Junior Order of United American Mechanics
Third, or Degree of Patriotism


Councils will always open and close and transact their regular business in the Third Degree.
The stated hour of meeting having arrived, the Councilor will give one rap, when the officers and members will be seated. He will then rise and say:
C.: Council No. … is about to open. The officers and members will be clothed in proper regalia and come to order.
C.: Bro. I. S., you will secure the inner door and allow no one to retire or enter till so directed from this station.
C.: Brother W., you will advance and give to me the password and its explanation.
C.: You will now satisfy yourself that all present are qualified to remain, report to me and resume your station.
After testing the members the Warden will report from the altar and resume his station.
C., giving two raps, the members rising: Sons of a common country, reared under the same flag and influenced by like tradition, we have come here that we may trim and brighten the sacred fires of fraternity and patriotism.
Withdrawn from the tumult, selfishness and striving of every-day life; safe from the inquisitive, the envious and the faultfinding, we find ourselves in a presence where we may deliberate and resolve with that perfect freedom possible only-when men come together intent upon high purpose and where a true regard for the opinion of others ever moves to speech and action.
With a just pride in our country’s past and a sublime faith in its future, let us so carry ourselves here as to fill full the measure of our own approval, and so demean ourselves abroad as to bear witness that we hold our citizenship a precious birthright and our exercise of it a privilege beyond price.
C.: Brother Chaplain, upon what is our Order founded?
Chaplain: Upon Virtue.
C.: Brother V. C., by what are we made secure in the practice of Virtue?
V. C.: By Liberty.
C.: Brother Jr. P. C., to what must we look for our inspiration?
Jr. P. C.: To Patriotism.
C.: Brother Chaplain!
The Chaplain will here read a selection from the Bible and then offer the following prayer:
Sublime Master of The Universe! Humbly we bow before Thee and beseech Thee to move us to loving kindness toward each other. Direct us that all our words and thoughts and deeds may ever make for a higher and broader citizenship. Help us, that being clean of heart and true to self, we can be false to none, God of Nations! We offer our thanks that our Country has come to its high place among the peoples of the Earth. Quicken, O Lord, the public conscience and steady the purpose of our people, that our institutions may grow with the Nation’s growth, and that our greater destiny shall continue as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, to struggling mankind everywhere. Protect, and grant of Thy wisdom to all, of high and low degree, who may be appointed to administer public business. Ever incline the hearts of the people to respect for and obedience to law. Prosper our Order and its purpose to make of us truer men and better citizens. Amen.
C.: Let us join in singing our opening ode.
Air, “America.” (Key of F.).
God bless our native land;
Firm may it ever stand
Through storm and night.
When the wild tempests rave,
Ruler of wind and wave,
Do Thou our Order save
By Thy great might.
C.: Relying upon a spirit of true brotherhood and invoking a perfect loyalty to our institutions, I now declare this Council duly opened.
Brother I. S., you will retire and so inform the O. S., and admit such as may be qualified to enter.
For the military scene in this degree the Council room should be arranged before the work is begun:
That is to say, a tent should be erected on the right of the hall above the altar and near by the Chaplain’s station. About the tent there may be arranged the appurtenances of a soldier’s camp, such as stacked arms, fire and camp kettle, etc., etc. Officers and men may be grouped about in attitudes of rest and recreation, except such as may be on duty. There should be one sentinel posted before the tent, another at the entrance of the hall and two at the flag staff. Immediately upon the right of the V. C. there shall be erected a stationary flag-staff, bearing the flag, and this capable of- being raised or lowered.
During the progress of the work in this degree, down to the time of the last word of the Councilor, perfect silence shall be kept in the hall and about the camp. And there shall be no movement, except that of the sentinels and those engaged in the work. Just why such a scene is staged must be left to the wonderment of the Candidate until the reason develops.
This scene may be elaborated by tableaux, drills, military effects, etc., to suit the convenience of the Council, but in no case shall anything be taken from or added to the written work, except that the following words may be sung when desired:
We’re tenting tonight on the old camp ground,
Give us a song to cheer
Our weary hearts; a song of home
And friends we love so dear.
Many are the hearts that are weary tonight,
Wishing for the war to cease;
Many are the hearts looking for the light,
To see the dawn of peace.
We’ve been tenting tonight on the old camp ground,
Thinking of days gone by;
Of the loved ones at home that gave us the hand,
And the tear that said, “Good-bye.”
C.: Brother W., you will retire and ascertain if there are in the anteroom any freemen awaiting perfection in our work.
W., having returned: Brother Councilor, I find in the anteroom …, who has been regularly initiated, properly advanced and is now ready for perfection.
C.: Brother W., you will present the Candidate at the altar for examination.
The Candidate being at the altar, the Councilor will say:
C.: Freeman, are you prepared for examination?
Candidate answers: I am.
C.: Then repeat the obligation of the Second Degree.
Candidate repeats.
C.: Brother W., you will reconduct this freeman to the anteroom and prepare him for perfection.
The Councilor will give one rap, whereupon the officers and members upon his right will rise, then two raps, when those upon his left will rise, then three raps, when those at the lower end of the hall will rise.
C.: Officers and brothers: there is in the anteroom a Candidate prepared to take upon himself the final obligation, and to pass through the last ceremonies prior to becoming a brother of the Order. From the moment of entry of the Candidate let the most perfect silence be kept and the closest attention given, in order that the Degree of Patriotism may be conferred with dignity and solemnity. One rap and the Council will be seated.
C.: Brother Conductor, you will, attended by the guard of honor, receive from the W. the Candidate and conduct him before the altar, where I will administer the sublime obligation of our Order.
The guard of honor will consist of a brother garbed as a color sergeant and carrying the American flag, and another wearing the black robe of a judge and bearing in his hands a book of the Constitution of the United States.
The W., being in the anteroom, will give two raps upon the inner door, to which the I. S. will respond in like manner and say:
I. S.: Who comes there?

W.: The Warden of this Council, with a freeman who is seeking perfection in the work of our Order.
I. S.: As for you it is well. Will you vouch for your companion?
W.: I will.
I. S.: Then, by direction of the Councilor, enter.
Conductor, addressing the W.: It is the command of the Councilor that I conduct this freeman before the altar, where he will administer to him the sublime obligation.
The Conductor will group the participants about the altar as follows: The Candidate standing with both hands resting upon the Holy Bible and American flag, the latter being draped across the former. Upon tire right of the Candidate shall stand the color sergeant, and upon the left the Conductor and at his left the Judge. When the grouping shall have been arranged, the Councilor; calling up the Council, shall proceed to the altar and at the same time the V. C., the Jr. P. C. and the Chaplain, leaving their stations, shall take positions.
C.: Friend and freeman. You have successfully passed through your initiation and advancement in our Order. We have noted with pleasure your fine bearing and fearless conduct during both ceremonies. It now becomes my duty to administer to you our final and most sacred obligation. You will find therein nothing that will in the slightest degree interfere with civil or religious relation or duty to family or self. With this assurance, do you care to proceed?
Candidate (each one for himself): I do.
C.: TiboyofwaaywryrhpylhutHBatAfagcattfowIwnp.
The C. will give three raps, whereupon all the members will rise.
TIwnrbwom, bw, bpobaomw, aots, p, g, foc, wh, om bktm, oaa, p, ortoaiCanifpa, tapopnktmtbarnigsiaC ilsttSaNC.
TIwhitbaepdtkuw, lupgattO.
TIwgmvaumittcialsofps, uwaubsatIw, aat, oagotp ffaspwoftuoboasoei, oakoc, ussoiitpoatpaautc.
TIwatmaseolftiod, i, w-mavfadctasp.
TIwnw, dndtO; amoi, otfoamnptstbd, iimptpi.
Tbtatog, ii, cal.
TgtptaAierolataabotO, un, wIcdsijtmaf.
TglsarottoalotC, tSaN. C. anta, aoctracawtO.
Tatfo, acuGatwtbtt, Ipmmsh.
C.: Do you pledge your most sacred honor?
Candidate: I do.
The Councilor, giving one rap, the members wilt be seated and the officers, except those in attendance upon the Candidate or Candidates, will return to their stations. The guard of honor will be relieved of further duty and be seated.
C., from his station: Brother Conductor, proceeding once about the hall, you will present the Candidate to the V. C., who will give him a first lesson in patriotism.
Conductor: Brother V. C., by direction of the Councilor, I now present to you this Candidate for a first lesson in patriotism.
V. C.: Friend and freeman, you are nearing the time when you will become a brother of this Order, but before this honor can be yours, it will be necessary that you receive certain instructions as to the true meaning and purpose of patriotism. It falls to me to begin the presentation of our conception of this most sacred subject. What I begin, others, abler and more worthy, will finish.
Patriotism has been a plant of slow growth. Its beginning is older than history. The germ of it lay in the heart of man at his creation. Warmed by the spirit of the Creator, it first forced its way into the light in the family. It bloomed at the dawning of nations, but comparatively speaking, it began to bear its fruit in recent times.
Because the sentiment of patriotism is but now growing to its fullness as a complete whole, it does not follow that the fine influence of it is lost to that relation of life—the family—where it had its birth. It is to this element of a sentiment, broadening with the passing into history of every new day, that I would speak.
Whatever you are, whatever you may become in that part of your life that lies beyond your home, the real value, the true greatness of what you do will largely depend, not only upon the influences that have shaped your character, but as well upon those that you put forth to form the character of others. It is in the family that the twig is bent to the tree’s inclining. It is there that the gravest responsibility of a patriot lies. From the family come those who are to bear the burdens after you, whether of public or private life. However patriotic may be the public side of your own life, you will fall far short of having lived as a true patriot unless you have freely given of your effort, unless you have wisely bestowed your influence toward elevating the character of the citizenship that will reap and sow again in the fields wherein you are now toiling.
Think upon these things.
V. C.: Brother Conductor, you will now present this freeman to the Jr. P. C., who will further instruct him in patriotism.
Conductor: Brother Jr. P.C., by direction of the V. C., I present to you this freeman for further instruction in patriotism.
Jr. P. C.: Friend and freeman, it now becomes my duty to advance you in your study of patriotism as we teach it. The V. C. has just pointed out to you the fundamental importance of the exercise of a true patriotism in the more intimate and private relations of life. We will now go further and look over a wider, if not a more urgent, field.
Political analysts have divided patriotism into two kinds, “that of instinct and that of reason.” The one is the patriotism of sentiment and poetry, and the other that of logic and prose. It is of the former that I would speak. But before going on with so pleasing a task, I will say that the division made between the two kinds of patriotism is quite general in its nature since from the birth of this sentiment it has never been possible to mark with precision just where the one left off and the other began.
We may trace patriotism from its origin in the family, to the tribe, to the community, to overlordship and to the state. Through it all there ran something of the purely practical; of reason. But if we sift out the counterfeit, the display of which was the result of force; the compelling exercise of power, as by feudal chief or prince, we will find that as a moving impulse the patriotism of the time sprang from the heart, rather than from the brain; that it was instinctive.
Throughout the ages sentimental patriotism has blossomed. Without recorded instance of it, the pages of history would be barren of interest, and without its influence the progress of man would have been impossible. There is something in the birth-place of man, that breeds an enduring love for it, whence patriotism. There is something in race-blood that creates a tie between men that is hard to break, and this begets patriotism. From such a patriotism came that beautiful line by the poet, Horace: “It is sweet and seemly to die for one’s country.” Because of such patriotism the annals of every land are filled with examples of high courage and splendid sacrifice: It is patriotism of this kind that endures hardship, and risking life and limb, fights the battles that clear the way for advancing civilization. We have had our wars and may have them again. Wars come, as often as not, from clear political skies. Be prepared, and prepare those for whose future you may in any way be responsible, to exemplify in the highest a willing patriotism at the country’s need.
Reflect and reflecting pass on.
Jr. P. C.: Brother Conductor, you will now present this freeman to the Councilor, who will complete his instruction in patriotism.
Conductor: Brother Councilor, by direction of the Jr. P. C., I present to you this freeman that you may finally instruct him in patriotism.
C.: My friend and fellow freeman, having progressed thus far in your study of patriotism as we aspire to teach it, those preceding me having called. your attention to the foundations of patriotism as we would practice it, you have come to the consideration of it as a present rule in the exercise of your citizenship.
The time has gone forever when the sentiment generated from love or admiration of King or Chieftain; from religious fanaticism or from devotion to partisan cause of any kind can be taken to fill full the measure of civic loyalty. There was, in the sentiment thus engendered, elements that go to make up a pure patriotism, but it lay with the future to produce the flawless gem. So long as it was possible for a ruler to say, as did a King of France, “The State, it is I,” a genuine patriotism was impossible. At least, under such a condition, a broad and comprehensive sentiment, including an intelligent loyalty to all the interests and purposes of the State, could not exist. That there may be such a sentiment of patriotism, it must find place in the hearts and minds of all the people and be inspired by the knowledge that all have a personal, direct interest and share in government, and that each one is immediately identified with a general prosperity and security. Our forefathers, those far-seeing men, were the first to lay the foundations broad and deep for just such a sentiment of patriotism, and here it has developed and become a part of the life of our people.
It is to foster such a patriotism that we gather here, and it is with the hope that you, in becoming one of us, will join in our efforts to contribute our part in guarding the American’s birthright, that we have opened wide our doors and given you welcome to our councils.
Military Scene
Two private soldiers, on guard, but at ease, will be standing at the foot of the flag-staff. The Officer of the Day making his rounds approaches. One of the soldiers promptly comes to attention and salutes. The other, being clearly in an ugly frame of mind, ignores the presence of the officer.
O. of the D. to the insubordinate soldier: Attention! Salute!
The soldier, but with ill grace, obeys.
O. of the D.: This neglect of duty must not be repeated. Take warning!
The Officer of the Day passes on.
Loyal Soldier: What is the matter with you? Why didn’t you salute properly? Don’t you know the rules of the service?
Disloyal Soldier: Of course I know the rules, but I am done. Throws his gun to the ground. I am tired of this service and hate that flag pointing to it.
L. S.: You are crazy or a fool. That is my flag. I was born under it. I don’t like your words.
D. S.: If not born in this land, I am a citizen, with the same rights that are yours. But there is a better flag than the one up there.
L. S.: We are comrades, have tramped, messed and slept together, but you are no longer a friend of mine. Your words are the words of a coward and a traitor.
D. S.: Coward! am I? I’ll show you. Here is my flag displaying a red flag. I will pull yours down and put mine in its place.
L. S., moving near the staff: Stand where you are; you touch this halyard at your peril.
They grapple; the Officer of the Day, hearing the disturbance, returns quickly.
O. of the D.: Officer of the Guard, turn out the guard.
The Officer of the Guard promptly assembles the guard and in double-quick time comes upon the scene.
O. of the D.: Officer of the Guard, arrest these men and take them before the Commander.
The men are arrested and carried before the Councilor who will take the part of the commanding officer.
C.: Officer of the Day, what means this disturbance?
O. of the D.: I found these men while on guard at the flag, wrangling and fighting. I immediately had them arrested and brought into your presence. It is but fair to say that this one indicating the disloyal soldier, has been ugly and insubordinate for some time. But today, I was obliged to threaten him with punishment.
C., addressing the loyal soldier: Why this unseemly disturbance?
L. S., saluting: Sir, this man and I got into a dispute over the officer’s reprimand and it ended in his showing a red flag and attempting to pull down the Stars and Stripes and put this symbol of anarchy in its place. This I could not permit and we came to blows, when we were arrested.
C. to disloyal soldier: Is this the truth?
D. S.: It is and less. I hate this land of boasted liberty; its government; its flag and officers. I loath my uniform. It is to me a badge of slavery. I do not believe in a government by law. I want no more f this service. I─
C.: Say no more! Then addressing the loyal soldier. Your conduct meets with my sincere approval. I shall not forget you. You may return to your post.
C., again addressing the disloyal soldier: And now as to you. You say that you want no more of this service. Thus far it shall be as you wish. Officer of the Guard, strip from this man every insignia of his service. When done he will continue. You have dishonored the country that so generously gave to you the world’s choicest gift, American citizenship. You have sought to dishonor the flag that you swore to defend. You have disgraced the uniform that you wear. For all this the penalty might be death. But we will not pollute the soil with the blood of such as you. You will be removed to the nearest sea-port and be placed upon some vessel, foreign bound. Prisoner, you are no longer citizen of the country whose flag and institutions you so hate, and I warn you, that when once away, if you ever return to these shores, it will be at the peril of your life.
Officer of the Guard, you will drum this man out of camp. His presence poisons the air we breathe. Away with him!
C. to the Candidate: Friend and fellow freeman. You have just witnessed a scene of patriotism and punishment for treason that I hope will make a lasting impression and I trust the lesson it teaches will never be forgotten. I must now ask you to give me in substance the three cardinal principles of our Order to which you were so recently obligated.
If the Candidate fairly well meets the test, then the Councilor shall say:
C.: You are to be commended for the closeness of your attention and to be congratulated upon a retentive memory;
If the Candidate fails, then the Councilor shall say:
C.: Your failure to recall these important parts of our solemn obligation is to be regretted. If from lack of close attention, it is a fault; if from an uncertain memory, a misfortune. I will repeat them to you. Give me your strict attention.
Tbtatog, ii, cal.
TgtptaAierolataabotO, un, wIcdsijtmaf.
TglsarottoalotCtSaN, C, anta, aoctracawtO.
Should there be more than one Candidate, the Councilor will direct that they be reconducted to the ante-room and admitted one by one, when they will be singly tested, as above, and as tested seated upon the right of the Councilor until all have been submitted to the test, when the Councilor will conclude the lecture.
C., the Candidate being seated in front of his station: The three cardinal principles, which may be briefly referred to; as allegiance to our government; preference to an American and loyalty to this Order, will be the text of-my concluding words.
This idea we wish to particularly impress upon you and I venture to express the hope that it will sink deep into your mind and conscience; that our form of government, which has made possible the most enlightened patriotism that the world has ever known, will be endangered unless an alert, living patriotism, in turn, safeguards it. A patriotism that awakens only at the call to arms, or from the civil side of it, manifests itself only on election day, cannot preserve our liberties; cannot perpetuate democracy. The patriotism that we would have; that we would inspire in you, never sleeps. It has to do with small as well as great things; With every-day affairs as well as with those that present themselves only at fixed periods or in emergencies.
It has ever been upon those whose citizenship is a birthright, that has fallen the greater burden of upholding the institutions and defending the honor and integrity of a country. This is true not only because such as these are of the greater number, but because being sons to the manor born, they stand nearest the hearthstone. Does it not follow, then, that among all these there should be cherished a community of interests that will lead, other things being at all equal, to a preference being given to an American-born, whether in business or public life? In a wide sense we are all brothers, if not of the same blood, at least of the same nationality. You will find those of other nationalities; those upon whom we have conferred the priceless boon of citizenship, as well as those who only find asylum or profitable residence among us teaching a lesson in this regard, that we well may heed.
It is well that we should give the helping hand to a fellow man in distress, circumstances permitting. There is no other way in which we can secure such large returns from so small an investment. We need not look for profit or gratitude; both may be ours, but our supreme reward will be the consciousness that we have done a good deed. It will be but the casting of bread upon the waters. But the assistance that we are to hold ourselves in readiness to extend to our unfortunate brother-member should be of a more intimate kind and perhaps of a more generous nature. Nor should it be directed solely toward material aid. There is the helpful word, the kindly advice, the sympathetic but not too inquisitive oversight of the lives of our fellow members that will often go farther than mere money service. Here too is subject-matter for the delicate and considerate attention of the Council as well as of the individual member. A member who grows careless in his attendance, who loses enthusiasm for the great cause in which we have enlisted, or worse, who may be neglecting his family, employment or business, whose feet may be turning to that path that ends only in moral or physical death, or both, becomes fairly the object of our solicitude and our friendly efforts should be freely, but always discreetly, put forth, that our brother may return to our side and be saved to his family and the state.
In comparatively modern times, man has devised a means for mutual aid and benefit, that while it has been reduced to a science, nevertheless voices the sentimental side of the best that is in human nature. This means we have made an essential feature of the fraternal idea as we have sought to exemplify it. It may aptly be termed the heart of our organization. We call it the Beneficiary Degree.
I cannot too strongly urge upon you the wisdom and importance of providing for those dearer to you than your own life. By doing this; by thus banding together with others, moved by the same holy purpose, you confer a blessing, nothing less than divine, noon the beloved of others, as well as of yourself.
We voluntarily become members of this society; we, in a general way, know its purposes before seeking admission; we take upon ourselves a solemn obligation to give it, its laws and officers, a willing support and loyal obedience and nothing short of this can be justified to a quick and clean conscience. If we fail in this, and by so much as we fail, we will subject ourselves not only to lawful discipline, but to the just contempt of decent, honorable men, everywhere.
C.: I will now instruct you as to the manner of entering and retiring from the Council while at work.
Oaatodywgor, wtO.S. wow, od; thywwtpat, ic, ywbatta. Tywiywtpraattidgtr; tI.S.wotwathywgyn yritOatnanoyC. tI.S.wtryttV. C.wwdyaiycgteotp. Tb cywbattCrwywatapbta, amara. UtaywftHB, aAfateotO. Aata, ywstC.wtcwimbeyth, pd, arttoyfutBaf. TC.wrbe trhaiw, wywsy. SywtrwtCiis, arartpotC.ywpttaamtssaue.
The emblem of our Order is the square and compasses, with the arm and hammer, surrounded by a shield.
I will explain to you the hailing and recognition sign, with the grip and test of membership.
Wtatmooowyaid, ymptifoyrhayrtaihiam, hwrwtlifahlt.
Tgwitbuowtm, imbits, talfotrh, tifoehblatwotoattpapt.
Tghbgar, tftwbu: Wcy? Ta. FaC. Wiym? Ta. Tbl.
The voting sign in the Council is the elevation of the left hand, palm to the front.
One rap of the gavel demands order and seats the Council when standing. Two raps call up the Council.
It now becomes a pleasant duty to invest you with the regalia of our Order and declare you a brother in full fellowship with us. May you always wear the one with honor and accept the other in perfect accord.
The Councilor facing the new brother, or brothers about, will move with them to the altar, when he will call up the Council, the members forming a circle around them. The Councilor will then say:
C.: Brothers, will you extend your circle to receive a new member?
Answer: We will.
C.: Then receive him.
C.: Brothers, are you satisfied with this extension to the circle of our brotherhood.
Answer: We are.
C.: Than with uplifted right hands let us repeat the Freeman’s Oath: Teoc, tdocaii, tiamopsatrteoppbasaotaotofogattwotAR.
Members in unison: Ipml, mfamsh.
Seating the Council, the Councilor will return to his station, leaving the Candidate or Candidates at the altar with the Conductor.
C.: Brother Conductor, you will now teach our brother to work his way out of and into the Council room.
C.: Brother F. S. will you kindly name the receipts of the evening.
F. S. states the amount.
Brother F. S., I will thank you to enter the amount upon the records.
Brothers, the business of the evening has been transacted and we are about to retire. Recalling to your minds the precepts that should at all times, whether in or out of Council, govern our conduct as members of this Order, I will ask you to join with me in repeating our three cardinal principles.
Tbtatog, ii, cal.
TgtptaAierolataabotO, iin, wIedsijtmaf.
TglsarottoalotCtSaNCanta, aoctracawtO.
C.: We will now sing our closing ode.
Air, “Auld Lang Syne.” (Key of F.)
We meet in love, we part in peace,
Our Council labors o’er;
We’ll ask, ere life’s best days shall cease,
To meet in time once more.
‘Mid fairest scenes of mem’ry dear,
In change of joy and pain,
We’ll think of friends assembled here,
And hope to meet again.
C.: Brother W., you will return to me our secret work.
C.: I now declare the Council closed until our next regular meeting, when it will be opened at … o’clock of the evening. The Council is duly closed.
