Progressive Endowment Guild of America
Initiation Ritual


Opening Ceremony
The Governor will give one rap with the gavel, and say:
I am about to open this Chapter of the Progressive Endowment Guild of America for transaction of business. If any present are not members they will please retire. The officers will take their respective stations. Warden, you will now take the correct password, and satisfy yourself that all present are entitled to the privileges of this Chapter.
The Warden will give the password to the Governor, and then take it in ;urn from each person present; then addressing the Governor, will say:
Governor, I find the officers occupying their proper positions, and all present entitled to remain with us.
The Chaplain will now invoke the Divine Blessing.
The Governor will give three raps with the gavel.
Almighty God, Creator and Ruler of the Universe, we thank Thee for Thy kind care and protection extended to us since last we met as members of this Guild. Enable us by Thy wisdom to faithfully discharge the duties now before us. May our fraternity enjoy Thy heavenly benediction, and Thy name shall receive all praise. Amen.
I now declare … Chapter, No. …, of the Progressive Endowment Guild of America in session, and ready to transact all business and work devolving upon it.
Brother Warden, you will learn if any candidates are in waiting, and if so, return and report their names.
Governor, I find … in waiting for admission into our Chapter.
Brother Secretary, has this candidate (or have these candidates) been duly elected to membership in this Chapter.
He has (or they have), Governor.
Have all fees and assessments required of a candidate been paid?
If they have not been paid, the Secretary will retire to the anteroom and collect them. After payment, or if already paid, the Secretary will say:
Governor, the fees and assessments have all been paid.
Brothers, we are about to perform the work of initiation, and during the same no one will be permitted to enter or retire. Brother Warden, retire and conduct the candidates to our Vice-Governor.
Brother Vice-Governor, permit me to present you candidates … for admission into our Guild.
My friend, you stand here seeking admission into our fraternity; but before you can become one of us we must know if it is your intention to be actuated by its principles and to be governed by its laws. You are required, therefore, to take upon yourself the obligation of our Guild, and it is my privilege to assure you that it will in no manner interfere with the duties you owe to yourself, your family, your Country, or your God. Are you willing to proceed?
The candidate signifying his readiness, the V.G. continues:
Brother Warden, you will now present the candidates to our Past Governor, who will administer the obligation of the Guild.
At the request of the Vice-Governor, I take pleasure in presenting to you the candidates.
Past Governor:
Raise your right hand, palm forward, and repeat after me, using your name where I use mine:
I, …, do promise and declare that I will support and obey the Constitution and Laws of the PROGRESSIVE ENDOWMENT GUILD OF AMERICA, enacted by the Supreme Chapter, and the By-Laws of this or any other Subordinate Chapter of which I may become a member. I will do all in my power to promote the growth and to advance the interest of this Guild. I will not wrong a member of the Guild, nor suffer it to be done by others, if in my power to prevent. I will not communicate the private business of the Guild, nor reveal the password to any one who is not entitled to receive the same. I will consider this pledge binding upon me, even though I shall cease to be a member of the Guild.
I pledge my sacred honor to the true and faithful performance of this my obligation. Amen.
Brother Warden, present now this candidate (or these candidates) to our Governor for instructions.
My friend, you have thus far done well, in that you have signified your willingness to be governed by our principles.
We are one in our aims to help carry each other's burdens, and it is my pleasant duty to say to you that if you accept our teachings, following the dictates of an honest heart, you can but contemplate with pleasure the benefits you and those dependent upon you may derive from your association with out Guild. We believe that you feel impelled to steadfastly discharge every duty implied in the practice of our motto, "Progress, Justice, and Benevolence," which unite ns in bonds of brotherly kindness. The conception of our Guild is to give a life benefit to our members at the expiration of ten years, or previously, a death benefit to their families and those dependent upon them, and last, but not least, to render comfort and assistance to our members in time of sickness or disability. These features, noble and far-reaching in their aims, though distinctly our own in their combination, are based upon sound and safe investments and laws of finance that have governed mutual cooperative associations for more than a century past. Fraternal beneficial organizations are no longer an experiment; but there is one important requisite, namely, acquisition of new members. This, my friend, you must bear in mind.
By your endeavors to add members to the Guild you will not only keep your pledge to promote its growth and welfare, but at the same time confer a favor upon every person you may influence to join us.
Our regular monthly assessment is payable on the first day of each month, without the usual assessment notice, and, if unpaid on the last day of any one month, the suspension from membership and all rights and benefits in the Guild must take place, according to the laws of the Supreme Chapter. This is a matter to which I wish to call your attention, and which it would be well to impress upon your mind.
Having explained to you our aims and rules, I will now instruct you in the private work of the Guild. When approaching the door leading to the Chapter room give one distinct rap to attract the attention of the Guard, who will then open the door and require of you the correct password, which is changed annually by the Supreme Governor of the Guild.
The present password is …. This will admit you to the Chapter, when you will advance to the altar and salute the Governor thus …, who will respond in like manner, and you will be seated. Should you wish to retire while the Chapter is in session, you will salute the Governor with the same sign, and, if in order, he will respond, and you may retire. It will not be in order to enter or leave the room during opening or closing of the Chapter, during initiation, while a motion is being put, a vote taken, or a member speaking.
You will address all officers by their titles and members as brothers.
Warden, you will now conduct our brother to the Secretary's desk to sign the roll, and then return to this chair.
This being done, the Warden will say:
Governor, the roll has been properly signed.
Brother, the gavel is the emblem of authority; its sounds are imperative and should be promptly obeyed. One rap calls the Chapter or a member to order. Three raps calls up the Chapter. Two raps seats the Chapter when standing. You will now face the Vice-Governor gives three raps.
Officers and members, it affords me pleasure to introduce to you our new member, Brother …. May he ever be and remain worthy of our esteem and fraternal affection. I ask that you now greet our brother with a warm welcome, and I declare a short recess for this purpose.
G.: No further business appearing, I am now about to close this Chapter the Governor giving three raps. I thank you all for your presence, and the officers for their kind assistance.
Let us all actively endeavor to increase the membership of our Chapter and promote the welfare of the Guild. The Warden will collect the Rituals and other property of the Chapter. I now declare this Chapter closed until … night at … o'clock.
