Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests
Degree of Knight of the North


Compilers Note: Both this ceremony and the Degree of Knight of the South are "teaching" degrees whereby the Candidate learns of the life of Christ and both theological and theosophical philosophy. Meetings are held in Chambers with the following Officers, Knight Masters of the North, South, East and West, (Knights of the Points), a Knight Conductor of Novices and a Knight Warden whose post is out with the door. No qualification for admission to the two degrees is mentioned although the Novice must be a Knight of some Order as he is referred to as a Knight Companion and the content of the rituals would suggest that the ceremonies would only be open to experienced Freemasons, Knights wear a plain white mantle and a cap of the same colour to which is attached a red rose. The four Knights of the Points each carry a short rod decorated with four, three, two and one silver ring respectively. (Representing the number of knocks given by the bearer.) In this degree the Knight of the North is the senior. The major parts of the ritual are read from prepared scrolls (or folders) and those undertaking the reading may find that doing so from a standing position adds to the ceremony.
The Knights of the Points sit behind pedestals at the compass points. There should be a chair facing each point, where the Novice is seated during each reading. The altar faces North with a kneeling cushion in the South. The altar should be covered with a white cloth and upon it shall be a Bible, a single white candle in a holder, a crucifix, a sheathed sword and a single red rose in a small vase. At the entrance to the chamber, there should be a small table on which is a small basin and a towel. A white sash or cordon is required for the candidate.



KMS: ***.
KMW: **.
KME: *.
Knights we are well met. Knight Master of the South, attend the Altar. KMS opens the VSL at the Acts Chap. I, lights the candle and unsheathes the sword. The VSL should face the Novice with the crucifix on the right of the VSL and the sword on the left with the hilt at the North.
I now declare this Chamber of Enlightenment duly opened **** Knight Conductor of Novices, prepare and present the Novice.
KCN retires and brings in the Novice without alarm. He causes the Novice to wash his hands in the vessel and then dry his hands on the towel. When this is done a plain white cordon or sash is placed over the Novice's right shoulder, falling on the left hip. The KCN then advances the Novice one or two paces into the Chamber, and then addresses him thus:
Knight Companion, hitherto you have been taught in the Craft, that the North is a place of Masonic darkness; I say to you now that this is only so for those who cannot comprehend. With your entrance into this Chamber of Enlightenment you will soon leam that a Knight of the North receives knowledge usually withheld from those not thus advanced. On your admission further into this Chamber, whenever you are asked what you desire, you will reply - "Enlightenment concerning the ancient writings of the Prophets and due knowledge concerning the present Philosophy. " This may be written on a card for the ease of the Novice. The KCN and the Novice advance into the body of the Chamber and proceed to the pedestal of the KME, where the Novice is instructed to rap *.
Who comes here and what is our desire?
NOV, prompted by the KCN or reading from a card:
A Knight Companion seeking Enlightenment concerning the ancient writings of the Prophets and due knowledge concerning the present Philosophy.
KME stands and KCN causes the Novice to sit on the seat provided.
Then listen well to the ancient writ. Lifts scroll and reads: And when he was twelve years old they brought him to Jerusalem and when the feast was over, they returned. But the Lord Jesus continued behind in the Temple among the doctors and elders, the leamed of Israel; to whom he proposed several questions and also answers; For he said unto them. Whose son is the Messiah? They answered, the son of David: Why then, said he, does he in the spirit call him Lord? When he saith, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand 'till I have made thine enemies thy footstool. Then a certain Rabbi asked him, Hast thou read books? Jesus answered, he had read both books and the things which were contained in books. And he explained to them the books of the law, the precepts and statutes and the mysteries which are contained in the hooks of the Prophets, things which the mind of no creature could reach. Then saith the Rabbi, I have never yet seen or heard of such knowledge. What do you think will become of this boy?
Then a certain astronomer who was also present, asked the Lord Jesus whether be had studied astronomy? The Lord Jesus replied and told him of the number of spheres and heavenly bodies, as to their triangulation, square and sextile aspect, their progressive and retrograde motion, their size and several prognostications and other things which the reason of men had never discovered.
There was also among their number a philosopher, well skilled in physic and natural philosophy, who asked of the Lord Jesus whether he had studied physic? Jesus replied and explained to him, physics and metaphysics. Also those things which were both above and below the realm of nature. The nature of the corporeal body, its humours and their effects. Also the numbers of its members, and bones, arteries, veins and nerves, the several constitutions of the body when cold and moist or when hot and dry and the tendencies of them. Concerning the metaphysical, be discussed the Forms of Plato, Socrates' discourse on the Soul and how it operated within the body, its sensations and faculties. The science of Archimedes and the writings of Aristotle concerning government. The faculty concerned with speaking, anger, desire and the composition of human emotions and their dissolution and other concepts of the metaphysic, the understanding of which, no other creature had ever achieved. Then the philosopher stood and worshipped the Lord Jesus and said, O Lord Jesus, from hence forth I will be thy disciple and servant.
While these several discourses were occurring, Mary the mother of Jesus entered, having spent three days with her husband Joseph, in search of their son. When Mary saw Jesus seated among these doctors, in his turn proposing questions to them and also giving his answers, she said unto him, My son, why hast thou done this by us? Behold I and thy father have been at great pains in seeking thee. Jesus replied, Why did ye seek me thus? Did you not know that thus I must be employed in the house of my father? But they understood him not. Then the doctors asked of Mary whether this was her son and she said it was, they replied, O fortunate woman that hath borne such a son.
And thus he returned with his parents to Nazareth and obeyed them in all things. And his mother kept all these things in her mind and the Lord Jesus grew in both stature and wisdom and found favour with God and Man.
Knight Companion, pass now to the West.
KCN raises the Novice and proceed to the pedestal of the KMW and instructs him to rap, ** *.
Who comes here and what is your desire? Novice reads from the card as, before. KMW stands and says: Then listen again to the ancient writ. Novice is again seated while the scrolls are read.: Now from this time Jesus began to conceal his miracles and secret works and gave himself unto the study of the law, 'till he reached the end of his thirtieth year at which time his Father publicly owned him at the River Jordan, sending down his word from heaven saying, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. The Holy Ghost was also present in the form of a dove. This is he who we worship with all reverence because he gave us life and being, and brought us from our mother's womb. Who, for the sake of all mankind, took a human body and hath redeemed us, so that he might embrace us with everlasting mercy and show his free, great and bountiful grace and goodness to us. To Him be glory and praise and power and dominion from henceforth and for evermore, Amen.
Knight Companion, pass now to the South.
KCN raises the Novice and proceeds to the pedestal of the KMS, and instructs him to rap *** ** *.
Who comes here and what is your desire?
Novice reads from the card as before. KMS stands and says:
Then listen again to the ancient writ. Novice is again seated white the scrolls are read: Then Pilate left Jesus in the hall of his palace and went unto the Jews and said, I find no not one fault in Jesus and the Jews cried unto Pilate, but he says that he can destroy the Temple of God and within three days build it up again. And Pilate spoke unto them again, What sort of Temple is that of which he speaks, and the Jews cried out, That which Solomon was forty six years in the building he would destroy and in just three days erect again. And Pilate said unto them, l am innocent of the blood of this man, do ye look to it? The Jews said unto him, his blood shall be on our hands and that of our children.
Then Pilate called together the elders and scribes, priests and Levites and said unto them privately, Do not act thus, I have found nothing in your charge to be against this Jesus, concerning his healing of sick persons and the breaking of the Sabbath, to be worthy of death. But the priests and Levites replied unto Pilate, by the life of Caesar, if anyone be a blasphemer then he is worthy of death, and this man has blasphemed against our God. Then Pilate commanded that the Jews leave the hall and again called Jesus to him saying, What shall I do with thee? Jesus replied, Do according to what is written. Pilate said unto him, and how is it written and Jesus said, Moses and the Prophets have prophesied as to my suffering and resurrection. The Jews hearing of this were provoked and said unto Pilate, why will thou any longer hear the blasphemy of this man? Pilate said unto them, If these words seem to you blasphemy, then you must bring him unto your court and try him according to your laws. The Jews replied to Pilate, Our law saith he shall be obliged to receive nine and thirty stripes but after this manner, if he shall blaspheme again, against the Lord our God, then he shall be stoned. Pilate saith, It is not fit that he be crucified, let him only be whipped and sent away. But when the governor looked upon the people that were present and the Jews, he saw many of them in tears and he said unto the chief priests of the Jews, All the people do not desire his death. The elders of the Jews answered to Pilate, We and all the people carne hither for that very purpose, that he should die. Pilate saith unto them, Why should he die? They said unto him, because he declares himself to be the Son of God and a King.
Knight Companion, Pass on to the North.
KCN raises the Novice and proceeds to the pedestal of the KMN, where he is instructed to rap **** *** ** *.
Who comes here and what is yow-desire?
Novice reads from the card as before. KMN stands and says:
Then listen again to the ancient writ. Novice is again seated white the scrolls are read: But Nicodemus, a certain Jew, stood before the governor and said, I entreat thee O righteous judge, that thou would favour me with the liberty of speaking a few words. Pilate said unto him, Speak on. Nicodemus said, I spake to the elders of the Jews and the scribes and the priests and the Levites and all the multitude of the Jews in their assembly, What is it ye would do with this man who wrought many useful and glorious miracles, such as no man on earth has ever wrought before, nor will ever work. Let him go and do him no harm, if he cometh from God his miracles will continue, if from men, they will come to naught. Thus Moses, when he was sent by God into Egypt, wrought the miracles which God commanded him, before Pharaoh, King of Egypt, and though the magicians of that country, Jennes and Jambres, wrought by their magic the same miracles which Moses did, yet they could not work all which he did. And the miracles which the magicians wrought were not of God, as ye know O Scribes and Pharisees, but they that wrought them perished and all who believed them also. And now let this man go for the very miracles for which ye accuse him, are from God and he is not worthy of death.
The Jews then said to Nicodemus, Art thou become his disciple and making speeches in his favour? Nicodemus said unto them, Is the governor become his disciple also, and does he make speeches for him? Did not Caesar place him in that high post? When the Jews heard this they trembled and gnashed their teeth at Nicodemus and said unto him, Mayest thou receive his doctrine for truth and have thy lot with Christ? And he said, in truth, my lot is with him, as ye have said.
to the Novice: My Knight Companion, will you also have thy lot with Christ?
I will.
Then approach the High Altar and assume the Vow of this Order.
The KCN conducts the Novice to the altar on which there is a Crucifix. He kneels on both knees and places bath hands on the base of the Crucifix. The Vow is written on a small card and at the appropriate time he is told to read from it. The KMN gives * and all rise.
to the Novice: Worthy Novice, you will now recite the Vow which lies before you.
NOV reading from card:
I, ... Christian name only, in the name of Jesus the Crucified and the risen Lord of All, kneeling in the presence of this Body of Knights of the North, do solemnly vow that I will ever remember that Nicodemus accepted the doctrines of Jesus Christ and cast his lot with Him, even as now, so do I. I also vow that I will at all times obey the dictates of my inner heart and promote the religion of the Christ, advocate fellowship and support the New Law. Cand. rises and all sit.
Having assumed this Vow, you are now prepared to hear the New Philosophy of the World. Listen now, concerning Charity and Giving.
Once again the lessons of the points are read from prepared scrolls or manuscripts but on the passings in this section, the Knights of the Points remain seated white reading.
You give little of yourself when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. For what are your possessions but things that you keep and guard, fearing that you may need them tomorrow? What shall tomorrow bring to the overly prudent dog that buries his bones in the trackless sands as he follows pilgrims to the Holy City? And what is fear of need but fear itself? Is it not dread of thirst when your well is full, that makes thirst unquenchable? There are those who give little of the much that they have and they give for recognition and such is their poor spirit in the giving that it makes their gifts unwholesome. There are also those who have little but give it all. They are the believers in life and their coffers are never empty. There are those who give with joy and that joy is their reward and there are those who give with pain and that pain is their baptism. And there are those who give and do not know pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue. They give, as in yonder valley, the myrtle freely breathes its fragrance into the air. Through the hands of such as these, God speaks, and from behind their eyes, He smiles upon the Earth.
It bodes well to give when asked but it is better to give without the asking, through understanding. And to the open handed, the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving. And is there ought you would withhold? All you have, shall someday be lost to you, therefore give now, that the seasons of giving may belong to you and not your inheritors. You may say, I would give but only to the deserving. The trees of your orchard say not so, neither the flocks in your pastures. They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish. Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and nights, is worthy of receiving all else from you. And he who has deserved to drink from the great river of life, deserves to fill his cup in your little stream. And what desert greater shall there be, than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay, the charity of giving and receiving. And who are you to expect that other men should rend their bosoms and unveil their pride, that you may see their worth when naked and unabashed? Ensure first that you yourself deserve to be a giver and an instrument of giving. For in truth it is life that gives unto life, while you may deem yourself a giver, are hut a mere witness.
And you receivers, and we are all receivers, assume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay dependence not upon yourself but him who gives. Rather rise together with the giver, respectful of that which is given. For to be overmindful of your debt is to doubt the charity and generosity of the giver, who has as his Mother the freehearted Earth and God as his Father. Knight Companion, Pass on to the South. Does so.
Listen now concerning work and labour. Reading given as before.
You work that you may keep pace with the Earth and the soul of the Earth. For to be idle is to become a stranger to the seasons and to step out of life's procession that marches in majesty and proud submission towards the infinite. When you work you are as a flute, through which the whispering of the laboured hours turns to music. Which of you would be a reed, which without the flute, remains dumb and silent, while all others sing together in choral unison. Always you have been told that work is a curse and labour a misfortune but I say unto you that when you work you fulfill a part of Earth's furthest dream such as was assigned to you when that dream was born. And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life and to love life through labour is to be one with life's innermost secrets.
But, if you in your pain, call birth an affliction and the support of the flesh a curse written upon your brow, then I answer that naught but the sweat of your brow will wash away that which is written. You have also been told that life is darkness and in your weariness you echo what is said by the weary and I say that life is indeed darkness save when there is an urge and that all urges are blind except when there is work and all work is empty save when there is love and when you work with love, you bind yourself to yourself and to one another and to God.
And what is to work with love? It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from the heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth. It is to build a house with affection even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house. It is to sew seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruits of your labours. It is to charge all things you fashion with a breath of your own spirit and to know that all the blessed dead are attending about you and watching.
Often have I heard you say, as if speaking in your sleep, he who works in marble and finds the shape of his own in the stone, is nobler than he who tills the soil. And he who seizes the rainbow to lay it on canvas in the likeness of man, is more than he who makes the sandals for ow· feet. But I say, not in sleep but in the full wakefulness of noontide, that the wind speaks not more gently to the giant oaks that it does to the least of all the blades of grass it caresses and that he alone who turns the voice of the wind into the sweetest of songs through bis own loving, is surely the greatest of men. Work is love made visible and if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you leave you work and sit before the temple and seek alms of those who work for joy. For, if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter loaf that satisfies but half of a man's hunger, and if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distills a poison in the wine. If you sing as an angel but love not the singing, you muffle the ears of men to the voices of the day and the night. Knight Companion. Pass on to the West. Does so.
Listen now concerning Reason and Passion. Reading given as before.
Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield upon which your reason and judgment wage war with your passions and appetites. Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody. But how shall I accomplish this unless you yourself be a peacemaker, nay, the lover of all your elements? Your reason and your passion are the rudder and sails of your seafaring soul. If either sails or rudder are broken, you can but toss and drift upon the sea of Life, or else be held at a standstill in life. For reason ruling alone, is a force of confinement, and passions, if unattended, are but a flame that burns to destruction. Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion that it may sing. Let your soul direct your passions with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection and like the phoenix, rise above its own ashes.
I would have you consider your judgment and your appetites even as you would two loved guests in your house. Surely you would not honour one guest above the other, for he who is more mindful of one, Loses the love and faith of both. Among the hills, when you sit in the shade of the white poplars, sharing in the peace and serenity of distant fields and meadows, then let your heart say in silence, God rests in Reason, and when a storm comes and mighty winds shake the forest and the thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky, then let your heart say in awe, God moves in Passion. Since you are but a breath in God's sphere and a leaf in His forest, you also should rest in reason and move in passion. Knight Companion, Pass lastly to the East. Does so.
Listen finally, concerning our Philosophy on Buildings for Freemasons are interested in their symbolism. Reading given as before.
Build of your own imagination, a shelter in the wilderness where you build a house within the city walls. For even as you have home comings in your twilight, so has the wandering spirit of youth, been ever distant and alone. Your house is your larger body, it grows in the sun and sleeps in the stillness of the night and it is not dreamless, for in dreaming does it not leave the crowded and dusty city for a cool grove or hilltop? Would that I could gather houses into my hand and like a sower, scatter them in forest and meadow, would it be that the valleys were your streets and the green paths your alleys that you might seek one another through pleasant vineyards and come with the fragrance of nature upon your garments, But these things are not yet to be. In their fear, your forefathers gathered too near together and that fear shall endure, for longer shall the city walls separate your hearths from your fields. And tell me, what do you have in these houses? What do you guard with fastened doors? Do you have peace, that quiet urge that reveals your power? Do you have remembrances, those glimmering arches that span the summits of the mind? Have you beauty, that essence which leads the heart from things fashioned from wood and stone to the holy mountain? Tell me, have you these things in your houses? Or, have you only comfort and the lust for comfort, that stealthy desire that enters the house as a guest and then becomes the host and finally the master? The need for comfort vanquishes you with hook and scourge and makes puppets of your genuine desires. Though its tendrils be of silk, its heart is of iron. It lulls you to sleep only to stand by your body and jeer at the dignity of the flesh, It makes a mockery of your senses of speech and thought and lays them in confusion in a bed of thistledown like fragile vessels. Truly, the lust for comfort kills the passions of the soul and then walks with a knowing smile in the funeral procession.
But you, children of space, you who are the restless at rest, you shall not be trapped nor beaten down. Your house shall not be as an anchor but as a mast. It shall not be an insidious glistening film that prevents clear sight of things but an eyelid that protects the seeing eye. you shall not fold your wings that you may pass through the narrow doors of pride and vanity, nor shall you bend your heads that they may not strike the beams of avarice. Nor fear to breath for fear of knocking down the walls of pretense. You shall not dwell in tombs made by the dead for the living and though of magnificence and splendour, your house shall not hold secrets nor harbour longings. For that which is boundless in you, abides in the mansion in the sky, whose door is the morning mist, whose windows are songs and whose walls are the darkness of night. This, my Knight Companion, completes your enlightenment within this Chamber; pass now to the ruler of the host, the Knight Master of the North, for the accolade. Done.
My Knight Companion, you have received the instructions of the Chamber of Enlightenment, you have learned that the North is NOT a place of darkness, you have heard the ancient knowledge and the new philosophy and you have taken your Vow.
Let the Novice be escorted to the Altar and made to kneel upon his left knee.
KCN does so and all rise without direction. The KMN leaves his pedestal and takes the sword in his right hand. He wields the sword over the altar:
I now, by virtue of the high powers in me vested, dub sword on the right shoulder and create sword on the left shoulder you, a Knight of the North, enlightened and informed concerning our sacred mysteries. Arise Sir Knight ….
The sign of the Order is made by pointing with your left hand, first to the South and then to the North. Those standing in the South will first point downwards, while those standing in the North will point downwards secondly. Those standing in the East and West will point to the other cardinal points in turn. The Sacred Word is NICODEMUS to whom the Order is dedicated. Wear this rose upon your sash. It is a symbol of secrecy, therefore what you have learned here is under the rose or sub rosa and must remain so.
You may now be seated among the Knights. The KMN returns to his pedestal then the KCN conducts the new Kt. to a vacant place in the North and then resumes his station.
If a Meeting of Knights of the South is now to be convened, the KMS assumes control, if not then:



Knights of the North, to your knees. The Knights of the Points rise, step from behind their pedestals and take one step to the right. As they do so the remaining Knights rise and when all are standing the KCN says Kneel. All do so together, kneeling upon the left knee.
Join with me in reciting the Lord's Prayer.
Done, after which the KCN says:
Arise. After all have risen, the Knights of the Points assume their pedestals and having done so, all sit together.
KMS: ***.
KMW: **.
KME: *.
Knights of the North, you are dismissed.
