By-laws and Regulations of the District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons

of the Netherlands including the Degree of Royal Ark Mariner

Alterations were approved on behalf of The General Board
5th of September 1981,
4th of September 1982,
1st of November 1989,
19th of December 1991,
11th of December 1992,
and other alterations were made in accordance with changes in the Constitutions and Regulations of The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.

Members of District Grand Lodge

1. The District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of the Netherlands herinafter referred to as "District Grand Lodge’, shall consist of
The District Grand Master;
The present District Grand Officers,
The past District Grand Officers who are subscribing members of a Lodge under the District Grand Lodge;
The Masters, Past Masters, Wardens and Overseers of all Lodges in the District,
The Commanders, past Commanders and Wardens of all Royal Ark Mariner
Lodges in the District.

District Grand Lodge Meetings

2. a The District Grand Lodge shall meet annually on the second Saturday of September at such time and place as may be fixed by the District Grand Master, who may also hold such other meeting of District Grand Lodge as he shall consider necessary.
b. Each Mark Lodge and each R.A.M. Lodge in the District shall contribute f 25,- per annum, to be paid each year with the annual dues, to District Grand Lodge, to cover the expenses incurred in holding the annual meeting of District Grand Lodge.
c. Whenever it shall be deemed expedient to hold a festival in connection with any meeting of District Grand Lodge, no portion of the expenses attending the same shall be defrayed out of the funds of District Grand Lodge.
d. The rank designated Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank will be conferred during the Annual Meeting of Royal Ark Mariners in the District of the Netherlands, to be held on the third friday of February at such time and place as may be fixed by the District Grand Master.

Notice of Meetings

3. Fourteen clear days notice of the annual meeting of District Grand Lodge, and seven days notice of any other, shall be given by the District Grand Secretary to the members of District Grand Lodge whose names are included in the annual return made by each Lodge.

Lodges to be represented

4. Any Mark or R A M. Lodge in the District not represented by one of its members, being a member of District Grand Lodge, at the Annual Meeting, shall be fined f. 25,- , unless reasonable cause be shown to the satisfaction of the District Grand Master.

Committee of General Purposes

5. There shall be a District Committee of General Purposes which shall consist of: 
the District Grand Master,
the Deputy District Grand Master,
the Assistant District Grand Master,
the District Grand Wardens,
the District Grand Treasurer,
the District Grand Registrar,
the District Grand Secretary,
the District Grand Director of Ceremonies,
two other members of District Grand Lodge, to be elected at each annual meeting of District Grand Lodge, and two members to be nominated by the District Grand Master.
Nominations for the two elective members shall be sent to the District Grand Secretary on or before 31st of May.
The Committee shall meet as required. Five members shall form a quorum, and the member senior in rank shall preside.

Appointment to District Grand Offices and Fees of Honour

6. The following fees of honour shall be due and payable to District Grand Lodge for the fund of General Purposes on appointment of a brother to Office or Past Rank in District Grand Lodge or in Degree of Royal Ark Mariner, provided that on promotion to an Office or Rank for which a higher fee is payable than that for the one he holds, he shall pay only the difference between the two fees
a. Order of Mark Master Mason

Dist. Grand Master

f 200,-

Dep.Dist Grand Master

f 150,-

Asst. Dist Grand Master

f 150,-

Dist Grand Warden

f 125,-

Dist Grand Overseer

f 100,-

Dist Grand Chaplain

f 100,-

Dist Grand Treasurer

f 100,-

Dist Grand Registrar

f 100,-

Dist Grand Secretary

f 100,-

Dist Grand Dir. of Cerem.

f 100,-

Dist Grand Insp. of Works

f 75,-

Dist Grand Sword Bearer

f 75,-

Dep Dist Grand Chaplain

f 50,-

Dep Dist Grand Secretary

f 50,-

Dep Dist Grand Dir. of Cer.

f 50,-

Dist Grand Deacons

f 50,-

Dist Grand Charity Stewart

f 50,-

Asst Dist Grand Chaplain

f 50,-

Asst Dist Grand Dir. of Cer.

f 50,-

Dist Grand Organist

f 50,-

Dist Grand Standard Bearer

f 50,-

Dist Grand Inner Guard

f 50,-

Dist Grand Steward

f 50,-

Dist Grand Tyler

f -,-

b. Degree of Royal Ark Mariner

Appointment to Dist Grand Rank

f 50,-

Receipts and Payments

7. All Fees of Honour and other monies payable to District Grand Lodge shall be paid to the account of the District Grand Lodge at such Bank as shall be selected by the District Committee of General Purposes.
No Brother shall be entitled to be invested with and wear the clothing of District Grand Lodge unless his Fee of Honour has been paid.

Accounts and Audit

8. The accounts of District Grand Lodge shall be made up to the 31st of December in each year and audited in July or August by two Mark Master Masons elected annually in District Grand Lodge, and a printed copy of the audited accounts shall be handed to every member present at the next annual meeting of District Grand Lodge at which they are to be presented.

Election of District Grand Treasurer

9. The District Grand Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of District Grand Lodge and, in order that the members of District Grand Lodge may have an opportunity of considering the qualifications of the candidates, all nominations for the office must be sent to the District Grand Secretary on or before the 31st of May that they may be inserted in alphabetical order in the summons.

District Grand Secretary

10. The District Grand Secretary shall keep the books, records and seal of District Grand Lodge. He shall attend and take minutes of the meetings of District Grand Lodge and keep a record of the proceedings in a book provided for that purpose in which shall be recorded the names of the present and past officers of District Grand Lodge attending the meeting and the names and numbers of the Lodges represented at the meeting.


The mode of procedure in all meetings of District Grand Lodge shall be regulated by that in Grand Lodge


12. All communications from Lodges intended for submission to the District Grand Master, or to District Grand Lodge, shall be signed by the Master and Secretary - or the Commander and Scribe -, and forwarded to the District Grand Secretary for presentation.

Annual Returns

13. Each Mark and R A M.-Lodge shall, on or before the 14th day of September in every year, send to the District Grand Secretary, on the approved form, a full and correct return of its members up to and including the preceding 31st day of August, with the date of advancement or joining of each Brother who has been advanced in or has joined the Lodge during the year At the same time the fees due tot District Grand Lodge shall be remitted (By-laws 2 and 16). If any Lodge shall neglect for the space of three months to make such returns and/or payments as aforesaid, it shall be fined the sum of f. 7S,- , and if de neglects shall continue for nine months, its members shall be disqualified from attending District Grand Lodge or any Committee thereof until such arrears shall have been met.

Return of Masters, Past Masters, etc.

14. Each Lodge shall, immediately after the Installation of its Master or Commander, forward to the District Grand Secretary, on the approved form, a return of the Master, Wardens, Overseers, etc and Commander and Wardens.


15. Each Lodge shall forward to the District Grand Master the Deputy District Grand Master, the Assistant District Grand Master and the District Grand Secretary, a copy of each summons issued for every meeting of the Lodge.

District Grand Lodge Fees

16. The following fees shall be payable to the funds of District Grand Lodge
a. by all Mark Lodges
1. annually in respect of every Brother who has been a member of the Lodge during any part of the year f 7,50
2. for each candidate advanced f 10,-
3. for each joining member f 5,-
4. for registration of a new Lodge f 50,-
5. for registration of By-Laws or amendments of By-Laws f 25,-
6. for dispensations (other than those which can be granted only by the Grand Master) f 25,-
b. by all Royal Ark Mariner Lodges
1. for each candidate elevated f 10,-
2. for each Joining member f 5,-
3. for registration of a new Lodge f 50,-
4. for registration of By-Laws or amendments of By-Laws f 25,-
5. for dispensations (other than those which can be granted only by the Grand Master)
f 25,-

Notice of Notion

17. Notice in writing of any mot3on to be brought forward at a meeting of District Grand Lodge shall be sent to the District Grand Secretary, stating the name of the mover with his masonic rank and the name and number of the Lodge of which he is a member, on of before 3lth of May, that it may be submitted to the Committee of General Purposes and, if in order, appear on the summons convening the meeting of District Grand Lodge.

Charity committee

18. Annually a Charity Committee shall be appointed for the investigation and, where decided, the administration, of all claims or applications for relief that may be referred to it by the District Grand Master, the District Grand Lodge or a Lodge.
The Committee shall be constituted as follows:
1. one member from each Lodge in the District to be elected annually on the night of the election of the Master or Commander;
2. Brethren who have acted as Chairman of the Committee.


19. The foregoing By-Laws shall be printed and a copy shall be sent to each Lodge in the District. Brethren requiring copies may have them on payment of f. 2,50 each on application to the District Grand Secretary

Alterations of By-Laws

20. No addition to, or alteration or amendment of, these By-Laws shall be valid unless the same shall have been passed at a meeting of District Grand Lodge after notice of such addition or alteration or amendment shall have been given on the summons convening the meeting, and subsequently have been approved by the General Board.
The above By-Laws were approved and adopted for the first time at a meeting of District Grand Lodge held at Amsterdam on the 11th day of October, 1972.
H.A. van den Akker
District Grand Master

Approved on behalf of the General Board
M.G. Edwardes
Grand Secretary
London, l9th of October 1972

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