Junior Order of United American Mechanics
Initiation Ritual – Degree of Patriotism


Degree of Patriotism
Lecture Form

You are surrounded by those who, like yourself, were born in this land of exceptional opportunity – a great privilege that brings with it a great responsibility. For just a few moments let us place our thoughts on men and events that have combined to make our country glorious.
Groaning under burdens that were unjust, and yet hesitating as to the course to be pursued, the thirteen original colonies were roused to vigorous action when
Patrick Henry
the Fire Brand of the American Revolution, made the rafters and pews of old St. John's Church resound with his defiant ultimatum: "Give me liberty or give me death!" This is our sentiment and I trust it is yours. Patrick Henry realized fully what such a stand by the colonies would mean to them, yet he said: "All America is thrown into one mass. Where are your landmarks, your boundaries of colonies? The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Jerseymen, New Yorkers and New Englanders are no more. I am not a Virginian, but an 'American.'" Are you? Are we? Let us keep this ever in mind, to the end that we may be members worthy of our Order. In his day Patrick Henry served his country well. Will the same be said of us when we have passed away? It is not given to us to serve as did Patrick Henry, but there is work for all; and in this day it is just as important as it was in Patrick Henry's. God grant that we shall be faithful and measure up to our responsibility.
The colonists responded to the call of the Fire Brand. Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill quickly followed. The Gordian knot had been cut, the Rubicon had been crossed; we were at war with our mother country.
Who should lead our skeleton armies and show us the way to victory? The assembled wisdom of the colonies, in session at Philadelphia, said that leader should be
George Washington
and he essayed the task, trusting in God to guide, direct and control his every action. Time will not permit us to follow him through those seven years of conflict, but history tells us that, under God, the sword of Washington carved out for us the country that we are proud to call our own. Ponder on this: During the darkest hour of the young, struggling nation there issued from the tent of Washington the command that should be the inspiration and object of such an Order as ours: "Put none but Americans on guard tonight." My brother, this command applies to you and to us, and to the events of our day, with the same force as to those loyal men who stood amid the snows of Valley Forge. The enemies of our country were then openly in arms to subdue us; now they are all around us, seeking to subdue us by another means, and we should "put none but Americans on guard" at all times and in all places. Really this is the great object of our Order, and it is distressing that so many of our people forget and actually assist in placing others than "Americans on guard." My brother, let me beg that you be thoughtful and faithful, holding fast the liberty that is yours by heritage and that you are to pass on, unimpaired. to generations yet unborn.
The last gun had boomed at Yorktown, the battle flags had been furled and Washington had retired to private life, to engage in the peaceful pursuit of agriculture. However, a grateful people would not have it so, and with one voice they called him to the service of the young nation, where his task was perhaps more exacting than in the years from Lexington to Yorktown. As the first President of the United States he looked far ahead, and bade us "beware of foreign influence."
Are we today following his sage advice?
Again he expressed himself: "I wish there were no foreigners among us save the Marquis de Lafayette." At that early day he could see the numbers of illiterate foreigners that are now rolling in upon us, and he was solicitous for the future of the country for which he had fought.
After Washington had retired to private life
Thomas Jefferson
the sage of Monticello and author of the Declaration of Independence, with the same range of vision and with the same solicitude for his country, wrote: "I wish there were an ocean of fire between this country and the Old World." My brother, if he longed for an "ocean of fire" in those early days, what should be the desire and the action of every American today, when those who would destroy our institutions are reaching us in great numbers each year? This Order says that immigration should be restricted; that anarchy should be rooted out; that the ballot should be sacred; that the Public Schools should be upheld; that the Bible should be reverenced; that our Flag must be revered and our American Sunday preserved. In this work you have enlisted and it is hoped that you will prove yourself valiant in the battle, doing all you can to keep "Americans on guard" and to make the "ocean of fire" as real as legislative enactment can make it.
Patrick Henry, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson believed in Americanism, and we must thank them for their work and their advice. But the vast stretch of years removes them far from us, and I now wish to bring your thoughts nearer to our day. There came a time when the horrid war clouds spread over our fair land and strife drenched the earth with blood.
On one of the battlefields of that awful struggle a great company gathered, and while guns boomed elsewhere, and brother sought the life "of brother on other fields, a man of ungainly figure arose to address his people, and to dedicate a portion of that field as the last resting place of the men who had bathed its soil with their life's blood.
At Gettysburg
Abraham Lincoln
the Great Emancipator, first martyred President and Preserver of the Union, said: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it as a final resting place for those who gave their lives that that nation might live. It
is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or to detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we may say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought have thus so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us-that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion-that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not. have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
My brother, it was not given to Abraham Lincoln to occupy "a place in the picture nigh the flashing of the guns"; he was not understood nor appreciated till the bullet of fanaticism had laid him low, but the years that have passed have stamped him as a man of great heart, gifted with a perception well nigh prophetic, and a range of vision that was truly marvelous. Brother, can you not follow such a man, such an American, and will you not remember that there will be times when you and I will be called upon to contribute a "full measure of devotion," if we would be worthy of the name American? Aye, my brother, you as well as we are "dedicated here to the unfinished work'' of preserving our country, defending its constitution, upholding its laws, cherishing its traditions, perpetuating its institutions.
The war ended; peace again reigned, but passion and prejudice died hard. In this contingency a great man wrote a great message; the commander of the unsuccessful army gave to his people, and to all, golden advice. The great Christian soldier,
Robert E. Lee
penned this lofty sentiment: "Remember, we are all one people now. Dismiss from your minds all sectional prejudices, and bring up your children, above all, to be Americans." Like Patrick Henry, he could, and did, look beyond the lines of his own State; he could, and did, realize that the great National life must come first, if the Nation was to prove a blessing to the world.
My brother, can you not trust yourself to be guided by Patrick Henry, the Fire Brand of the
American Revolution; by George Washington, the Father of His Country; by Thomas Jefferson, the Sage of Monticello; by Abraham Lincoln, the Preserver of the Union, and by Robert E. Lee, the Immortal Sleeper of Lexington? I think your judgment answers "yes," and that you realize now, as perhaps never before, what it really means to be in truth and in deed an American.

Degree of Patriotism
Military Form

When Councilor directs candidate to retire, he will present to him a copy of the Constitution and Laws of the Order, wrapped in a small American Flag, later referred to as "credentials."
The Council chamber will be arranged to represent a military camp at night under the command of a Captain, at least one Lieutenant, Sergeant of the Guard, Corporal of the Guard and eight Privates. One tent will be erected near the Recording Secretary's desk, representing Guard House, and one tent will be erected near the Financial Secretary's desk for the Captain.
Six sentries to be posted as follows: One in the ante-room, one at the inner door, and four on patrol post to be known as Posts 1, 2, 3 and 4. The sentinel at the inner door (Inside Sentinel) will be Post 5, and the sentinel in the ante-room (Outside Sentinel) will be Post 6.
The floor drill of guards and manual of arms to be governed ~- by instructions of "Corrected Infantry Drill Regulations, U. S. Army."
Brother Conductor, you will retire and ascertain if there is any person in waiting to be initiated.
Conductor retires without form and returns without form and reports:
Brother Councilor, I find Brother … in the ante-room, who desires to be instructed in the mysteries of Patriotism.
Brother Conductor, you will now retire to the ante-room and conduct Brother … to a place of privacy while the guard arranges for his reception.
Conductor retires, takes charge of the candidate, the guard is formed in the ante-room or at the lower end of the Council room in front of the Vice Councilor's station. The Captain will march the guard to a position of Company Front, facing the Councilor.
Brother Councilor, the Guard is ready to perform its duties.
Councilor, addressing all present:
My brothers, we are about to receive and instruct a brother in the mysteries of Patriotism. Let the proceedings be conducted with the utmost order and propriety. Let nothing rude or improper be done. Let everything tend to deepen our devotion, thus making a deep and lasting impression upon those who are admitted to this degree. Captain, post your guard.
Lieutenant, take charge of the Guard.
Lieutenant inspects the rifles and equipment.
Corporal, post the Guard.
Corporal posts guard as before mentioned. Remaining guards posted at guard house. When more than eight Privates are available, two are posted at Captain's tent. Bugler blows taps, lights gradually lowered to almost darkness. After the bugle call, Post 6 will give one rap on the outer door or private room as a signal to the Conductor to enter the anteroom with the candidate. Outer door must be closed and locked, and as Conductor approaches the guard on Post 6.
Post 6:
Halt! Who's there?
A brother in Virtue and Liberty who desires to enlist under the Banner of Patriotism.
Post 6:
Remain standing where you are. Corporal of the Guard, Post 6.
Each sentry will repeat the call, the Corporal of the Guard will go direct to Post 6, being challenged by Post 5.
Post 6:
Halt! Who's there?
Corporal of the Guard.
Post 6:
Advance, Corporal, and give the countersign.
Sign given.
Post 6:
Corporal, these men claim to be brothers in Virtue and Liberty and desire to enlist under the Banner of Patriotism.
Are you a brother in Virtue and Liberty? Have you fully considered the teachings of these degrees? Do you still desire to be instructed in the mysteries of Patriotism? Have you anything in your possession to show that you are entitled to receive this degree?
The Conductor will here deliver the credentials – Constitution, By-Laws and American Flag.
I will take charge of these.
Corporal then returns to the Council chamber, leaving the inner door open, delivers credentials to Lieutenant for examination. During this time the Conductor will instruct the candidate to enter the Council room. In his attempt to enter, he is challenged at the door by Post 5.
The Lieutenant directs the Corporal to deliver the credentials to Post 5, with instructions to relay them to headquarters.
Corporal to Post 5:
The Officer of the Guard orders you to take these credentials to headquarters.
The Sentry on Post 5 becomes confused between the duty of guarding the prisoner and obeying the orders of his superior. He finally obeys the latter and enters the ante-room on his way to headquarters. This leaves the candidate unguarded.
The Conductor will instruct the candidate to enter the room and walk around the outer edge of the room until halted. The candidate will walk around the room unnoticed until he comes to Post 4, who will come to a charge and say:
Post 4:
Halt! Who's there? Have you the pass? Corporal of the Guard, Post 4.
This call to be repeated by Posts 3, 2 and 1. The Corporal goes unaccompanied to Post 4.
Post 4:
Halt! Who's there?
Corporal of the Guard.
Post 4:
Advance, Corporal, and give the countersign.
Corporal gives sign.
Corporal, I found this man within our lines without the pass.
Corporal to candidate:
Have you the pass?
You are under arrest.
The Corporal will conduct the prisoner to the Guard House.
Sergeant, the sentry on Post 4 found this stranger within our lines without the pass.
The Sergeant orders the guards at the tent to guard the prisoner, which they do by standing at each side of the prisoner with their rifles at a charge.
Lieutenant, this man was found \\ithin our lines by the sentry on Post 4 and he has no pass.
Sergeant, search the prisoner.
The Sergeant searches the prisoner and the papers are found. No part of the candidate’s clothing to be removed.
Sergeant to Lieutenant:
Sir, these papers were found on his person.
Lieutenant to prisoner:
Can you explain this? Shows paper.
Other questions will depend on answers.
Sergeant, place this man in the Guard House.
When a number of candidates are to be initiated, each of the first three pass through the above-mentioned proceedings before ceremonies are continued. Other candidates may be placed in Council room to observe.
Captain, this man was found wandering through our camp without the pass.
He was placed under arrest and upon being searched these papers which seem to be treasonable were found upon his person.
Papers are handed to Captain.
I think it best that this man be tried at once. I appoint you, Lieutenant, Sergeant and Corporal on the trial board. You will now prepare the Court.
The Lieutenant will direct an orderly to place a drum, table or chair in front of the Captain's tent. The Captain will assume the position of President of the Court. Around him will sit the other members of the Trial Board.
Have the prisoner brought in.
The Sergeant will direct a detail to bring the prisoner before the Court.
Captain to prisoner:
Sir, you have been found wandering through our camp and upon being searched these papers were found upon your person. Have you anything to say? These papers contain a plan of our works and other matters of a secret and important nature. Being found in your possession and you having been found wandering through our camp is sufficient evidence of your guilt.
Captain consults privately with other members of the Trial Board.
Captain, addressing prisoner: Prisoner, you have been found guilty of being a spy and the sentence bf the Court is that you be shot at sunrise. To Lieutenant: Lieutenant, take charge of the prisoner and see that the sentence of the Court is carried out.
Lieutenant orders Corporal to collect the guards. Conductor blindfolds the candidate and places him at the head of the procession. Captain walks behind the prisoner to the place of execution. The procession marches around the room once or twice. Arriving· at the place of execution, the Conductor and Chaplain will swing out of line with the prisoner and place him in a kneeling position near the Councilor's station. The Guard continues to the opposite end of the room and then by a flank movement are brought into a company front about eight paces in front of the prisoner.
Prisoner, have you anything to say before the sentence of the Court is carried out? To Guards: Ready, Load, Aim.
While these commands are given, a sound like a galloping horse coming from a distance is made in the ante-room. The Corporal of the Guard stands directly in front of the inner door.
Lieutenant, some one is coming.
Blinkers on candidate opened.
Halt him.
Corporal shouts:
Corporal again shouts:
Halt or I fire.
Upon receiving no reply, the Corporal fires a blank cartridge and a messenger (Post 5-Inside Sentinel) rushes in with the credentials and falling to the floor between the guard and prisoner.
Inside Sentinel:
Hold! This is no spy, neither is he a traitor to our Country. He had in his possession this Flag, the Flag of our Country, also a copy of the Constitution of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, which is an evidence of his patriotism. I will vouch for his loyalty and integrity and ask that he be released from these bonds to become with us a brother in Patriotism.
The Lieutenant brings the guard to "Order Arms." The Captain secures credentials and delivers them to the Councilor. The Captain orders the dead sentinel removed. Stretcher bearers approach, place dead sentinel on stretcher and carry him to Headquarters tent. Bearers return to position in rank.
Through the sacrifice of the Sentinel on Post 5, you have been spared to become with us a Brother in Patriotism, a title of which, I trust, you may never prove unworthy. Captain, you will release our Brother in Virtue and Liberty who has shown that he deserves the further title of "Brother in Patriotism."
Conductor removes blinkers and causes candidate to stand.
Brother Conductor, you will conduct our brother in Patriotism to the ante-room and thence here again for final instructions.
Lieutenant turns over command to Captain, who marches Guard once around the room to a position in front of the Councilor's station at "Present Arms."
Brother Councilor, your commands have been duly executed.
Captain, you may now dismiss your Guard.
Captain orders squad to remove tents, paraphernalia, etc., and to rearrange the Council room furniture to its proper position. Captain then retires to ante-room with the Guard, where they are dismissed.
When the Council room has been properly arranged, the Conductor will enter without form with the candidate and approach the Altar.
Brother Councilor, I take pleasure in introducing to you this Brother in Virtue, Liberty and Patriotism for final instructions.
My brother, the scene through which you have just passed is not without its lesson. Every American should be a soldier, if capable, and at all times on guard to protect our Country from its enemies. We find them all around us; we find many of them seeking to exclude the Bible from our Public Schools; seeking to pass laws providing that the language taught in our schools shall be some other than English, and we find them sowing the seeds of anarchy and discord. The American people have no room for those who teach or practice such doctrines.
The Public School we look upon with pride, for therein is the future and the strength of the Nation. We place our Flag over it and thus instill into the hearts of the children their first lesson in Patriotism. It is the care which the Government, illustrated by the Flag, bestows upon the education of the people.
Brother Conductor, you will now invest the brother with the regalia of our Order.
Wear it as an emblem of honor. In the name of this Brotherhood, I charge you to guard and defend it. Its colors are those of our Country's Flag-the red, the white and the blue. May they teach you to cultivate the courage necessary to defend it when attacked; may you have faith in the purity of your mission and may you ever be true to the lessons here taught. Courage, Purity and Fidelity are the lessons of our colors.
Councilor will call up Council with * *.
The following song is sung.

My country! T’is of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrim’s pride,
From every mountain side
Let freedom ring.
Having thus far progressed and trusting that the lessons of our ritual have made their impressions upon your heart, it remains for me to more fully explain the purposes of our Order. In the first place, I would say, "Our Country" is our motto; "Principles, not men," our creed. Our forefathers have warned us to "beware of foreign influence," and, as sons of such noble sires, we should look to the defense of our Flag and the protection of our Public School system, which has ever been a target for the attack of those whose rule and power depend upon the ignorance of the masses.
The emblem of our Order is the Square and Compass, Arm and Hammer, encircled by a Shield, but in some jurisdictions the emblem of the Order is the Square and Compass, Bible and Public School, encircled by a Shield.
The Square
is emblematic of our desire to have our lives and actions toward our fellow men equal and just in all things.
The Compass
is emblematic of our desire to so circumscribe the laws of our Country and the rule of our lives that nothing which would ruin the one or degrade the other may enter into our treatment as a Nation of other Nations and that all of our actions as individuals may be so rounded and complete as to form a perfect circle of uniform conduct.
The Arm
is emblematic of power and strength, and our desire is to show that our arm will always be raised in defense of that which is right and descend with crushing power upon evil in every form.
The Hammer
is emblematic of the means we use to divest ourselves of those faults and frailties which so often cause trouble and discord where only friendship and brotherly love should prevail.
The Bible
Used only by the Fraternal Patriotic Americans of Pennsylvania.
is emblematic of our belief in a Supreme Being. We believe that the Bible is a non-sectarian book containing the purest code of morals ever revealed or discovered by man. We also believe from its literary, logical, moral and political excellence that it is of supernatural or divine origin.
The School
Used only by Fraternal Patriotic Americans of Pennsylvania.
is emblematic of our devotion to the American Public School System and to compulsory education thereunder. We hold that our Schools should be conducted in the English language to the end that future generations may be able to take their places as English-speaking citizens of an English-speaking Country, and that foreign languages should only be taught therein as incidental to liberal education.
The Shield
is emblematic of the protection which is accorded the individual in the exercise of his liberties by our form of government. It also typifies the purposes for which this organization stands to shield American institutions and American citizens from every menacing evil.
I will now instruct you in the signs and words peculiar to our Order.
On approaching the outer door, you will give two raps, which will call the attention of the Outside Sentinel, to whom you will give the password.
The Conductor will whisper the password to the candidate.

This password being correct, you will be admitted to the ante-room. You will then clothe yourself with the regalia of your rank; advance to the inner door and give three raps, which will call the attention of the Inside Sentinel, to whom you will give your name and rank and also the name and number of the Council to which you belong, which is ….
The Inside Sentinel will report you to the Vice Councilor, and after he has been instructed to admit you, he will again place his ear to the wicket and you will give him the explanation to the password, The Conductor will whisper the explanation of the password to the candidate which, if correct, will admit you to the Council Chamber. You will then advance to the center of the room, always moving at right angles, to the Altar, and salute the flag by giving the regulation United States Army military salute. Drop your hand to your side, then give the Councilor the countersign, which is made by placing the right hand to the heart, then drop the hand to the side, which means that your heart and hand are enlisted in the cause. This will be answered by the same sign, after which you will take your seat.
Wishing to retire while the Council is in session, you will advance to the Altar, face the Vice Councilor, who sits at the opposite end of the room, and give him the c0untersign. The Vice Councilor will answer by the same sign. Then you are at liberty to retire. Under no circumstances are you to pass between the Councilor's station and the Altar when the Council is in business session.
Wishing to make the acquaintance of a member of the Order, you will give the hailing sign by using the right hand first and second fingers extended, the third and fourth fingers and thumb closed in the palm of the hand, placing the first and second fingers over the right eye, then drawing the fingers to the right as though wiping out the eye, then drop the hand to the side.
A member seeing you give the hailing sign will answer with the recognition sign by using left hand with the second , third and fourth fingers closed in the palm of the hand, then take hold of the lobe of the left ear with the first finger and thumb, then drop the hand to the side.
The grip, which is only to be used as a test of membership, and not for promiscuous handshaking, is made: by clasping the right hands with thumbs parallel. The index finger touching the pulse and the little finger interlocked.
Should you need help, you are at liberty to give the sign of distress by grasping the left wrist with the right hand, back of both hands upward, then drop both hands to the side.
A member seeing you give this sign will answer by grasping the right wrist with the left hand, back of both hands upward, then drop both hands to the side and come to your assistance.
Should you need assistance and, in a position to be heard and not seen, you will give the signal of distress, which is given by pronouncing the word ‘America’.
Any member hearing this signal will give you the answer by pronouncing the words ‘our country’ and come to your assistance.
In voting in the Council, the usual show of the Order is called for, which is the elevation of the left hand, and is given thus by the elevation of the left hand, forming a square.
In the use of the gavel, one rap demands order and seats the Council when standing, two raps calls up the Council.
Councilor gives two raps, calling up the Council. Members form a circle.
Around you stands a band of brothers all alike sacredly pledged. This band must never be severed by treachery.
Brothers, will you enlarge your circle to admit new members?
We will.
Prepare, then, for accession to your ranks.
The newly initiated brothers will be placed in the circle. The Councilor, Chaplain, Vice Councilor and Junior Past Councilor approach the Altar. The following Ode will be sung:

Welcome brother, welcome ever,
To this social friendly band,
Nothing can the bonds dissever
Which unite us heart and hand.
Here we meet thee, here we greet thee,
With united heart and hand.
Brothers, are you satisfied with this new link in our chain of brotherhood?
We are.
Then, with clasped and uplifted hands, let us in unison repeat the Freeman's Oath:
Junior Past Councilor and Chaplain clasp right hands over Bible and Altar. Councilor and Vice Councilor clasp right hands above the hands of the Junior Past Councilor and Chaplain and across the Altar. Councilor facing Chaplain's station, the Chaplain facing the Vice Councilor's station, the Vice Councilor facing the Junior Past Councilor's station and the Junior Past Councilor facing the Councilor's station.

To perpetuate Freedom, to preserve the American Union, to strengthen and extend our Public School system and to oppose the political power of all denominations and organizations who are opposed to our system of government and to the future welfare of the American Republic, I pledge my life, my fortune and my sacred honor.
Almighty God! unto whom all hearts are open, and from whom no secrets are hid, we implore Thy blessing upon this, our fellow member, who has just assumed a high and responsible obligation, and whose influence is henceforth to be united with ours in the noble purpose of this organization. Grant unto him strength needful for the performance of these duties. Bless us in this addition to our numbers and influence, and may this Order prove a great blessing to this Country and an honor to Thy great name, to whom be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
The Councilor returns to his station and gives one rap, seating the Council. The Conductor will place the newly initiated brother before the Altar.
Brother Conductor, you will now teach our brother how to work his way out of and into the Council room in proper form.
The Conductor will instruct the candidate how to give the countersign to the Vice Councilor and they will retire.
In the ante-room the Conductor will explain to the brother how to work in a way into the Council beginning at the outer door.
If a number of candidates are to be received, the Warden will detain them near the inner door until all have been admitted. They will then advance to the Altar, salute the Flag and give the countersign, which will be answered by the Councilor.
Brother …, I am pleased to receive and welcome you to membership in … Council, No. …. The lessons of the evening were intended to be impressed upon your mind in a serious manner. We trust that the influence of your membership in our Council will be such as to add strength and dignity and that to you will accrue the satisfaction of being a member worthy of the honor. You are now entitled to all the rights and privileges provided under the By-Laws of this Order and I trust you will be tireless in your efforts to promote with us the interest of our great fraternity. You may now be seated.

The Councilor will give one rap.
Brother Financial Secretary, report the receipts of the evening and the Recording Secretary will make a record of the same upon the minutes. F.S. makes itemized report of totals and report names of delinquent members.
Brother Inside Sentinel, you will inform the Outside Sentinel that I am about to close this Council, and direct him to admit no one to the ante-room unless otherwise ordered.
Inside Sentinel, opens door:
Brother Outside Sentinel, the Councilor is about to close this Council. Admit no one to the ante-room unless otherwise directed closes door. Brother Councilor, your order has been obeyed.
Councilor: * *.
O Lord, we thank Thee for Thy presence this evening and for the fraternal spirit that has prevailed in our midst. As we now depart may it be with the consciousness that Thy Spirit will lead us and Thy Providence protect us until we assemble again. Permit no harm to come to any of our number. May we carry with us the good influence of our Council and some day meet in that Great Council where all is love and death never comes. We offer this prayer in the name of our Advocate. Amen.
Conductor advances to Councilor's station, takes the Flag from right of the Councilor and advances to the center of room in front of Altar. Members will salute the Flag and repeat in unison the Pledge, led by the Vice Councilor:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice to all."
We will sing the Closing Ode:

Closing Ode

Let us now end our labors, in peace now depart,
But work for our order with hand and with heart,
And when from earth's scenes we are called to remove,
May we meet in that Council, the Heaven of Love,
Home, home, sweet sweet home,
Our Council is pleasant,
But 'tis not like home.
Conductor then cases Flag.
Brother Warden, collect the Private Work and Ode Cards and deliver the same to me.
The Warden collects Rituals, Odes, etc. and bears them to the Councilor.
Brother Conductor, you will attend the Altar.
The Conductor will remove the Emblem, Bible and Flag from the Altar.
Brother Councilor, your order has been obeyed .
I now declare this Council closed until … evening at … o'clock, unless a special meeting should be duly called and members notified thereof. Brother Inside Sentinel, inform the Outside Sentinel that this Council is closed. Direct him to open the door and permit the Brothers to depart.
Inside Sentinel, opens door:
Brother Outside Sentinel, the Council is closed. Brother Councilor, your order has been obeyed.
The Councilor gives one rap and the Council is closed.