Future Farmers of America
State FFA Degree Ceremony


State President, raps for attention: We shall proceed with the degree ceremonies.
Mr./Mdm. Secretary, what have you to report concerning candidates eligible for this degree?

State Secretary:
I am pleased to submit the names of … number candidates who have been selected by the State Executive Committee to receive the State FFA Degree.
State President:
Our constitution sets up minimum qualifications which must be met before candidates are eligible for election to this degree. Mr./Mdm. Advisor, have you carefully examined and reviewed the records of these candidates?
State Advisor:
I have, Mr./Mdm. President, and have found all candidates fully qualified.
State President:
We will now proceed to raise these members to the State FFA Degree.
Will the candidates please rise?

State Sentinel:
The State FFA Degree is the highest degree our state association can bestow. Some of you will one day earn the coveted golden key of the American FFA Degree. We urge you to maintain throughout your adult lives the same enthusiasm and dedication that you bring to this ceremony today.
State Reporter:
It is a great honor to be nominated for the State FFA Degree. It is still a greater honor to be selected for this degree by your fellow members of the … FFA Association.
State Treasurer:
Your new achievement brings you greater honors as well as additional responsibilities. You have widened the field of your service and influence in the strengthening of agriculture, the most basic industry of our nation.
State Vice President:
You have been urged to advance toward higher degrees in the FFA. We commend you for your accomplishments and encourage you to work toward new and higher goals in our organization and in your chosen occupation.
State President:
In meeting the requirements of the Greenhand and Chapter FFA Degrees, you were told that the golden charm of the State FFA Degree was awaiting you. The bronze emblem of the Greenhand gave way to the silver emblem of the Chapter FFA Degree which now has evolved into that golden charm. This is symbolic of growth and development in your chosen occupation. May the permanence of the rare and golden qualities of the emblem be a constant
reminder of the strength of your education and the worthiness of your achievement.
Therefore, on behalf of the … FFA Association, I confer upon you the State FFA Degree with its honors and privileges, and present to you this charm, the emblem of the degree.

The Secretary will read the names of the newly elected State FFA Degree recipients who will come forward to receive their charms; each recipient is congratulated by the state officers. All return to their seats.
State President:
Please be seated. Will the officers return to their stations?