Jewish War Veterans of the USA
Initiation Ritual


Colors having been advanced or posted.
Comrades, this is a regular (or special) meeting of … Post No…. Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America.
The names, ranks, official times of any and all visitors shall be listed and submitted to the Commander by the Officer of the Day.
Officer of the Day, prepare the Altar.
Officer of the Day presents himself before the Alter, comes to attention and salutes the Commander; opens the Bible, comes to attention, again salutes and says:
Commander, the Altar is prepared.
COMMANDER, raps gavel three times Post rises:
Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
The Chaplain (or a distinguished Comrade, or visiting Rabbi, or Cantor or Clergyman) will deliver an opening prayer.
Almighty God, at this opening of our meeting, we pray to you for a full measure of wisdom and strength, that our two-fold heritage of Americanism and Judaism may be alive and meaningful within us. May the ideals of democracy continue to grow and develop in the world to bring blessings to all men/women. May the tradition and faith of Israel continue to enrich and ennoble our lives. Grant, O Heavenly Father, that our Command ever be motivated by this heritage. In peace as in war, may we always be champions of righteousness and warriors for justice. Guide our deliberations and bless us, that we may bring closer to reality your Kingdom upon earth, our vision and our goal through the ages. Amen.
I now declare this regular (or special) meeting of … Post No…. of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America duly convened.
One rap of gavel seats the Post.
Note: The above Opening Ceremony should be modified to reflect the echelon involved in the meeting.


Induction of New Members

The Officer of the Day shall arrange the applicants in a column of two whenever possible. It is suggested that on formal occasions where new members are to be inducted, they shall be presented in a body by the Officer of the Day. In all cases they shall be presented (whether marched into the room on formal occasions or whether presented in a group in a special section of the meeting room) by:
Comrade Commander and members of ... Post No., ... I present (individual names of applicants) who are ready to assume their obligation as members of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America.
(Salutes and takes a position to the right of the group).
The Senior (Sr.) Vice Commander shall then advance to the Altar, face the Commander, salute, about face so that he/she shall be facing the inductees.
You have been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States - Are you now prepared to take your obligations as members of our Post?
I am, Sir/Madam.
SR. VICE COMMANDER executes about face, salutes:
Commander, these veterans have been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States, with records clean and untarnished, and they are prepared to enlist in the ranks of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America.
Sr. Vice Commander salutes and returns to station.
Jr. Vice Commander, instruct these new members in the aims and objects of our organization.
Jr. Vice Commander advances to the Altar, faces the Commander, salutes, executes about face.
Comrades, the aims and objects of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America are:
a) To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America;
b) To foster and perpetuate the highest ideals of our country;
c) To challenge whatever tends to impair our free institutions;
d) To encourage the doctrine of universal liberty, equal rights, and full justice to all men/women;
e) To oppose the powers of bigotry and darkness wherever originating and whatever their target;
f) To uphold the fair name of the Jew and fight his/her battles whenever unjustly assailed and to perpetuate the eternal values of Judaism;
g) To inculcate and keep alive the spirit of Comradeship among the men and women of our Faith who served in the Armed Forces of the United States;
h) To assist such Comrades and their families as may stand in need of help;
i) To honor the memory of our heroic dead and shield their graves from neglect.
Commander, the new members have been instructed in the aims and objects of our organization.
Jr. Vice Commander Salutes and returns to station.
Having heard our aims and objects, are you prepared of your own free will and accord to accept the obligation of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America upon the assurance that it will in no way conflict with your moral, civil or religious rights or duties?
I am.
The Commander or such member of the organization as may be designated for the purpose shall then administer the following obligation.
I will now administer the obligation. New members will raise their right hands and repeat after me, using your name where I use mine.
Obligation should be read slowly and distinctly, pausing where indicated for repetition by the inductees.

Oath of Obligation
In the presence of God, surrounded by Comrades dedicated to the Flag and the Faith, I, ..., swear or affirm to support the Constitution of the United States of America and to respect and protect its Flag and Institutions. I will obey the Constitution and By Laws of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America and obey its orders.
I pledge that I will uphold the principles of Judaism and live by its highest ideals to the best of my ability.
I will do my best to obtain justice for veterans for their families and dependents.
I will maintain true loyalty to the principles of our democratic institutions our religious values and my fellow veterans.
This obligation I promise to fulfill ON MY HONOR and in the presence of the Flag of my Country, so help me God.
And may each of you be true to your sacred obligation.
One rap of the gavel seats the echelon.
COMMANDER: (The Commander may designate a Past Commander or a visiting comrade for this purpose.)
Patriotic Instructor, advance to decorate our new Comrades with the emblem of our organization.
PATRIOTIC INSTRUCTOR, rises, salutes the Commander, walks to the Alter and says:
This emblem of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America is presented to you and denotes the relationship between eternal faith and our beloved country. Upon the face of the emblem appears the Star of David, historical reminder of our origin as Jews, within the wreath of American victory. Superimposed thereon is the American Eagle, symbolic of freedom, while in the center are inscribed the initials U.S., both of which are emblematic of the highest rights of free men/women. The entire arrangement typifies the interwoven histories of our steadfast religious belief and emblem as a symbol of our religious faith and your love for our nation and its institutions, and wear it proudly in brotherhood/sisterhood and patriotism.
After this address, lapel buttons shall be pinned on each new member. The Comrade designated to make this address and presentation may call on other Comrades to assist him/her. Upon completion he/she shall face the Commander, salute, and return to his/her station. It is suggested that in addition to lapel buttons, the Post present a gift to each new member. The Commander (or substitute of his choice) shall deliver the charge but the delivery may be delegated to an echelon Commander or to a visiting high-ranking officer. The charge shall be delivered from a position at the altar facing the new members.
The Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America is founded upon Patriotism, Comradeship and the love which we have long borne for our eternal Faith. You have exemplified your Patriotism and Love of Country by your loyal and faithful service in the Armed Forces. The welfare of our country is the chief concern of our organization. We dedicate ourselves to the protection and perpetuation of the Constitution of the United States and its guarantees of human liberties so that all men/women, regardless of race or creed, may live together in peace and harmony, secure in the permanency of its laws.
The prophets have handed down the principles of our noble heritage. We must be ever mindful that Judaism and democracy are closely bound by common principles.
A knowledge of our own history as Americans and as Jews will bring us a true understanding of the role we play. Dignity in the daily walks of life, patriotic devotion to our Country, and loyalty to the traditions of our Fathers, are our ideals and chief aims.
I greet you here in the spirit of comradeship. It is that spirit that binds all men/women who have shared a common danger and who are joined in a common cause. In that spirit we lift the fallen comrade and extend aid and sympathy to the needy and distressed and to their families and dependents.
Yours is the hand that helped to uphold our Flag in glory. I am proud to grasp it now in the warmth of this new comradeship.
Welcome and Mazel Tov.
The Commander or substitute shall execute about face and walk to his/her station.
Comrades, it is my pleasure to present to you Comrade ....
You are now a full-fledged member of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America. Since its origin in 1896, it has fought against the forces of bigotry and darkness wherever originating and wherever directed, advocated the highest principles of our faith and the implementation of those ideals to the advancement of the American way of life.


COMMANDER: (Standard Prayer)
Comrades, there being no further business before this Meeting, I am about to close same. The Chaplain will deliver the benediction.
Commander raps gavel three times. Post rises.
(The following prayer is to be used if new members have been obligated).
Heavenly Father, Before we part, we pray that the inspiration of this hour not quickly fade but that it remain with us throughout the days ahead. Grant strength to those who have newly entered into the ranks of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America. Endow them with a willing and steadfast spirit to carry on our worth endeavors. May they ever be dedicated and committed to the principles of our American and Jewish ways of life. Help them, O Lord, to give of themselves in supporting the efforts of the JWV. May their service to our fraternity help in the attainment of our highest ideals. Amen.
Commander raps gavel three times Post rises.
(Prayer to be regularly used)
Heavenly Father, ere we part, we pray that the inspiration of this hour not quickly fade, but that it remain with us throughout the days ahead. May we carry forth with us the high resolve that the noble sacrifice of our fallen comrades be not in vain. May we hold firmly the torch which fell from their hands. Help us to build the better world of which they dreamed.
Help us to guard the America for which they died, and to preserve, strong and meaningful, their religious Faith and ours. To these great purposes, O Heavenly Father, we rededicate ourselves tonight and continuously in the future. Bless us, and give us the strength and courage to live up to our noble resolves.
Post, ATTENTION! Salute COLORS! DOWN! Officer of the Day, prepare the Altar for closing.
Officer of the Day salutes Commander, goes to Alter, closes Bible, comes to attention and salutes the Commander.
I hereby declare this Meeting of ... Post No. ... of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America duly closed.
