Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer
Ritual for 2 = 9 – Grade of Theoricus


Temple arranged as for 32nd Path. All members clothed
Hierophant, *:
Fratres and Sorores of the Order of the GD in the Outer, assist me to open this Temple in the 2 = 9 of Theoricus. Frater Kerux, see that the Temple is properly guarded.
Kerux, *:
VH Hierophant, the Temple is properly guarded.
H. Hiereus, see that none below the grade of Theoricus is present.
Fratres and Sorores, give the signs of 2 = 9. Done. VH Hierophant, all present have attained the grade of Theoricus. Saluting.
H. Hegemon, to what particular element is this grade attributed?
To the element of air.
H. Hiereus, to what planet does this grade especially refer?
To the moon.
What path is attached to this grade, H. Hegemon?
The 32nd path of Tau.
H. Hiereus, to what does it allude?
To the universe as composed of the four elements; to the Kerubim; the Qliphoth; the astral plane, and the reflection of the sphere of Saturn.
Hierophant, *, all rise and face the East:
Let us adore the Lord and King of Air.
He makes O with his sceptre towards the East.

Shaddai-El-Chai. Almighty and Everlasting, be thy name ever magnified in the life of all. Amen.
All salute. The Hierophant remains facing East. Hiereus advances to the altar and halts. Hegemon and Kerux advance to the East, hand on the right and left … of the Hierophant repsectively and outside the pillars. All face East.
Hierophant, making the invoking pentagram with his sceptre in the air in front of the Tablet of Air:
And Elohim said, let us make Adam in our image after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fowl of the air. In the name of Yod. Heh. Vau. Heh, and in the names of Shaddai-El-Chai, Spirits of the Air, adore your creator.
Hierophant takes the pentacle from before the Tablet of Air and makes therewith the sign Aquarius in the air before it.

In the name of Raphael, the great archangel of air, and in the sign of the head of the man, Spirits of Air, adore your creator.
He makes a cross with the pentacle.

In the names and letters of the great Eastern Quadrangle revealed unto Enoch by the archangel Ave, Spirits of the Air, adore your creator.
He holds the pentacle on high.

In the three great names of God, borne on the banners of the East, ORO, IBAH, AOZPI, Spirits of the Air, adore your creator.
He replaces the pentacle. All return to their places.

In the name of Shaddai-El-chai, I declare the Temple opened in the 2 = 9 of Theoricus: *** *** ***.
Hiereus: *** *** ***.
Hegemon: *** *** ***.

Ceremony of Advancement
The Temple is arranged for the ritual of the 32nd Path. The Temple is darkened.
Hierophant, *:
Fratres and Sorores, our Frater XYZ, having made such progress in the paths of occult science as has enabled him/her to pass the examination in the requisite knowledge, is now eligible for advancement to the grade of Theoricus; and I have duly received a dispensation from the VH Chiefs of the Second Order to advance him/her in due form. H. Hegemon, superintend the preparation of the Zelator, and give the customary alarm.
The Kerux places the fan, lamp, cup, and salt at the right hand of each official's seat. The Hegemon rises and salutes the Hierophant, quits the Temple, and sees that the Zelator is prepared as follows: wearing the sash of 1 = 10, hoodwinked, and with the solid Greek cross in his/her right hand, formed of 22 squares, with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet written thereon. The Hegemon takes the Zelator by the left hand and gives an alarm of *** *** ***.
Hegemon to Z:
Quit thou the material and seek the spiritual.
The Kerux opens the door and admits them.
Conduct the Z to the east.
The Hegemon places Z before the pillars. Kerux at Z's left hand. Hegemon at Z's right. Kerux takes the cubical cross from Z.
Hiercphant to Z:
Give me the step, sign, grip or token, grand word, mystic number, and password formed therefrom, of the 1 = 10 Zelator.
Z is prompted by Hegemon if necessary.
Give me also the mystic title and symbol which you received in that grade. Done.
Frater /Soror Pereclinus de Faustis, do you solemnly pledge yourself to maintain the same strict secrecy regarding the mysteries of the 32nd Path and of the 2 = 9 Theoricus which you have already sworn to maintain respecting these of the preceding grades?
I do.
Then you will stretch your right hand holding the cubical cross towards heaven, and say: 'I swear by the firmament of heaven'. Z. repeats these words. Let the hoodwink be removed.
This is done. The Hegemon return to his place in the south, leaving the Kerux in charge of Z. The Kerux places the cubical cross again in the right hand of Z.
Stretch forth your right hand holding the cubical cross towards the East, in the position of the Zelator sign, saying: 'Let the powers of Air witness my pledge'. Done.
The Ritual of the 32nd Path

Hierophant, *, to Z:
Facing you are the portals of the 31st, 32nd, and 29th Paths leading from the grade of Zelator to the three other grades which are beyond. The only Path open to you, however, is the 32nd which leads to the 2 = 9 of Theoricus, and which you must traverse before arriving at that degree.
Take the cubical cross in your right hand, and the banner of light in your left giving it to him/her, and follow your guide, Anubis the Guardian who leads you from the material unto the spiritual.
Anubis, the Guardian, said unto the aspirant, "Let us enter the presence of the Lords of Truth". Arise and follow me.
The Kerux leads Z between the columns, turns to the right, and circumambulates the hall once. As they approach the Hiereus, H says:
The sphinx of Egypt spake and said, "I am the synthesis of the elemental forces. I am also the symbol of man. I am life, I am death, and I am the child of the night of time".
Kerux and Zapproach the East, and the Hierophant steps from between the columns and bars the passage with fan in right hand and banner of west in left.
The priest with the mask of Osiris spake and said: "Thou canst Not pass the gate of the eastern heaven unless thou canst tell me My name".
Kerux for Z:
Thou are Nu, goddess of the firmament of air. Thou art HORMAKHU, Lord of the eastern sun.
In what signs and symbols do ye come?
In the letter aleph, in the banner of light, and the symbol of equated forces.
The Hierophant falls back and signs the Aquarius before the Z with his fan.
In the sign of the man, child of air, thou art purified. Pass thou on.
He gives the banner of the west to the Kerux who hands it to the Hegemon as he passes him. Kerux and Z circumambulate the Temple a second time. As they go round, the Hiereus says:
I am Osiris, the soul in twin aspect, united to the higher by purification, perfected in suffering, glorified through trial. I have come where the great gods are, through the power of the mighty Name.
Hegemon bars the way as they approach him in the south with red lamp and banner of the west in his left hand.
The priest with the mask of the lion spake and said: "Thou canst not pass the gate of the southern heaven unless thou canst tell me my name".
Kerux for Z:
MAU. The lion, very powerful Lord of Fire, is thy name. Thou art RA, the sun in his strength.
In what signs and symbols do ye come?
In the letter SHIN, in the banner of the East, and the symbol of the cubical cross.
Hegemon falls back and signs Leo before the Z with his lamp.
In the sign of the lion, child of fire, thou art purified. Pass thou on.
Hegemon takes the place of Kerux, who goes to his place, and leads Z round the Temple a third time, giving the banner of the west to the Hiereus as he passes. Then the Hiereus says, as Hegemon and Z go round:
I have passed through the gates of the firmament. Give me your hands, for I am made as ye. Hail unto ye, ye Lords of Truth, for ye are the formers of the soul.
Hiereus bars the way when they have approached him, and with cup in right hand and banner of the West in left hand, says:
The priest with the mask of the eagle spake and said, "Thou canst not pass the gate of the western heavens unless thou canst tell me my name".
Hegemon for Z:
Heka, mistress of Hesar, ruler of water is thy name. Thou art TOUM, the setting sun.
In what signs and symbols do ye come?
In the letter MEM; in the banner of light, and the symbol of the 22 letters.
Hiereus falls back and, with his cup, signs the eagle before the Z, saying:
In the sign of the eagle, child of water, thou art purified. Pass thou on.
Hiereus gives the banner of the west to the Hegemon who leaves it with the Kerux as he passes him. The Hegemon leads the Z round the Temple for the fourth time. As they go, the Hiereus says:
O Lord of the universe, thou art above all things, and thy name is in all things, and before thee the shadows of the night roll back and the darkness hasteth away.
The Kerux bars the way, with salt in his right hand and the banner of the west in his left.
The priest with the mask of the ox spake and said, ''Thou canst not pass the gate of the northern heaven unless thou tell me my name".
Hegemon for Z:
Salem in the abode of Shu, the bull of the earth, is thy name. Thou art Kephra, the sun at night.
In what signs and symbols do ye come?
In the letters ALEPH, MEM, and SHIN, and in the symbol of the banner and cross.
Kerux falls back and signs the ox before the Z with the salt.
In the sign of the head of the ox, child of the elements, thou art purified. Pass thou on.
The Hegemon and Kerux conduct the Z to the foot of the pillars. The Hierophant takes back the banners and places them in the stands. The Hegemon and Kerux turn up the lights so as to make the Temple as usual. The Hegemon removes the fan and lamp to the altar. The Kerux removes the salt and cup to the altar. Both resume their places. The Hierophant takes the cubical cross from the Z.
The cubical cross is a fitting emblem of the equilibrated and balanced forces of the elements. It is composed of 22 squares externally, thus referring to the 22 letters which are placed thereon. Twenty-two are the letters of eternal voices in the vaults of heaven, in the depths of earth, in the abyss of water, in all the presence of fire. Heaven cannot speak their fullness. Earth cannot utter it. Yet hath the Creator bound them in all things. He hath mingled them through water; He hath whirled them aloft in fire; He hath sealed them in the air of heaven. He hath distributed them through the planets. He hath assigned unto them the 12 constellations of the zodiac.
He places the cross aside.

The 32nd Path of the Sepher Yetzirah, which answereth unto the letter Tau is called the administrative intelligence, and it is so called because it directeth and associateth in all their operations the seven planets, even all of them in their own due courses. To it therefore is attributed the due knowledge of the 7 abodes of Assiah, the material world, which are symbolised by the 7 churches in the Apocalypse. It refers to the universe as composed of the four elements; to the Kerubim; to the Oliphoth; and to the astral plane. It is the reflection of the sphere of Saturn. It represents the connecting and binding link between the material and the formative worlds, Assiah and Yetzirah, and necessarily passes through the astral plane, the abode of the elements, the Oliphoth, and the shells of the dead. It is the rending of the Veil of the Tabernacle whereon the Kerubim and palm trees are depicted. It is the passing of the gate of Eden.
He leads the Z to the west of the altar.

These ideas are symbolically resumed in the representation of the 21st Key of the Tarot before you. Within the oval formed of 72 circles is a female form, nude save for a scarf which floats round her. She is crowned with the lunar crescent of Isis and holds in her hands two wands. Her legs forma cross. This is the Bride of the Apocalypse, the Qabalistical Queen of the Canticles, the Egyptian Isis of nature now shown partly unveiled, the great feminine Kerubic angel Sandalphon on the left hand of the Mercy Seat of the Ark. The wands are the directing forces of the positive and negative currents. The seven-pointed star or heptagram alludes to the seven palaces of Assiah; the crossed legs to the symbol of the four letters of the Name. The surmounting crescent receives the influences alike of Gedulah and of Geburah. She is the synthesis of the 32nd Path, uniting Malkuth to Yesod. The oval of 72 small circles is the Schemahamphorasch, or the 72-fold Name of the Deity. The twelve larger circles form the zodiac. At the angles are the four Kerubim, which are the vivified powers of the letters of the name YOD HEH V AU HEH operating in the elements through which you have just symbolically passed in the preceding ceremony.
The fan, lamp, cup, and salt represent the four elements themselves, whose inhabitants are the sylphs, salamanders, undines, and gnomes. Be thou therefore prompt and active as the sylphs, but avoid frivolity and caprice. Be energetic and strong like the salamanders, but avoid irritability and ferocity. Be flexible and attentive to images like the undines, but avoid idleness and changeability. Be laborious and patient like the gnomes, but avoid gorssness and avarice. So shalt thou gradually develop the powers of thy soul and fit thyself to command the spirits of the elements. The altar, as in the preceding degrees, represents the material universe, and on its right is the Garden of Eden, symbolised by the Tablet of the Hegemon; and on the left is Gehenna, the abode of the shells, symbolised by the Tablet of the Kerux. These officers will now explain those drawings.
The Hierophant returns to his place, and the Hegemon leads Z to his Tablet.
The drawing before you shows in part the occult symbolism of the Garden of Eden and the Holy City of the Apocalypse. The outer circle is the enclosing paradisaical wall guarded by the Kerubim and the flame; and the seven squares are the seven mansions thereof, or the seven spheres wherein Tetragrammaton Elohim planted every tree which is pleasant and good for food, symbolised by the palm trees wrought upon the Veil of the Tabernacle and the door of the Holy of Holies in the Temple. But in the midst is the Tree of Life, the Throne of God and the Lamb. Twelve are the foundations and twelve are the gates, shown by the twelve entrances in the drawing. The four streams rising from one central fountain are the rivers of Eden, referring to the four elements proceeding from the omnipresent spirit.
The Kerux leads Z to his Tablet.
The drawing before represents the seven infernal mansions and the four seas. The first circle represents the waters of tears; the second, the waters of creation; the third, the waters of ocean; and the fourth, the false sea. In the inner circles on the right hand are the seven earths which are 1) Aretz, 2) Adamah, 3) Gla, 4) Neschiah, 5) Tziah, 6) Areka, 7) Thebal or Cheled. On the left hand are the seven infernal habitations which are 1) Sheol, 2) Abaddon, 3) Tilahion, 4) Bar Shacketh, 5) Tzelmoth, 6) Shar Moth, 7) Gehenom.
Kerux turns Z to face the Hierophant.
I have much pleasure in conferring upon you the title of Lord/Lady of the 32nd Path. You will now quit the Temple for a short time, and on your return the ceremony of your reception in the 2 = 9 of Theoricus will be proceeded with.
Ceremony of 2 = 9 of Theoricus
The Temple is re-arranged.
Frater Kerux, you have my command to instruct the Zin the proper alarm and _to present him with the necessary admission badge. H. Hegemon, guard the portal and admit the Z. on giving the proper alarm.
The Kerux presents Z with the diagram of the caduceus of Hermes, and instructs him/her to give an alarm of *** *** ***. The Hegemon opens the door and admits them.
Frater / Soror Pereclinus de Faustis, as in the 1 = 10 there were given the symbolical representations of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, of the Garden of Eden, and of the Holy Place, so in the 2 = 9 of Theoricus the Sanctum Sanctorum with the Ark and Kerubim is shown, as well as the Garden of Eden. H. Hegemon, conduct the Z. to the West and place him/her thus before the portal of the 32nd Path by which he/she has symbolically entered.
This is done. The Z. faces the West and the Kerux returns to his place.
By what symbol does thou enter herein?
Hegemon for Z:
By the peculiar emblem of the Kerux, which is the caduceus of Hermes.
Z. gives it to the Hiereus.
The Tree of Life and the three other letters are the keys wherewith to unlock the meaning of the caduceus of Hermes. The upper point of the wand rests on Kether and the wings stretch out unto Chokmah and Binah, the three supernal Sephiroth. The lower seven are embraced by the serpents whose heads fall upon Chesed and Geburah. They are the twin serpents of Egypt and the currents of astral light. Furthermore, the wings and top of the wand
form the letter Shin, the symbol of fire. The heads and upper halves of the serpents form Aleph, the symbol of air; while their tails enclose Mem, the symbol of water. The fire of life above, the waters of creation below, and the air symbol vibrating between them.
The Kerux leaves his throne and goes to the West of the altar. The Hegemon conducts the Z. to him and then returns to his place.
The symbols before you represent alike the Garden of Eden and the Holy of Holies. Before you stands the Tree of Life formed of the Sephiroth, and their connecting paths. Into its complete symbolism it is impossible here to enter, for it is the key of all things when rightly understood. Upon each Sephira are written in Hebrew letters its name, the Divine names ruling it, and those of the angels and archangels attributed thereto. The connecting paths are 22 in number and are distinguished by the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, making with the 10 Sephiroth themselves the 32 Paths of wisdom of the Sepher Yetzirah. The course of the Hebrew letters as placed on the Paths forms, as you see, the symbol of the serpent of wisdom: while the natural succession of the Sephiroth forms the flaming sword, the course of the lightning flash, as shown in the darkness below.
The cross within the triangle, apex downwards placed upon the altar at the base of the Tree of Life, refers to the four rivers of Paradise, while the angles of the triangle refer to the three Sephiroth, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod.
The two pillars right and left of the Tree are the symbols active and passive, male and female, Adam and Eve. They also allude to the pillars of fire and of cloud which guided the Israelites in the wilderness; and the hot and moist natures are further marked by the red lamp and cup of water. The pillars further represent the two Kerubim of the Ark: the right, Metatron, male: the left, Sandalphon, female. Above them ever burn the lamps of their spiritual essence, the higher life, of which they are partakers in the eternal uncreated one.
He gives the sign of 2 = 9.

"Glory be unto Thee, Lord of the land of life; for thy splendour filleth the universe".
The 2 = 9 of Theoricus is referred to Yesod, as the 1 = 10 of Zelator is to Malkuth. The Path between them is assigned to the letter TAU whose portal you now see in the West, and through which you have just symbolically passed.
To this grade, as to those preceding it, certain secret signs and tokens are attributed. They consist of a sign, grip, or token: grand word: mystic number: and pass-word formed thereform. The sign is given thus. Stand with the feet together and stretch both arms outward and upward, the elbows bent at right angles, the hands bent. back, palms up, as if supporting a weight. It represents you in the Path of Yesod, supporting the pillars of mercy and severity. It is the Classical Atlas, supporting the universe on his shoulders, whom Hercules had to emulate. It is the Isis of nature, supporting the heavens. The grip is that of the first Order, which you received in the preceding grade. The grand word is the name of seven letters, SHADDAI EL CHAI, which means 'the almighty and living One'. The mystic number is 45 and from it is formed the pass-word, which is Mem He, the secret name of the world of Formation. It should belettered separately when given.
Unto the grade and unto the Sephira Yesod the ninth Path of the Sepher Yetzirah is referred. It is called the pure or clean intelligence; and it is so called because it purifieth and maketh clean the Sephiroth; proveth and amendeth the forming of their representation, and disposeth their unities or harmonies wherein they combine, without mutilation or division. The distinguishing badge of this grade which you will be entitled to wear is the sash of a Zelator with the addition of a white cross above the triangle, and the numbers 2 = 9; beneath the triangle, the numbers 32 between two parallel narrow white lines.
The meaning of the Tablet of Earth was explained to you in the preceding grade.
The Hierophant proceeds to the East. The Hegemon comes forward and guides the Z. thither.
The three Portals facing you are the gates of the Paths leading you from the grade. That on the right connects it with the 4 = 7; that on the left with the 3 = 8, while the central one leads to the higher. This grade is especially referred to the element of air. Therefore the great Watch-tower, or Terrestrial Tablet of the East, forms on of its principal emblems. It is known as the first or great Eastern Quadrangle, or Tablet of Air; and it is one of the four great Tablets delivered unto Enoch by the great angel AVE. From it are drawn the three holy, secret Names of God: ORO IBA AOZPI: which are borne upon the banner of the East; and numberless divine and angelic names which appertain unto the element of air.
To the moon also is the grade related. Its Kamea, or mystical square, is formed of 81 squares containing the numbers from 1 to 81 arranged so as to show the same number each way. Its ruling numbers are 9, 81, 369, 3321. This Tablet shows the mystical seals and names drawn from the Kamea of the moon. The seals are formed from lines drawn to certain numbers in the squares. The name answering to 9 is Hod, meaning 'glory'. That answering to 81 is Elim, the plural of EL That answering to 369 is Chasmodai, the spirit of the moon. The other names are those of the ruling Intelligences and spirits of the moon. On this Tablet are shown the meaning of the lunar symbol upon the Tree of Life. Thus, its crescent increasing represents the side of mercy; its crescent decreasing, the side of severity; while at full it reflects the sun of Tiphareth.
The Hierophant resumes his seat. The Hegemon conducts Z to the Hiereus.
The Tablet before you shows the duplicated form of the alchemic Sephiroth. In the first, the metallic root is in Kether, lead in Chockmah, tin in Binah, silver in Chesed, gold in Geburah, iron in Tiphareth. Netzach and Hod are the places of the hermaphroditical brass. Yesod is mercury, and Malkuth the medicine of metals. In the second, the mercury, sulphur, and salt are referred to the three highest Sephiroth, and the metals to the seven lowest, but in a rather different order. For in all things, as supernal, so terrestrial, is the Tree of Life to be found, whether it be in animal, vegetable, or in mineral natures.
The Hegemon leads Z to his own Tablet in the south.
This Tablet shows you the geometrical linear figures attributed to the planets. They are thus referred. The numbers 3 and the triangle to Saturn; 4 and the square to Jupiter; 5 and the pentagram to Mars; 6 and the hexagram to the sun; 7 and the heptagram to Venus; 8 and the octagram to Mercury; and 9 with the enneagram to the moon. Of these the heptagram and the octagram can be traced in two modes, and the enneagram in three, the first in each instance being most consonant to the nature of the planet.
The Hegemon resumes his seat. The Kerux leads Z to his Tablet in the north.
Before you are represented the 16 figures of geomancy which are formed from all the possible combinations of single and double points in four lines. Two are attributed to each of the seven planets and the remaining two to Caput Draconis and Cauda Draconis. Some of them are also attributed to fire, air, earth, and water. They are also classed under the signs of the zodiac.
The Kerux conducts Z to the foot of the Hierophant 's throne.
I now congratulate you upon having attained to the 2 = 9 of Theoricus, and in recognizance thereof I confer upon you the mystic title of Poraios/Poraia de Rejectis, which means 'Brought from among the rejected ones': and I give you the symbol of RU ACH which is the Hebrew name for 'air'.
Frater Kerux, *, you have my command to declare that the Zelator has been duly advanced to the 2 = 9 of Theoricus.
In the name of Shaddai El Chai, and by command of the VH Hierophant, hear ye all that I proclaim that our Frater /Soror …, having made sufficient progress in the study of the occult sciences, has been duly advanced to the grade of 2 = 9 of Theoricus, Lord/Lady of the 32nd Path; and that he/she has received the mystic title of Proraios/Proraia de Rejectis, and the symbol of Ruach.
Frater /Soror …, before you are eligible for advancement to the next higher grade, you must be perfect in the following subjects.
1. The alchemic Sephiroth.
2. The meaning of the terms cucurbite, alembic, athanor, balneum Mariae, sandbath, and philosophical egg.
3. The classification of the planets into benefics and malefics.
4. The natures and qualities of the seven planets.
5. The orbs of operations of the planets, and of the cusps of houses.
6. The manner of forming the 12 houses of heaven.
7. The Yetziratic division and arrangement of the Hebrew alphabet.
8. Names of the Deity attached to the Sephiroth.
9. Names of the archangels attached to the Sephiroth.
10. The meaning of the Table of Shewbread, of the candlestick, and the altar of incense.
11. The meaning of the terms intelligences and spirits as opposed to each other.
12. The meaning of the terms, astral, elemental, and planetary spirits, angel and devil.
13. The lineal figures attributed to the planets.
14. The reference of the ten cards of each part of the Tarot to the ten Sephiroth, and of the four suits to the letters of the Name, and to the four worlds of the Kabbalah.
15. The meaning of the four honours in each suit.
16. The referenee of the seven squares of which the cross fylfot is composed.
17. The referenee of the caduceus on the Tree of Life.
18. The reference of the caduceus to the mother letters.
19. The meaning of the moon in Gedulah and Geburah on the Tree of Life.
20. The derivation of the order of the planets in the days of the week from the heptagram.
21. The formation of the flaming sword on the Tree of Life.
22. The names and forms of the 16 figures of geomancy.
When you are perfect, you must signify the same by letter to the Scribe, as in the preceding degrees.
Hierophant, *:
Assist me to close the Temple in the 2 = 9 of Theoricus. Frater Kerux, see that the Temple is properly guarded.
This is done.
Kerux, *:
VH Hierophant, the Temple is properly guarded.
Hierophant, *:
Let us adore the Lord and King of air.
All face east.

The Adoration
Shaddai El Chai, almighty and everlasting, blessed be thy Name,
unto the countless ages, Amen.
All salute and form towards the east, as in the opening.
Let us rehearse the prayer of the sylphs, or air-spirits. *. "Spirit of light, spirit of wisdom, whose breath giveth forth and withdraweth the form of all things: thou, before whom the life of beings is but a shadow which changeth and a vapour which passeth: thou who mountest upon the clouds and who walkest upon the wings of the wind: thou who breathest forth thy breath and endless space is peopled: thou who drawest in thy breath, and all that cometh from thee returneth unto thee: ceaseless movement in eternal stability: be thou eternally blessed. We praise thee and we bless thee in the changing empire of created light, of shades, of reflections, of images, and we aspire without cessation unto thy immutable and imperishable brilliance. Let the ray of thine Intelligence and the warmth of thy love penetrate even unto us. Then that which is volatile shall be fixed, the shadow shall be a body, the spirit of air shall be a soul, the dream shall be a thought; and no longer shall we be swept away by the tempest, but we shall hold the bridles of the winged steeds of dawn, and we shall direct the course of the evening breeze to fly before thee. O spirit of spirits. O eternal soul of souls. O imperishable breath of life. O creative sigh. O mouth which breathest forth and withdrawest the life of all beings in the flux and reflux of thine eternal word which is the divine ocean of movement and of truth. Amen.
The Hierophant makes the banishing pentagram of air with his sceptre in front of the Tablet.
Depart ye in peace unto your habitations. May the blessing of Yod Heh Vau Heh rest with ye. Be there peace between us and you; and be ye ready to come when ye are called.
All return to their places.
In the names of Shaddai El Chai, I declare the Temple closed in the 2 = 9 of Theoricus. *** *** ***.
Hiereus: *** *** ***.
Hegemon: *** *** ***.
