedar

Ancient Egiptian Order

Sacred Order of the Sisters of Aset

The Revelations to the Nuwaupians - Paa Taraq-The Way - Revelations of the Sabaeans

United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors

United Nuwaupian Nation - Department of Education

Paa Medjayu Dakrun
Paa Munzul Atum Re

Sons of the Green Light

Department of Supreme Wisdom
At-Sik - Hata Nation of Yamassee Moors

This collection costs € 35,00. Please send an email to, with subject Nuwaubian Library, for an invoice and payment instructions.