Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer
Ritual for 4 = 7 – Grade of Philosophus


Temple arranged for the 29th Path. Members assembled and clothed.
Hierophant, *:
Honoured Fratres assist me to open the Temple in the 4 = 7 Grade of Philosophus. H. Hegemon, see that the Temple is properly guarded.
Very Honoured Hierophant, the Temple is properly guarded.
Honoured Hiereus, see that none below the Grade of Philosophus are present.
Honoured Fratres, give the sign of 4=7. (Done) Very Honoured Hierophant, all present have attained the Grade of Philosophus.
He salutes.
H. Hegemon, to what particular element is this Grade attributed?
To the element Fire.
H. Hiereus, to that planet does this Grade especially refer?
To the planet Venus.
H. Hegemon, what paths are attributed to this Grade?
The 29th, 28th, and 27th paths of Qoph, Tzaddi, and Pe.
H. Hiereus, to what does the 29th path allude?
To the reflection of the sphere of Pisces.
H. Hegemon, to what does the 28th path allude?
To the reflection of the sphere of Aquarius.
H. Hiereus, to what does the 27th path allude?
To the reflection of the sphere of Mars.
All rise and face the east.
Let us adore the Lord and King of Fire.

Tetragrammaton, Tzabaoth, Blessed be Thou. The Leader of Armies is thy name.
All salute. The Hierophant leaves his throne and proceeds to the south. All face south. The Hierophant stands before the Tablet of Fire and with his sceptre makes the invoking circle and pentagram of fire.
Hierophant, *:
And Elohim said, Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion in the name of ELOHIM, mighty and ruling, and in the name of TETRAGRAMMA TON TZABAOTH. Spirits of Fire, adore your creator.
The Hierophant takes the incense from before the Tablet and makes the sign of Leo in the air in front of it.
In the name of Michael, the great Archangel of fore, and in the sign of the lion, Spirits of Fire, adore your creator.
He makes the sign of the cross with the incense.
In the name and letters of the great southern quadrangle revealed unto Enoch by the angel AVE, Spirits of Fire, adore your creator.
He holds the incense aloft.
In the three great secret Names of God - OIP, TEAA, PEDOCE - borne upon the banners of the south, Spirits of Fire, adore your creator.
The Hierophant returns to his throne.
In the name of YOD HE VAU HE TZABAOTH, I declare this Temple open in the 4=7 Grade of Philosophus
Hierophant: *** *** *
Hiereus: *** *** *
Hegemon: *** *** *.

Ceremony of Advancement
Ritual of the 29th Path of Qoph

The Temple is arranged in the 29th Path of Qoph and in darkness.
Hierophant, *:
Fratres, our Frater …, having made such progress in the paths of occult science as has enabled him to pass the examination in the requisite knowledge, and further, having been a member of the 3=8 Grade for a period of more than three months, is now eligible for advancement to the Grade of Philosophus and has duly received a dispensation from the greatly honoured Chiefs of the Second Order to advance him in due form. Honoured Hegemon, superintend the preparation of the Practicus and give the customary alarm.
The Hegemon salutes the Hierophant and leaves the Temple. He prepares the Practicus with the sash, hoodwink, and Calvary Cross of 12 squares to be carried in the right hand. He then gives the alarm.
Hegemon, *** *** *:
And the Ruach Elohim moved upon the face of the waters.
The Hiereus opens the door, admits them, and returns to his place. The Hegemon conducts the Practicus to the south in front of the Tablet of Fire, faces him to the East, and takes the Calvary Cross from him.
Give to the Hegemon the sign, grip or token, grand word, mystic number, and password of the 3=8 Grade of Practicus. Give me also the mystic title and symbol which you rceived in that Grade.
The signs etc. are given.
Elohim Tzabaoth, 36, Aleph Lamed, Monocris de Astris, Maim.
The Hegemon turns the candidate to face the Tablet of Fire.
Frater …, do you solemnly pledge yourself to maintain the same strict secrecy regarding the mysteries of the 29th, 28th, and 27th Paths and of the 4=7 Grade of Philosophus, which you have already sworn to maintain respecting those of the preceding Grades?
I do.
Then you will stretch forth your arms above your head to their full limit, and say: 'I swear by the torrent of fire'. (Done). Let the hoodwink be removed.
This is done. The Hegemon places in the candidate' s hand the incense from before the Tablet of Fire.
Wave the incense before the Tablet of Fire and say: 'Let the powers of fire witness my pledge'.
This is done. The Hegemon replaces the incense.
Conduct the Practicus to the East and place him before the mystic pillars. (Done.) Before you are the portals of the 31st, 32nd, and 29th Paths, as in the Grade of Zelator. The two former you have already traversed and the portals of the 29th Path on the right hand leading from the Grade of Zelator to the 4=7 of Philosophus is now open to you. Take in your right hand the Calvary Cross of twelve squares and follow your guide through the path of the waters.
The Hegemon gives the candidate the cross and then circumambulates the Temple once with him. The Hierophant, as they approach, rises with the red lamp in his hand. The Hegemon and the candidate halt in front of him.
The priest with the mask of Osiris spake and said: 'I am water, stagnant, silent, and still, reflecting all, concealing all. I am the past and I am the inundation. He who rises from the great waters is my name. Hall unto ye, dwellers in the land of night, for the rending of the darkness is near'.
The Hegemon leads the candidate round to the seat of the Hiereus who rises as they approach, with a red lamp in his hand. They halt in front of him.
The priest with the mask of Horus spake and said: 'I am water, turbid and troubled. I am the banisher of peace in the vast abode of waters. None is so strong that he can withstand the great waters, the vastness of their terrors, the magnitude of their fear, the roar of their thundering voice. I am the future mist, clad and shrouded in gloom. I am the recession of the torrent; the Storm-Veiled Terror is my name. Hail unto the mighty powers of nature and the chiefs of the whirling storm'.
The Hegemon leads the candidate round to his own seat and, taking the red lamp, addresses him.
The priestess with the mask of Isis spake and said: 'The Traveler through the gates of Anubis is my name. I am the water, pure and limpid, ever flowing on towards the sea. I am the ever passing present, which stands in the place of the past. I am the fertilised land. Hail unto the dwellers of the wings of the morning'.
The Hegemon replaces the lamp, seats the candidate west of, and closer to, the altar, facing the Hierophant, and returns to his seat.
I arise in the place of the gathering of the waters, through the rolled-back clouds of night. From the Father of waters went forth the Spirit rending asunder the veils of darkness and there was but a vastness of silence and of depth in the place of the gathering of the waters, Terrible was that silence of an uncreated world, immeasurable the depth of that abyss. And the countenances of darkness half formed arose. They abode not, they hasteth away, and in the vastness of vacancy the Spirit moved and the light-bearers existed for a space. I have said: 'Darkness of darkness, are not the countenances of darkness fallen with the kings? Do the sons of the night of time last for ever? And have they not passed away? Before all things are the waters and the darkness and the gates of the land of night and the chaos cries aloud for the unity of forms, and the face of the Eternal arose. Before the glory of that countenance, the night rolled back and the darkness hasteth away. In the waters beneath was that face, reflected in the formless abyss of the void. From those eyes darted rays of terrible splendour which crossed with the currents reflected. That brow and those eyes formed the triangle of the heavens and the measureless waters were formed from their reflection. Thus was formed the eternal Hexad and the Number of the drawing creation'.
The Hegemon turns up the lights and then conducts the candidate to the foot of the Hierophant 's throne, handing him the calvary cross of twelve squares.
The calvary cross of twelve squares fitly represents the zodiac, which embraces the waters of Nu, as the Egyptians called the heavens; the waters which are above the firmament. It also alludes to the eternal river of Eden, divided into four heads, which find their co-relatives in the four triplicities of the zodiac. (He places the cross to one side.) The 29th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah, which answereth unto the letter Qoph, is called the corporeal intelligence and is so called because it formeth every body which is formed beneath the whole order of the world and the increment of them. It is therefore the reflection of the sphere of the watery sign, Pisces, and the Path connecting the material universe as depicted in Malkuth with the Pillar of Mercy and the side of Chesed, through the Sephira Netzach and through it the waters of Chesed flow down.
The Hierophant, Hegemon, and candidate come to the west of the altar.
Before you upon the altar is the 18th Key of the Tarot, the Moon, which symbolically resumes these various ideas. It represents the moon, with four Hebrew Yods, like drops of dew falling, two dogs, two towers, a winding path leading to the horizon, and in the foreground, water with a crayfish crawling through it towards the land. The moon is in its increase, in the side of Gedulah, and from it proceed sixteen principal and sixteen secondary rays, which together make thirty-two, the number of the paths of Yetzirah. She is the moon at the feet of the woman of the Revelation, ruling equally over the cold and moist natures, and the passive elements of earth and water. The four Hebrew Yods refer to the four letters of the Holy Name, reconstituting the destroyed world from the waters.
It is to be noted that the symbol of the sign Pisces is formed of the two lunar crescents of Gedulah and Geburah, bound together, and this shows the lunar nature of the sign.
The dogs are the jackals of the Egyptian Anubis, guarding the gates of the east and of the west, shown by the two towers, between which lies the path of all heavenly bodies, ever rising in the east and setting in the west. The crayfish is the sign Cancer, and was anciently the Scarabaeus or Kephra, the emblem of the sun below the horizon, as he ever is when the moon is increasing above, also when the sun is in the sign Pisces; the moon will be well in her increase in Cancer, as shown by the crayfish emblem.
The Hierophant leads the candidate to the Tablet of the Serpent of Brass in the east.
This is the serpent Nehushtan, which Moses made when the Children of Israel were bitten by the serpents of fire in the wilderness. It is the serpent of the Paths of the Tree and He set it on a pole; that is He twined it round the Middle Pillar of the Sephiroth. And the word used in the passage in Numbers for fiery serpents is the same as the the name of the angels of Geburah, the same spelling, the same pointing, Seraphim; round the Middle Pillar of the Sephiroth because that is the reconciler between the fires of Geburah or Severity and the waters of Chesed or Mercy; and hence it is said in the New Testament that it is a sign of Christ, the reconciler; and the serpent of brass, the metal of Venus, whose sphere is called Nogah or External Splendour, as shown further in the alchemical symbol of the planet Venus, wherein the circle of the sun is exalted above the cross of corrosion, and therefore it is said in the Zohar that alone of the shells is the serpent Nogah formed in holiness and he is called the Bilaux of Justice. Why then is he called the External or False Splendour? Because he indeed uniteth the Paths but comprehendeth not the Sephiroth. Nevertheless he is also the Celestial Serpent of wisdom, but the serpent of temptation is the serpent of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and not that of the Tree of Life.
The Hierophant resumes his seat and the Hegemon leads the candidate to the Hiereus.
Hiereus, indicating the Tablet of Nine Chambers:
This is the so-called Qabalah of the Nine Chambers. In it the letters are classed together according to the similarity of their numbers. Thus, in the one chamber you will see Gimel, Lamed, and Shin, classed together, whose numbers are similar- 3, 30, 300, and so on. The uppermost is the more usual form of the diagram. In the lower the chambers are arranged according to the Sephiroth. This Tablet (indicates it) represents the method of forming the Tree of Life in the Tarot. The aces are placed in the throne of Kether, the remaining small cards of the suit desired are then placed on their respective Sephiroth, 2 on Chokmah, 3 on Binah, and so on. The 22 trumps are then arranged on the letters of the Paths between them. The King and Queen of the suit are placed beside Chokmah and Binah respectively; the Knight beside Tiphareth and the Knave beside Malkuth, thus representing the attributions of the Sephiroth to the four letters of the Holy Name, in the world in which they operate.
The Hegemon leads the candidate to the Tablet of Three Columns in the south.
Hegemon: The Tablet before you represents the formation of the Hexagram of Tiphareth from the Pillars on each side; in Chesed is the water and in Geburah is the fire; and in Tiphareth is the uniting and reconciliation of both triangles in the hexagram; as Aleph forms the reconciliation between Pe and Shin, so thus stands the reconciling pillar between the pillars of fire and cloud; the Jachin and Boaz of King Solomon's Temple.
The Hegemon leads the candidate to the Tablet of Talismanic Forms in the north.
I have much pleasure in now conferring upon you the title of Lord of the 29th Path of Qoph. You will now leave the Temple fora short while and on your return the ceremony of your passage of the 28th Path of Tzaddi will take place.
Ritual of the 28th Path of Tzaddi

The Temple is arranged for the 28th Path in darkness.
H. Hegemon, you have my command to present the Practicus with the necessary admission badge and to admit him.
The Hegemon goes to the door, opens it, presents the candidate with the solid pyramid of the elements, and admits him.
And ever forth from their central source the rivers of Eden flow.
The Hegemon leads the candidate to the south-east before the Pillars.
Frater …, the Path now pen to you is the 28th of Tzaddi, leading from the 2=9 of Theoreticus to the 4=7 of Philosophus. Take in your right hand the solid pyramid of the elements and follow your guide of the Path.
The Hegemon and candidate circumambulate the Temple. As they approach him, the Hierophant rises with the red lamp in his hand. They halt in front of him.
The priestess with the mask of Isis spake and said: 'I am the rain of heaven descending upon the earth, bearing with it the fructifying and germinating power. I am the plenteous yielder of the harvest. I am the cherisher of life'.
The Hegemon leads the candidate round to the seat of the Hiereus. As they approach, the Hiereus rises with the red lamp in his hand. They halt in front of him.
The priestess with the mask of Nephthys spake and said: 'I am the dew, descending noiseless and silent, germinating the earth with countless diamonds of dew, bearing down the influence from above in the solemn darkness of night'.
The Hegemon leads the candidate round to his own seat, takes the red lamp, and addresses him.
The priestess with the mask of Hathor spake and said: 'I am the ruler of mist and cloud, wrapping the earth as it were with a garment, floating and hovering between earth and heaven. I am the giver of the mist, the veil of autumn, the successor of the dew-clad night'.
The Hegemon replaces the lamp and seats the candidate west of the altar, facing the Hierophant, and then returns to his seat.
Where the paternal Monad is, the Monad is enlarged and generateth two and beside him is seated the Duad and glittereth with intellectual sections; also to govern all things and to order everything not ordered. For in the whole universe shineth the Triad over which the Monad ruleth. This order is the beginning of all sections.
For the Mind of the Father said that all things should be cut into three; whose will assented and immediately all things were divided, for the mind of the eternal Father said: 'Into three, governing all things by mind and there appeared in it the Triad - virtue and wisdom and multiscient truth'. Thus floweth forth the form of the Triad, being pre-existent. Not the first essence, but that whereby all things are measured. For thou must know that all things bow before the three Supernals. The first course is sacred, but in the midst thereof another; the third Ariel which cherisheth earth in fire and the fountain of fountains and of all fountains, the Matrix containing all. Thence abundantly springeth forth the generation of multifarious matter.
The lights are raised. The Hegemon conducts the candidate to the front of the Hierophant 's throne and hands to the Hierophant the solid pyramid of the elements.
This pyramid is attributed to the four elements. On the four triangles are their Hebrew names: Asch = fire; Maim = water; Ruach = air; and Aretz = earth. On the apex is the word Eth, composed of the first and last letters of the alphabet and implying 'essence'. The square base represents the material world and on it is the word Olamh meaning 'world'.
He places the pyramid on one side.

The 28th Pathof the Sepher Yetzirah, which answereth unto the letter Tzaddi, is called the natural intelligence and it is so called because through it is consummated and perfected the nature of everything under the orb of the sun. It is therefore the reflection of the airy sign of Aquarius, the water bearer, unto which is attributed the countenance of the Man, the Adam of the restored world.
The Hierophant, the Hegemon, and the candidate come to the west of the altar.
Before you on the altar is the 17th Key of the Tarot, the Star, which symbolically resumes these ideas. The large star in the centre of the heavens has seven principal and fourteen secondary rays and thus represents the Heptad, multiplied by the Triad, which yields twenty-one, the number of the divine Name Eheieh, which as you already know is attached to Kether. In the Egyptian sense it is Sirius, the Dog Star, the star of Isis, Sothis. Around it are the stars of the seven planets, each with its sevenfold counterchanged operation. The nude female figure with the star of the Heptagram on her brow is the synthesis of Isis, of Nephthys, and of Hathor. She also represents the planet Venus, through whose sphere the influence of Chesed descends.
She is Aima, Binah, and Tebunah, the great supernal Mother; Aima Elohim pouring upon the earth the waters of creation which unite and form a river at her feet, the river going forth from the supernal Eden, which ever floweth and faileth not. Note well that in this Key she is completely unveiled, while in the 21st Key she is only partly so. The two urns contain the influences from Chokmah and Binah. On the right springs the Tree of Life and on the left the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil whereon the bird of Hermes alights; and therefore also doth this Key represent the restored world after the formless and the void and the darkness of the new Adam, the countenance of the Man which falls in the sign of Aquarius and therefore doth the astronomical symbol of this sign represent as it were the waves of water; but also it is further attributed unto air and not unto water, because it is the firmament dividing and containing the waters.
The Hierophant, the Hegemon, and the candidate go to the east.
Before you is shown the manner of writing the Holy Name in each of the four worlds at length by giving the spelling of each letter. You will note that the spelling of the letter Yod alone alters it not. It is the symbol of the unchangeableness of the First Cause. The total of the spelling in each world is there expressed in Hebrew letters and makes the secret name of the world. Thus in Atziluth the total is seventy-two and the secret name is Ayin Beth =AB; in Briah it is Sarnek Gimel = SEG; in Yetzirah it is Mem He = MAH; and in Assiah it is Nun Beth = BEN. (He points out the second Tablet.) In this Tablet is shown the method of writing the Hebrew words by the Yetziratic attribution of the alphabet, whence results some curious hieroglyphic symbolism. Thus, the Tetragrammaton will be written by Virgo, Aries, Taurus, Aries; Ehieh by Air, Aries, Virgo, Aries. From Yeheshuah, the Qabalistic mode of spelling Jesus, which is simply the Tetragrammaton with the letter Shin placed therein, we obtain a very peculiar combination: Virgo, Aries, Fire, Taurus, Aries =Virgo, born of the Virgin, the sacrificial Lamb, the fire of the Holy Spirit, Taurus the ox of earth in whose manger he was laid, and lastly Aries, the flocks of sheep whose herdsmen came to worship him. Elohim yields Air, Libra, Aries, Virgo, Water, the firmament, the balanced force, the fire of the Spirit (for Aries is a fiery sign operating in the zodiac), the virgin goddess, and the waters of creation. Returning to the spelling of Yeheshuah, it is easy to see that the lamb is an appropriate symbol of Jesus from the prevalence of the Aries symbol, whose fire is subdued and modified by its other associations.
The Hierophant returns to his seat. The Hegemon leads the candidate to the west.
In the 2=9 Grade you were shown the lineal figures attributed to the planets. The figures now before you consist of the Dekagram, Endekagram, and Dodekagram, together with the two forms of the Enneagram and the remaining forms of the Heptagram and Octagram, which are not consonant with the planet. The Heptagram traced in a continuous figure reflected from every third point relates to the planets. The Octagram formed of two squares relates to the eight-lettered name. The two forms of the Enneagram to the triple names, the three forms of the Dekagram relate to the duplicated He, to the ten Sephiroth, and to Malkuth. The three forms of the Endekagram are referred to the Qlippoth. The four forms of the Dodekagram are referred to the zodiac; the three Quaternions of angular, succedent, cadent, and moveable, fixed and common, and the four duplicities, and the twenty-four thrones of the elders.
He goes to the second Tablet of the modes of lineal figures.
The term 'polygon' is referred toa figure having only salient or projecting angles; the term 'polygram' to a figure having re-entering angles as well. The number of possible modes of tracing these lineal figures will then be: triangle 1. square 1, pentangle 2, hexangle 2, heptangle 3, octangle 3, enneangle 4, dekangle 4, endekangle 4, dodekangle 5.
The Hegemon leads the candidate to the Tablet in the south.
The Sepher Yetzirah divides the ten numbers into a tetrad, answering to the spirit of the living Elohim, Air, Water and Fire; and a hexad consisting of height, IVH, depth IVH, east HIV, west HVI, south VHI, and the north VIH; the six sides of a cube, sealed with the six permutations of the letters Yod, He, V au of the sacred Name.
He leads the candidate to the Tablet in the north.
Before you are the geomantic figures arranged according to their planetary attributes on the Tree of Life. You will note that Saturn represents the three supernal Sephiroth summed up in Binah, while the Caput and Cauda Draconis are referred to Malkuth.
He takes the candidate to the Hierophant.
I have much pleasure in conferring upon you the title of Lord of the 28th Path of Tzaddi. You will now leave the Temple for a short while and on your return the ceremony of your passage of the 27th Path will take place.
Ritual of the 27th Path of Pe

The Temple is arranged for the 27th Path of Pe and is in darkness.
H. Hegemon, you have my commands to present the Practicus with the necessary admission badge and to admit him.
The Hegemon opens the door and gives the candidate the calvary cross of ten squares and then admits him.
The River of Kishon swept them away, that ancient River Kishon. O my soul, thou hast trodden down strength.
The Hegemon leads the candidate to the south and places him in front of the mystic pillars.
Frater …, the path now open to you is the 27th which leads from the 3=8 Grade of Practicus to the 4=7 of Philosophus. Take in your right hand the calvary cross of ten squares and follow your guide through the Path of Mars.
The Lord is a man of war, the Lord of Armies is his name.
The Hegemon leads the candidate to the foot of the dais The Hierophant rises with the red lamp in his hand.
Ere the eternal instituted the formation, beginning and truth existed not. Therefore, before him he expandeth a certain veil and therein he instituted the primal kings; and these are the kings who ruled in Edom, before there reigned a king over Israel; but they subsisted not. When the earth was formless and void, behold this is the reign of Edom; and when the creation was established, lo, these are the wars between them. From a lightbearer of unsupportable brightness proceeded a radiating flame hurling forth like a vast and mighty hammer, whose sparks flamed and scintillated a while, but being unbalanced they were extinguished. Since, lo, the kings assembled, they passed away together. They themselves beheld, so were they astonished. They feared, they hasteth away; and these be the kings who reigned in Edom, before there reigned a king over Israel.
The Hegemon leads the candidate round the Temple and halts in front of the Hiereus who rises with the red lamp in his hand.
The Dukes of Edom were amazed. Trembling they took hold on the mighty of Moab. Lord, when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marchest out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled and the heavens dropped; the clouds also dropped water. Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the Lord. Curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof, because they came not to the help of the Lord against the mighty River of Kishon. O my soul, thou hast trodden down strength. He bowed the heavens also and came down, and darkness was under his feet. At the brightness that was before him, the thick clouds passed, hailstones and flashings of fire. The Lord thundered through the heavens and the highest gave his voice. He sent out his arrows and scattered them. He hurled forth his lightning and destroyed them. The the channels of the water were seen and the foundations of the world were discovered. At thy rebuke, o Lord, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils, the voice of thy thunders was in the heavens. The lightnings lightened the world; the earth trembled and shook. The way is in the sea and thy path in the great waters and thy footsteps are not known.
The Hegemon leads the candidate round and halts in front of the Hegemon 's dais. The Hegemon mounts and takes the red lamp in his hand.
O Lord, I have heard thy speech and was afraid. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful. The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shaketh the wilderness. Yea, the voice of the Lord shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh.
The Hegemon places the candidate in a seat west of the altar, facing east. He takes the calvary cross from him and returns to his place.
Eloah came from the Teman of Edom and the Holy One from Mount Paran. His glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of his praise and his brightness was as the light. He had Kermaim in his hands and there was the hiding of his power. Before him went the pestilence and flaming fire went forth at his feet. He stood. and measured the earth. He stood. and drove asunder the nations and the everlasting mountains were scattered. The perpetual hills did bow. His ways are everlasting. I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction and the curtains of the land of Midian did tremble. Was the Lord displeased against the rivers? Was thy wrath against the sea, that thou didst ride upon thine horses and the chariots of salvation? Thou didst cleave asunder the earth with rivers. The mountains saw thee and they trembled. The deluge of the waters rolled by. The deep uttered his voice and he lifted up his hands on high. The sun and moon stood still in their habitations. At the light of thine arrows they went; at the shine of their glittering spears. Thou didst march through the land in indignation. Thou didst thresh the heathen in thy anger. Thou didst march through the sea with thine horses, through the depths of the mighty waters.
The Hegemon conducts the candidate to the Hierophant and hands to the latter the calvary cross of ten squares. The lights are turned up.
The calvary cross of ten squares refers to the ten Sephiroth in balanced disposition, before which the formless and the void rolled back. It is also the opened-out form of the double cube and of the altar of incense. (He places the cross on one side.) The 27th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah which answereth to the letter Pe, is called the Exciting Intelligence, and is so called because by it is created the intellect of all created beings under the highest heaven, and the excitement or motion of them. It is therefore the reflection of
the sphere of Mars, and the reciprocal path connecting Netzach with Hod, Victory with Splendour. It is the lowermost of the three reciprocal paths.
The Hierophant, the Hegemon, and the candidate come to the west of the altar.
Before you on the altar is the 16th Key of the Tarot, the Tower, which symbolically resumes these ideas. It represents a tower struck by a lightning flash proceeding from a rayed circle and terminating in a triangle. It is the Tower of Babel struck by the fire from heaven It is to be noted that the triangle at the end of the flash, issuing from the circle, forms exactly the astrological symbol of Mars. It is the power of the Triad rushing down and destroying the columns of darkness. Three holes are rent in the walls, symbolising the establishment of the Triad therein; and the crown at the summit of the tower is falling, as the crowns of the Kings of Edom fell, who are also symbolised by the men falling headlong. On the right-hand side of the tower is light, and it is the representation of the Tree of Life, by the ten circles thus disposed. On the left-hand side is darkness and eleven circles symbolising the Qlippoth.
The Hierophant, the Hegemon, and the candidate go to the Tablets in the east.
This represents the alchemical symbol of sulphur on the Tree of Life it does not touch the lower Sephiroth. The cross terminates in Tiphareth which, as it were the supernal triangle, is to be grasped; and Tiphareth is the purified man. The meaning of the alchemical symbol was explained to you in the previous Grade. The symbol of salt embraces all the Sephiroth but Malkuth and is, as it were, the reconciler between the sulphur and mercury. The horizontal dividing line implies the precept of Hermes: 'as above, so below'.
The Hierophant resumes his seat. The Hiereus, the Hegemon, and the candidate go to the Tablet in the west.
This Tablet represents the Trinity operating through the Sephiroth and reflected downwards in the four triangles of the elements, through the Tree of Life. Notice that air is reflected from Kether through Tiphareth to Yesod, and water is reflected from. Binah through Chesed to Hod, and fire is reflected from Chokmah through Geburah to Netzach, while Malkuth is earth, the receptacle of the other three. On this other Tablet is the image of Nebuchadnezzar, whose head was of gold, the breast and arms of silver, the belly and thighs of brass, the legs of iron, and the feet part of iron and part of clay. In his hands are represented the hot and moist natures.
The Hegemon conducts the candidate to the Tablet of Yetziratic Palaces in the south.
These are the Yetziratic Palaces containing the Sephiroth. In each palace are six letters from the divine Name of forty-two letters. This Name of forty-two letters has been taken from the first forty-two letters of the Creation, as far as the Beth of the word 'Bohu' by various transmutations which are described at length in the Sepher Paroles.
The Hegemon leads the candidate to the Tablet in the north.
These are the Qlippoth with their twelve princes wo are the heads of the twelve months of the year. In the central square are placed Samael and Ashmodai. At the south-east are the man and the serpent and the elder Lilith, the wife of Samael. At the north-east angle are the ox and the ass and Aggareth, the daughter of Machalath. At the north-west angle are the scorpion and Asimon, the named one, and Nahamah. At the south-west are the lion and the horse, and the younger Lilith, the wife of Ashmodai.
The Hegemon leads the candidate back to the Hierophant.
I have much pleasure in conferring upon you the title of Lord of the 27th Path of Pe. You will now leave the Temple for a short time, and on your return the ceremony of your reception into the 4=7 Grade of Philosophus will take place.
Ceremony of the 4=7 Grade of Philosophus
The Temple is arranged.
H. Hegemon, instruct the Practicus in the proper alarm. Present him with the necessary badge of admission, and admit him.
This is done.
In the north-west are the portals of the 29th and 28th Paths by which you have symbolically entered this Grade, from the 1=10 and the 2=9 Grades, while in the north is the portal of the 27th Path by which you have just passed from the Grade of Practicus.
The Hegemon leads the candidate to the Hiereus
By what symbols dost thou enter herein?
By the peculiar emblem of the Hegemon, which is the calvary cross of six squares within a circle.
This calvary cross embraces, as you see, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod and Yesod, and rests on Malkuth. The surrounding circle includes Chesed, Geburah and Malkuth. Also the calvary cross of six squares forms the cube and is thus referred to the six Sephiroth which are Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod.
The Hierophant comes to the west of the altar and the Hegemon resumes his seat.
This is the symbolic representation of the Fall, for the great goddess, who in 3=8 was supporting the columns of the Sephiroth, is in the sign of 2=9 being tempted by the Tree of Knowledge, whose branches indeed lean upwards into the seven lower Sephiroth, but also tend downwards into the kingdom of shells, reached down unto the Qlippoth; and immediately the columns were unsupported and the Sephirothic system was shattered and with it fell Adam, the Microprosopus. The arose the great dragon with the seven heads and ten horns, and the Garden was made desolate and Malkuth was cut from the Sephiroth by hls intersecting folds and linked unto the kingdom of shells; and the seven lower Sephiroth were cut from the Supernal in Daath, at the feet of Aima Elohim; and on the heads of the dragon are the names and crowns of the eight Edomite kings, and upon the horns are the names of the eleven dukes of Edom. And because in Daath was the utmost rise of the great serpent of evil, therefore is there, as it were another Sephira, making eight heads, according to the number of the eight kings; and for the infernal and adverse Sephiroth, eleven instead of ten, according to the number of the dukes of Edom; and hence were the rivers of Eden desecrated and from the mouth of the dragon rushed the infernal waters in Daath; and this is Leviathan, the piercing serpent, even Leviathan, the crooked serpent. But between the desecrated garden and the supernal Eden, Tetragrammaton Elohim placed the letters of the Name, and the flaming sword, that the uppermost part of the Tree of Life might not be involved in the fall of Adam.
And thence it was necessary that the second Adam should come to restore all things and that, as the first Adam had been extended on the cross of the celestial rivers, so the Son should be crucified on the cross of the infernal rivers in Daath. Yet to do this he must descend into the lowest first, even unto Malkuth, and be born of her. The 4=7 Grade of Philosophus is referred to the Sephira Netzach ends the 27th, 28th and 29th Paths are bound thereto.
The sign of this Grade is given by raising the hands to the forehead with the thumbs and index fingers forming a triangle, apex up. (This is done.)
This represents the element fire, to which this Grade is attributed, and also the Spirit which moved upon the waters of creation. The grand word is YOD HE VAU HE TZABAOTH which means 'Lord of Armies'. The mystic number is 28 and from it is formed the password of the Grade, Kaph Cheth, meaning 'Power'. It should be lettered separately when given. Unto this Grade and unto the Sephira Netzach, the 7th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah is referred. It is called the 'refulgent intelligence' and is so called because it is the refulgent splendour of all the intellectual virtues, which are perceived by the eyes of the mind, and by the eyes of the contemplation of faith. The distinguishing badge of this Grade, which you will now be entitled to wear, is the sash of a Practicus with the addition of a light green cross above the violet cross, and the numbers 4 and 7 within a circle and square respectively left and right of its summit and below the number 31, the numbers 27, 28, and 29 in bright green between the narrow parallel lines of the same colour.
The Grade is especially referred unto the element of fire, and therefore the Great Watch Tower, or Terrestrial Tablet of the South, forms one of its six principal emblems.
The Hierophant and the candidate now go to the Tablet of the South.
It is known as the fourth or great Southern Quadrangle or Tablet of Fire, and it is one of the four great tablets delivered unto Enoch by the great angel Ave. From it are drawn the three holy secret names of God: OIP TEAA PEDOCE: which are borne upon the banners of the south, and the numberless divine and angelic names which appertain unto the element of fire. The meanings of the other Tablets have already been explained to you.
They return to the altar.
The triangle surmounting the cross upon the altar represents the fire of the Spirit surmounting the cross of life and the waters of Eden. You will note that it thus forms the alchemical emblem of sulphur. The red lamps at the angles of the triangle are the threefold forms of fire.
They go to the east.
The portals in the east and north-east conduct to the higher Grades. The others are those of the Paths you have already traversed. This Grade is also related to the planet Venus, the ruler in Netzach; the Kamea or mystical square is formed of forty-nine squares containing the numbers from one to forty-nine arranged so as to show the same sum each way. The ruling numbers are 7, 49, 175, and 1252. This Tablet shows the mystical seals and names drawn from the Kamea of Venus. The seals are formed from the lines drawn to certain numbers upon the squares. The name answering to 7 is Aha; that answering to 49 is Hagiel, the intelligence of Venus; that answering to 175 Kedemel, the spirit of Venus; and that answering to 1252 is Beni Seraphim, the name of the intelligence of Venus.
On this Tablet is shown the meaning of the symbol of Venus on the Tree of Life. It embraces the whole Sephiroth and is therefore a fitting symbol of the Isis of nature. Hence also its circle is always represented larger than Mercury.
The Hierophant returns to his seat. The Hegemon leads the candidate to the Hiereus and they proceed to the west.
On this Tablet are shown the Paths when arranged with Daath added to the Sephirothic Tree. It differs from the other and more usual attributions. Furthermore, it is not so correct, as Daath is not properly speaking a Sephira. On this Tablet are shown the Sephiroth in the four worlds, each Sephira with its own ten Sephiroth inscribed within, so that the total number is four hundred, the number of Tau, the last letter of the alphabet.
The Hiereus returns to his seat. The Hegemon leads the candidate to the Tablet in the south.
This is the symbolism of the altar of burnt offering, which King Solomon built. 1t was formed of a four-fold cube, twenty cubits square and ten high Ten are the principal parts which you see here classified above as under the Sephiroth and forming thus the triangle of fire above it.
He leads the candidate to the Tablet in the north.
This is the symbolism of the brazen sea, which King Solomon made. It was ten cubits in diameter, answering to the Sephiroth. Its height was five cubits, the number of the letter He; thirty cubits in circumference, the ten cubits multiplied by the ternary. Beneath the rim were three hundred knops, the numbers of the holy letter Shin and the name of Ruach Elohim; and it stood upon the twelve men answering to the twelve stars at the crown of Aima, the Great Mother. It is the synthesis of Binah containing the waters of creation
The Hegemon places the candidate in a seat in the west, facing the Hierophant, and returns to his place.
I now congratulate you, Honoured Frater, on having passed through the ceremony of 4=7 of Philosophus, and in recognition thereof confer upon you the mystic title of Pharos Illuminans, which means 'illuminating Tower', and I give you the symbol of Aesch which is the Hebrew name of fire. And now that you have attained the highest Grade of the First Order, and as a link with the Second Order, I further confer upon you the title of respect of Honoured Frater, and I give you the further symbol of Phrath, or Euphrates, the fourth river of Eden.
In the name of TETRAGRAMMA TON TZABAOTH, I now proclaim that you have been duly advanced to the Grade of 4=7 of Philosophus and that you are Lord of the 27th, 28th, and 29th Paths.
H. Frater, as a member of this important Grade, you are eligible for the post of Hiereus when a vacancy occurs. You are furthermore expected, as having risen so high in the Order, to aid to your utmost the members of the Second Order in the working of the Temple to which you are attached; to study thoroughly the mysteries which have been unfolded to your view in your progress from the humble position of a Neophyte, so that yours may not be the merely superficial knowledge which marks the conceited and ignorant man, but so that you may really and thoroughly understand what you profess to know, and not by your ignorance and folly bring disgrace on that Order which has advanced you so far.
Your duty is to supervise the studies of weaker or less advanced Brethren, and so to make yourself as far as possible an ornament to your Temple and your Order.

Assist me to close the Temple in the 4=7 Grace of Philosophus.
H. Hegemon, see that the Temple is properly guarded.
This is done.
V.H. Hierophant, the Temple is properly guarded.
Let us adore the Lord and King of fire.
All face east.

The Adoration

Tetragrammaton of Hosts, mighty and terrible, the Commander of the etherial armies art Thou. Amen.
All salute. The Hierophant leaves his throne and goes to the Tablet of Fire in the south. All face south.
Let us rehearse the prayer of the salamanders and the fire spirits.
Immortal, eternal, ineffable, and uncreated Father of All, borne upon the chariots of the world, which ever roll in ceaseless motion; Ruler over the etherial vastness where the throne of thy Powers is raised, from the summit of which thine eyes behold all; and thy pure and holy ears hear all; help us, thy children, whom thou hast loved since the birth of the ages of time. Thy majesty, golden, vast, and eternal, shineth above the heaven of stars. Above them art thou exalted, o thou flashing fire! There thou illuminatest all things with thine insupportable glory, whence flow the ceaseless streams of splendour, which nourish thine infinite spirit. This infinite spirit nourisheth all and maketh that inexhaustible treasure of generation, which ever encompasseth thee, replete with the numberless forms wherewith thou hast filled it from the beginning. From this spirit arise those most holy Kings who are around thy throne and who compose thy Court.
O universal Father, one and alone! Father alike of mortals and immortals, thou hast especially created powers similar unto thy thoughts eternal, and unto thy venerable essence. Thou hast established them above the angels who announce thy will to the world. Lastly, thou hast created us as a third order in our elemental empire. There our continua! exercise is to praise and to adore thy desires. There we ceaselessly burn with eternal aspiration unto thee. O Father, o Mother of mothers, o Archetype eternal of maternity and love, o Son, the flower of all sons, Form of all forms, soul, spirit, harmony and numeral of all things! Amen.
With his sceptre he makes the banishing circles and pentagrams in the air in front of the Tablet.
Depart ye in peace to your habitation. May the blessings of Elohim be upon you. Be there peace between us and you, and be ye ready to come when ye are called.
The Hierophant returns to his seat. All face east as usual.
In the name of Tetragrammaton Tzabaoth, I declare this Temple closed in the 4=7 Grade of Philosophus. *** *** *

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