Rituaal voor de installatie als Knight of the Holy Sepulchre
Deze engelse versie van dit rituaal dateert uit 1996. In Nederland wordt een nederlandse vertaling gebruikt die overeenstemt met deze versie.
Form of opening a Sanctuary
The Knights, other than those
taking part in the procession, assemble in the Sanctuary and are seated.
The Marshal forms the procession: Deputy Marshal, Captain of the Guards,
Guards (in pairs), Sub-Prior and Prior, Seneschal, Standard-Bearer with
Standard, Marshal, Prelate.
Dep.Mar.: Brother
Knights, to order to receive the Right Reverend Prelate.
All rise; the procession
enters, forms an avenue and halts.
C. of G.: Knights
of the Guard, engage.
The Guards form an Arch of
The Prelate, preceded by
the Standard-Bearer and Marshal, passes through the Arch and assumes the
Throne. Standard-Bearer takes post in front of the Altar. The other officers
pass through the Arch and go to their stations.
C. of G.: Guard.
Carry swords. To your stations. March. Return swords.
The Standard-Bearer sets
the Standard in its place in the West and goes to his station.
Prel., knocks once:
Assist me to open an assembly of Knights of the Holy and Invincible Order
of the Holy Sepulchre. Brother Knight Guardian of the Sacred Vault, what
is our first duty?
Gdn.: To see that
the approaches to the Sanctuary are secure from intrusion.
Prel.: See that
they be so.
Gdn. opens door, sees that
the Beadle is at his post, closes door and returns to his station.
Gdn.: Right Reverend
Prelate, the Beadle is at his post.
Prel.: Brother
Knights, you will prove yourselves Knights of the Order of Holy Sepulchre
by the Sign.
All give Sn.
Prel.: By the
power vested in me, I open this assembly. Knocks
* * * **, repeated by Wdr and Bdl.
Prior opens Bible on Altar
at Matthew chap. 28, v. 6; Gdn. opens Bible on Sepulchre at John chap.
1, v. 1-5.
Prel.: Be seated.
Ceremony of Reception - First Point
Prel.: Brother
Knight Marshal, ascertain that the Candidate is in attendance and, if so,
examine him and report.
Mar. goes to the Room of
Mar. to Can.:
Give me the reverential sign and word of a Royal Arch mason.
Mar.: Give me
the pass-words of a Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine. Done.
Mar.: And the
first Sign of that Order. Done.
Mar.: Is your
desire to enter this Order based on true Christian principle of serving
the Church and its members by performing the seven Corporal Works of Mercy,
and to protect and guard the Holy Sepulchre from the destroying hands of
our enemies? Have you given food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty and
clothed the naked with a garment?
Cand.: Yes, it
Mar.: Then entrust
me with your sword, that it may be laid upon the Altar.
Mar. directs Beadle to prepare
Can. with sash of the Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine, to veil his
eyes with a black crape and to await further orders. Mar returns to the
Sanctuary bearing Can.'s sword horizontally in both hands, and stands between
the columns in the West.
Mar.: Right Reverend
Prelate, I have examined the Candidate, and he has entrusted me with his sword.
Prel.: Let it
be laid upon the Altar.
Mar. advances to the East,
and hands sword to Prior. Prior lays it upon the Altar, hilt to the South.
Mar. returns to his station.
Prel.: Brother
Knight Guardian of the Sacred Vault, how do you report the time?
Gdn.: Right Reverend
Prelate, it is the first hour of the first day of the week and the true
word, having passed through the gates of death, is lost in the gloomy mansions
of the grave.
Prel.: Reverend
Prior, how do we hope to recover the word?
Prior: By exercise
of faith, hope and charity, which are the pillars of the new law.
Prel.: How shall
we find these three pillars?
Prior: By patiently
guarding the Sacred Vault.
Prel.: For what period?
Prior: The space
of three days.
Prel.: Then, Brother
Knight Guardian of the Sacred Vault, at this solemn moment where is your
station in the Sanctuary?
Gdn.: At the entrance
to the Holy Place.
Prel.: Your Christian
duty when so placed?
Gdn.: To see that
the Sepulchre is properly guarded against all opposers of the Christian faith.
Prel.: But as
we are taught not to rely on human strength alone, Brother Knight Seneschal,
what is the chief defence of our Sanctuary?
Sen.: Right Reverend
Prelate, it is the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
Prior rises, and reads St. Mark, chap. 15, verses
42-47: "And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation,
that is, the day before the sabbath, Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable
counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in
boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus.
And Pilate marvelled if he were already dead; and
calling unto him the centurion, he asked him whether he had been any while
dead. And when he knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph.
And be brought fine linen, and took him down, and
wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out
of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre.
And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus beheld
where he was laid.
Sen., before Altar, facing
East: Let us pray. All rise.
Before Thine Altar, we humbly bend, O Heavenly Captain
of our Salvation. Vouchsafe to grant us peace here and everlasting glory
hereafter. Amen.
Prel.: Gloria
Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto, sicut erat in principo, est nunc,
et semper in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Let us repair to our several stations,
and strictly observe silence.
C. of G.: Knights
of the Guard. To order. To your posts at the Sacred Vault. March. Reverse swords.
Mar.: Brother
Knights, be seated.
All lights except the candle
on the sepulchre are extinguished.
Wdr. opens door and instructs
Bdle. to report the presence of Can.
Bdle. knocks * ***.
Wdr.: Who comes there?
Bdle.: A Worthy
Knight and soldier of the Cross, who, having worked at the second Temple
and discovered the ancient word, now prays to be enrolled as a Guardian
Knight of the Holy Sepulchre in order that he may learn the true word of
a Christian mason.
Wdr.: Wait whilst
I report to the Right Reverend Prelate.
Wdr.: Right Reverend
Prelate, a Worthy Knight and soldier of the Cross, who, having worked at
the second Temple and discovered the ancient word, now prays to be enrolled
as a Guardian Knight of the Holy Sepulchre in order that he may learn the
true word of a Christian mason.
Prel.: On what
is his desire founded?
Wdr.: On a true
Christian principle: to serve the Church and its members by performing
the seven Corporal Works of Mercy, and to protect and Guard the Holy Sepulchre
from the destroying hands of our enemies.
Prel.: What good
works hath he performed?
Wdr.: He hath
given food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, and clothed the naked with
a garment.
Prel.: Thus far
he has done well; but there is still much for him to do. Let him enter,
under the penalties of his knightly obligation.
Wdr.: Enter, under
the penalties of your knightly obligation.
Can. is received by the Vgr.
who places him between the columns in the West, facing East, and instructs
him in the answers he is required to give.
Vgr.: Give the
first Sign of a Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine and the pass-words.
Prel.: We acknowledge
you to be a Knight of the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine. You must
prove yourself a Royal Arch Mason by giving me the reverential sign and
word of that degree. Done.
Prel.: Worthy
Knight, whence come you?
Can.: From Bethlehem.
Prel.: What art
do you profess?
Can.: Masonry.
Prel.: What edifices
do you build?
Can.: Temples
and Tabernacles.
Prel.: Where do
you raise them?
Can.: For want
of territory we build them in our hearts.
Prel.: Worthy
Knight, you inspire us with esteem; but we are now in darkness and sorrow.
The veil of the Temple is rent; the corner-stone of our faith overthrown;
the Rose of Sharon sacrificed; the day-star of mercy obscured, and the
true word is lost.
Still we do not yield to despair, and have firmly
resolved to guard the sacred tomb for three days is the hope that we may
recover the word. Is it your desire to assist us?
Can.: It is.
Prel.: Then our
Brother Knight Verger will conduct you round the Sanctuary, and during
your progress you will be instructed in the three theological virtues,
which are the pillars of the new law. May they ever be impressed upon your
memory and guide you in your journey through life.
Vgr. Leads Can. to the North-West,
halts him facing the column and bids him to lay his right hand upon it:
This is the column of Faith.
Sub-Prior: Faith
is a firm conviction of the existence and attributes of God. It produces
in the mind perfect love and reverence for His name; a steadfast confidence
in His word; an entire resignation and obedience to His will.
If this Faith be sincere it will influence all our
actions, directing us to such a line of conduct as will be pleasing in
the sight of that God in whom we live, and move, and have our being. Faith,
thus exercised and exemplified in the actions of our lives, leads us to
the acquirement of another virtue whose influence, though not less powerful,
is still more soothing to the soul; it leads us to that firm and steadfast
hope, which the storms of fate can never shake nor the terrors of death
itself diminish or destroy.
Vgr. Leads Can. to the East,
bidding him to lay his right hand on the column: This is the
column of Hope.
Prior: To define
the nature of Hope is a task almost beyond the power of language of thought.
It is more than desire, greater than expectation, superior to confidence;
and when we speak of the hope of eternal life, surely no other term can
more adequately express the immortal feelings of the soul.
This sacred Hope, based on the pure and active principles
of Faith, is the day-star of your youth, the comfort of our declining years,
and the loving companion of our pilgrimage through the vale of tears until
the closing hour of life unveils to our view the many mysteries of a boundless
Vgr. Leads Can. to the South-West,
halts him facing the column, and bids him to lay his right hand upon it:
This is the column of Charity.
Sen.: Charity
is that sacred virtue which inspires the breast with the spirit of universal
beneficence. It teaches us to consider all mankind as our brethren, viewing
their errors and infirmities with pity; overlooking wrongs; forgiving injuries;
and avoiding all offence and injustice. The heart enlightened by this the
greatest of all human virtues can truly be said to reflect a certain measure
of the attributes of the great author of our being, and to bear the impress
of the divine image.
Let us then carefully cherish and preserve the sacred
flame which His goodness has imparted and imitate, so far as human frailty
will permit, His love, His compassion and His bounty towards the children
of men. Thus, rising in the scale of moral excellence, the faithful Mason
shall finally receive the crown of his generous labours, and be admitted
into the assembly of the just made perfect; to that glory which fadeth
not away.
Vgr. Places Can., facing
East, between the columns in the West.
Prel.: Worthy
Knight, I congratulate you on your happy return, as it is the possession
of these virtues that alone can ensure you peace in this life and everlasting
happiness hereafter.
I must now, before proceeding further with the ceremony
of your reception into this sovereign Order, earnestly demand whether you
are prepared to renew your knightly vows, pledging yourself to a strict
observance of our laws, and a careful concealment of our mysteries?
Can.: I am.
Prel.: Approach
then, and take the engagement we require. Brother Knights, to order.
1st and 2nd Lieut. Escort
Can. to the mouth of the Sepulchre.
Prel.: You will
now kneel at the mouth of the Sepulchre. 1st and
2nd Lieut. Cross their swords on the nape of his neck when he kneels. Place
your right hand upon the Holy Gospel, and your left hand upon the emblem
of mortality. Recite your names at length and repeat after me:
I, …, in the presence of our Prophet, Priest and King,
do hereby voluntarily renew my sacred vows as a Christian Knight, and faithfully
promise to guard and defend the Sepulchre of the true word against all
the attacks of the impious and ungodly.
I solemnly swear to reverence the blessed name of
our crucified Master, and never to forsake the Christian Religion, so that,
at the resurrection of the dead, I may arise from the tomb of transgression
as one of the just made perfect.
I pledge myself never to reveal the mysteries of the
Sanctuary to any Knight Mason, Royal Arch or Master Mason, Fellow Craft
or Entered Apprentice, or indeed to anyone on the universe, unless it be
to a Knight of the Order, or to a candidate lawfully entitled to receive
the same.
I promise to pay due obedience to the Statutes of
the Grand Council of Patriarch of Jerusalem, who are the true chiefs of
this Noble and Invincible Order.
All this I solemnly swear to observe, under the penalty,
in addition to those of my former obligations, of being pronounced inanimatus
and deprived of the rites of sepulture. So help me our Prophet, Priest
and King and keep me steadfast in this my solemn obligation as a Guardian
Knight of the Holy Sepulchre.
Prel.: As a seal
to this renewal of your vows, you will salute the Holy Gospels three times
Done and again twice Done.
Lieuts. Resume their stations,
Can. remains kneeling
C. of G.: Guards.
Carry swords
Prel.: Brother
Knight Verger, what is your duty?
Vgr.: To restore
our Brother from darkness to vision, and afterwards from vision to light.
Prel.: By what
right do you claim this privilege?
Vgr.: By the right
of a Sign and the power of a Word.
Prel.: Brother
Knight Verger, you are at liberty to show the Sign and to speak the Word.
Vgr. Gives the first Sn.:
places the right hand on the heart, then points downwards with the right
index finger, saying: He is not here.
Prel. Answers with the second
Sn.: points upwards with the right index finger, saying: He
is risen.
Vgr. speaks the Word:
Prel.: You are
our fellow soldier, and this privilege is yours of ancient right.
At the accustomed signal let it be performed, for
God said 'Let there be Light' and there was light.
Knocks * * * **.
Vgr. Removes the crape from
Can.'s eyes. Can. remains kneeling. The Torch-Bearer then kindles a taper
at the Sepulchre, and therewith lights the three candles upon the Altar.
Prel.: Brother
Knight Verger, raise our Brother Knight in due form, and place him in the
Vgr. Raises Can., interlacing
fingers of the right hands and supporting Can.'s elbow with his left hand.
Dep. Mar. places a stall
for Can. between the columns in the West. Can. is seated.
C. of G.: Guards.
Resume your stations. March. Return swords.
Prel.: Be seated,
Brother Knights.
The general lighting of the
Sanctuary is restored.
Prel.: Brother
Knight Seneschal, I call upon you to deliver the traditional oration of
the Order.
Sen.: In the year
of our Lord 329, St. Helena, the daughter of Caylus, King of Britain, Consort
of Constantinus and mother of Constantine the Great, made a journey to
the Holy Land in search of the Cross of our Redeemer.
After levelling the hillocks on Mount Calvary and
destroying the Temple of Venus three crosses were discovered; but is was
difficult to determine which of the three had borne the divine form of
the Lamb of God.
The Pontiff Marcellinus, being consulted, commanded
then to be carried to the bedside of a woman who had long been visited
by sickness and lay at the point of death, and their virtue and efficacy
to be tested by placing their hands upon each of the crosses. The Pontiff's
orders were obeyed; two of the crosses rendered her no service, but when
her hand was laid upon the third she was miraculously restored to health,
and instantly arose, giving glory to God, saying 'He was wounded for our
transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of
our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.'
On the spot where the crosses were found St. Helena
and Constantine erected a stately church, one hundred paces long and sixty
wide, part of it covering the site of the crucifixion; and by the levelling
of the hillocks the Sepulchre is above the floor of the church, like a
grotto, it being twenty feet from the floor to the top of the rock. There
is a superb cupola over the Sepulchre; and in the aisle were the tombs
of Godfrey, defender of the Sepulchre, and Baldwin, the first Christian
King of Jerusalem.
St. Helena then, with the sanction of Constantine,
instituted the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ. The Order was confirmed by the Pontiff Marcellinus,
and the Patriarch of the Holy City was appointed Chief of the Knights,
who were selected from the Red Cross fraternity and, kneeling on the sacred
tomb, were bound by a solemn vow to guard the Holy Sepulchre, protect pilgrims,
and to repel the attacks of all infidels and enemies of the cross of Christ.
The city of Jerusalem was rebuild and ornamented in
the second century A.D. by Publius Aelius Hadrianus, Emperor of Rome, and
given to the Christians in the fifth century. The Persians captured it
from them in 614, and a few years later it fell into the hands of the Moslems,
under whose oppressive rule it long groaned, until Peter the Hermit encouraged
the western princes to liberate the distressed Church. Godfrey de Bouillon
unfurled the banner of the Cross and, in 1099, expelled the invaders. His
companions thereupon elected him King of Jerusalem; but, as he thought
it not meet to wear a royal crown where his Blessed Saviour had worn a
crown of thorns, he consented for the common good to be called the 'Defender
and Baron of the Holy Sepulchre', which title he held until his death in
During the period of the Crusades the Order of the
Holy Sepulchre flourished, and since the loss of the Holy Land it has continued
to exist in many countries in Europe.
Prel.: Let the
lines be duly formed in the South.
Mar.: Brother
Knights. To order.
Dep. Mar. removes the stall
between the columns in the West.
C. of G.: Knights
of the Guard. Form an Arch of Steel in the South. March.
Standard Bearer, with the
Standard, goes to the East. Prior takes Can.'s sword from the Altar and
bears it horizontally in both hands. Mar. forms the procession: Standard
Bearer, Marshal, Prelate, Seneschal, Prior, Sub-Prior.
C. of G.: Knights
of the Guard. Engage.
The procession, followed
by C. of G., passes through the Arch of Steel and forms line in the West,
opposite Can.
C. of G.: Guards.
Carry swords.
Prel.: Worth Knight
…, I now receive and acknowledge you as a Christian Knight and, as proof
of our confidence hereby appoint you a Guardian Knight of the Holy Sepulchre.
Prior hands Can.s' sword
to the Prelate.
Prel.: receive
back your sword, which has lain upon our Altar. Defend the Holy Sepulchre.
Can. receives the sword and
comes to the carry.
Prel. lays his hand on the
banner, which the Standard Bearer lowers before him.
Prel.: Unfurl
the Banner of the Cross, and return to us in victory and triumph.
Standard Bearer raises the
Banner. Prel.: preceded by the Mar. and followed by the Sen., the Prior
and the Sub-Prior, returns to the East by the North.
Mar.: Brother
Knights, be seated.
C. of G.: Guards.
To the West, turn. March.
C. of G. leaves the Sanctuary,
followed by the Guard (in pairs), the Standard Bearer, the Verger and Can.
In the interval between first
and second point, it is supposed that the candidate and the guards have
defeated the infidels, and that they return in triumph, the candidate bearing
the crescent as a token of victory.
Ceremony of Reception - Second Point
The Sanctuary is fully lighted
and all candles lit.
C. of G. knocks * * * **.
Wdr. opens door:
Worthy Knight, what is your request?
C. of G.: Having
subdued the enemies of the Cross, we are desirous of the reward due to
our services.
Warder closes door: Right Reverend Prelate, the Knights
of our Noble and Invincible Order, having achieved a victory over their
enemies, request the reward due to their services.
Prel.: Let them
be admitted.
The Knights enter in the
same order as that in which they retired, Can. bearing the crescent. They
pass round the Sanctuary and form a line in the West, facing East.
Prel.: Worthy
Knights, we receive and welcome you on your return from the dangers of
warfare. Advance therefore to the Altar; deposit thereon the spoils and
trophies of your victory and, as humility is ever inseparable from true
valour, kneel there to receive the fitting reward for your services.
Vgr. And Can, advance to
the East. Can. places the crescent on the Altar. Standard Bearer sets Standard
in its place and resumes his seat.
C. of G.: Guards.
Right and left turn. To your stations. March. Be seated.
Dep. Mar. places a stall
between the columns in the West.
Can. kneels before Altar.
Prel. takes the laurel crown from the Altar and places it on Can.'s head.
Prel.: The laurel
wreath with which I crown you has ever been the reward of courage and constancy.
It represents for us the victory that men should gain over their passions,
and also the final triumph of truth in the world to come. But, in order
that you may participate fully in the celebration of our mysteries, I must
call upon you to arise and take five steps backwards to the mouth of the
Sepulchre, return from light to darkness, and prepare to unite with us
in that solemn bond which is the characteristic rite for our Noble and
Invincible Order. Reflect therefore before you consent to undertake the
toils and trials that may await you.
If however you are resolved to persevere and, like
a true Christian Knight, are willing to retrace your steps in humility,
even to the foot of the Cross, as a token of submission rise and lay your
crown upon the Altar.
Can. rises and lays the laurel
crown upon the Altar. Vgr. Leads him to the South-East corner of the Sepulchre,
halts him facing East, and places the crape over his eyes. Torch Bearer
goes to the Altar. The general lighting is extinguished.
Prel.: The Verger
will now conduct you to the entrance of the Sacred Vault.
Torch Bearer slowly extinguishes
the five candles on the Altar. As each goes out, Vgr. Moves Can. back one
step, so that at the fifth he reaches the South-west corner of the Sepulchre.
Vgr. Resumes seat.
Prel. knocks * * * * *.
Sen. knocks * * * * *.
C. of G. knocks * * * * *.
Prior knocks * * * * *.
Sub-Prior knocks * * * *
Prel. knocks * * * * *.
Prel.: The mysterious
number is accomplished.
Brother Knight Guardian of the Sacred Vault, descend
with our Brother into the Sepulchre, and report to us what you may see.
Gdn. directs Can. to kneel,
withdraws the drape over the mouth of the Sepulchre which is in darkness,
and bids him look within. Gdn. rises, Can. remains kneeling.
Prel.: Brother
Knight Guardian of the Sacred Vault, what have you seen?
Gdn.: Right Reverend
Prelate, the day star of mercy is obscured and darkness covers the earth.
Prel.: Brother
Knight Guardian, descend into the Sacred Vault a second time and report
to us again.
Gdn. descends again, as before,
and again rises: The day star of mercy is still obscured, and
darkness covers the earth.
Prel.: Let us
hear the Word of the Lord.
During the scripture Dep.
Mar. fetches the censer, and moves quietly by the South to the East, taking
post at the South-west of the Altar.
Prior recites St. Mark chap.
16, v. 1-6: And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and
Mary the Mother of James, and Salome, had brought sweet spices, that they
might come and anoint him.
And very early in the morning the first day of the
week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. And they said
among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the
sepulchre? And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away;
for it was very great.
And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young
man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they
were affrighted. And he saith unto them: Be not affrighted. Ye seek Jesus
of Nazareth, which was crucified. He is risen. He is not here; behold the
place where they laid him.
Prel.: Descend
once more, Brother Knight Guardian, and report to us for the third time.
The Vault is illuminated.
Gdn. descends a third time, as before. He removes the crape form Can.'s
eyes; they look within.
Gdn.: The Sepulchre
is empty.
The lighted transparency
is exposed.
Prel.: He is risen.
All, except Gdn. and Can.
rise and face East. Dep. Mar. censes.
Gdn.: Adonai,
be praised. Our temple is rebuilt. The corner stone of our faith is restored.
The day star of mercy reappears in greater splendour. And the word of God
is found.
Prel.: Pronounce
the word.
Gdn.: Jesus Agnus
Dei. The Lamb of God and the King of Glory.
Gdn. rises. He raises Can.
by grasping his right hand with the thumb along his index finger.
Dep. Mar. ceases censing.
Torch Bearer then kindles a taper at the candle on the Sepulchre, and therewith
relights the five candles on the Altar. Prel. turns and addresses Can.:
Worthy Knight. The ceremony that you have just witnessed has revealed to
you that the grand mysteries of Christian Masonry is a sincere belief in
Jesus; the Lamb of God.
Brother Knights, be seated.
Dep. Mar. takes the censer
to Beadle. Vgr. Leads Can. to the stall between the columns in the West.
The general lighting is gradually restored.
Prel.: Worthy
Knight, whilst we receive into our Order those only who are true Royal
Arch companions, because Freemasonry was founded upon the instructions
that were given, not only by Moses and Solomon, but also by Zerubbabel,
at successive periods of the world's history, we further follow the footsteps
of those worthy masons who have remodelled it in accordance with precepts
of our Sovereign Redeemer and Master, whose titles are inscribed in his
own Blood above the throne of God. And I now call upon the Reverend Prior
to make known to you all the allegorical sequel to the history of the Royal
Arch Degree.
Prior: After the building of the second Temple the
masons neglected their labours, and abandoned to the ravages of time the
valuable buildings which they had raised with so many pains; so that the
wisdom of their workmanship, the strength of their materials, and the beauty
of their architecture, were alike exposed to confusion, destruction and
But the Eternal Jehovah determined to manifest His
Glory, and to replace the fallen material structures by that sublime and
spiritual geometry whose existence human power should not be able to affect,
and whose duration should be everlasting.
It was then that the stone, the corner of the building,
was torn from the Temple by the workmen and thrown among the ruins, It
was then that the Mystic Rose was sacrificed upon a cross planted on the
summit of a mountain, which is elevated above the surface towards the celestial
spheres by three squares, three circles, and three triangles. In an instant
the veil of the Temple was rent, the earth was covered with darkness, the
day-star of mercy was obscured, and the word was lost.
It may easily be imagined into what depth of misery
every true mason was plunged. Some of the Brethren, who possessed relics
of the former Temple, wandered among the woods and the mountains in the
deepest obscurity. Others sought the sacred tomb in which the word was
hidden, and watched in silence for the space of three days. Never before
was such perplexity experienced by the human heart.
But the will of Him Who rules all events, at the expiration
of three days, caused the light to shine again; the day star of mercy appeared
in greater brilliancy; and the word of God was found.
The elect Brethren, who had followed the hallowed
footsteps of the Redeemer, then taught others that it was necessary to
practise faith, hope and charity, and to obey the new law before they could
resume the mystic labours of the Order. It was only by means of those sublime
principles that masonry reappeared to the gladdened eyes of man, and from
this period masons no longer built material edifices, but occupied themselves
in spiritual buildings. Their works were sustained by temperance, prudence,
justice and strength, and they feared no more the vicissitudes of life,
or the shadowy terrors of the grave.
Prel.: Brother
Knight Verger, place the Candidate in the East.
Dep. Mar. removes Can.'s
stall in the West. Vgr. Places Can. at the Eastern side of the column of
Hope. Prel. stands between him and the Altar.
Prel.: Worthy
Knight, I will now entrust you with our Signs and Token. The first, or
Sign of Sorrow is given by placing the right hand on the heart, then pointing
with the index finger downwards, saying 'He is not there'. The response
of a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre is pointing upwards with the index finger
of the right hand, saying 'He is risen.'
These Signs, however, must never be uses except in
the Sanctuary, or when you are obliged to claim form a Brother Knight the
performance of the seven Corporal Works of Mercy, which I will now recite
to you.
Prel. interlaces fingers
of his right hand with those of Can.: In nomine Patris, et Filii,
et Spiritus Sancti: I greet you as a Guardian Knight of the Holy Sepulchre.
1st. Go, feed the hungry;
2nd. Give drink to the thirsty;
3rd. Clothe the naked with a garment;
4th. Visit and ransom the captives;
5th. Harbour the harbourless, give the widows and
orphans where to lay their heads;
6th. Visit and relieve the sick;
7th. Go, bury the dead.
Prel.: The examination
or interrogatory Signs are made thus:
You raise the index finger of your right hand;
I reply by raising my first and second fingers;
You then raise your first, second and third fingers;
We both then close the hand, signifying Three Persons
in One God.
The Grip is given by grasping right hands.
You press my right index finger with your thumb, and
whisper 'Jesus';
I press your index finger similarly, and whisper 'Agnus'
You press my finger again, and whisper 'Dei'.
These are the Sacred Words of the Degree
Prel. resumes the Throne.
Can. is taken to the West,
where he stands between the columns, facing East.
Prel.: You will
now be conducted to the ruins of the ancient temple, upon which the new
Tabernacle of Divine Truth has arisen. You will gaze for the last time
upon the fragmentary forms and types of the Mosaic dispensation, and return
to us with the holy doctrine of the great evangelist St. John. You will
enter the Commandery with the password Gethsemane.
Vgr. and Can. leave the Sanctuary.
Prel.: Our labours
as Guardian Knights of the Noble and Invincible Order of the Holy Sepulchre
being thus concluded, by the power vested in me, I close the assembly;
and bid you, Brother Knight Captain of the Guards, seal the Sanctuary accordingly.
C. of G. knocks * * * **
(on Sepulchre)
Wdr.: knocks * * * **.
Bdle. knocks * * * **.
Prior closes Bible on Altar;
Gdn. closes Bible on Sepulchre.
Hierna wordt de ridder bevorderd tot ridder in de
van St. Johannes de Evangelist.