Delta Mu Delta
Induction Ritual


Preface to Delta Mu Delta Ritual
The instructions shown in italics for the Delta Mu Delta ritual may be modified to conform to local chapter customs and the physical environment. However, the ritual should be used, in form and content, for all induction ceremonies.
Members of the chapter and guests will be seated at the rear of the room leaving space for candidates at front. Officers will be in their respective position in the front of the room.
Presiding Officer (typically the Chapter President): Members of … Chapter of Delta Mu Delta, we will now proceed with the induction of newly elected members. Please present the student candidates.
The prospective new student candidates proceed, in alphabetical order, to their assigned location near the front of the presentation
area facing the audience. Prospective honorary members may already be in place. Only student candidates will participate in this
part of the ritual. The inducting officers stand to one side, between the audience and the prospective new members.)
Officer (typically Chapter Secretary): Mr. (or Ms.) President, I present … number candidates for membership in Delta Mu Delta.
Presiding Officer (addresses member candidates): The bylaws are the fundamental law of our Society and published on the National website. Do each of you accept the purpose of Delta Mu Delta as expressed in those bylaws, and do you desire to be admitted into Delta Mu Delta? If so, say “I do.”
Each candidate: I do.
Presiding Officer: The next order of business is the induction of new student members of … Chapter. Therefore, I address myself to those students who are to be inducted today.
Your scholastic qualifications for membership in Delta Mu Delta have been verified by … SELECT ONE , e.g. the Dean of the School of Business, Department Chair or equivalent administrative official. You have been honored by an invitation to membership in Delta Mu Delta and I am, therefore, authorized to induct you as members of … Chapter.
I will now give you some information about the origin and history of Delta Mu Delta and explain the symbolism of the name and key.
Delta Mu Delta is an international honor society established to recognize and reward superior scholastic achievement of students in business administration.
The Society was founded at the School of Commerce , Accounts and Finance, New York University , on November 18th, 1913. It was the result of efforts of five professors, from the University of New York , the University of Yale and the University of Harvard .
These educators believed that recognition should be given to outstanding students of business subjects. Specifically, the purpose of Delta Mu Delta is twofold:
1. to promote higher scholarship in education for business, and
2. to recognize and reward scholastic attainment in business subjects.
Chapters were formed at other leading colleges and universities. However, it was not until 1952 that a National Chapter was organized, under the non-profit laws of the State of Pennsylvania , for the purpose of binding the individual chapters into a cohesive unit to carry forward the aims of the Society.
It is to the … Chapter that you are now to be admitted, but your membership is in the Society, wherever established and maintained. This honor can be obtained in only one way. It cannot be bought nor can it be had as a gift.
It must be earned by faithful, earnest toil, by serious application to studies, and persistent application in scholastic work.
Your success in college has brought you this recognition. We expect you, as members of Delta Mu Delta, to add new luster to your school, your community, your profession and to the Society.
The name Delta Mu Delta stands for the Greek phrase – DIA MATHESEOS DYNAMIS – which literally translated, signifies – THROUGH KNOWLEDGE, POWER – not the power of uncontrolled aggression, but the power to manage for social and economic good. Use the knowledge that you gain in extending the power of right and truth. Knowledge is not selfish or self-seeking, and the true student will seek and obtain knowledge for the greater purpose of helping others through service and transmission of things learned.
The badge of the Society is the key, symbolizing the key which unlocks the treasure house of the universe. It is in the form of the Greek letter Delta (point to the key on the banner).
On the front of the key appear the Greek initials of the Society and above them is a full-rigged ship with sails set and colors flying, symbolizing the activities of business – not as a mercenary vocation, but as a bond which unites and blesses all mankind.
The key and certificate are the tangible and visible evidence of the honor which you have attained. They should be two of your most cherished possessions, ones you will wear and display proudly.
While Delta Mu Delta is not a social society, we encourage your active interest in the affairs of the chapter and your helpful friendship for every member.
Presiding Officer: Please repeat after me the following statement in which you will formally accept the purpose of Delta Mu Delta. I will read the entire pledge first, then ask you to state your name and repeat after me.
If any candidate objects to taking a pledge, that candidate may be excused at the discretion of the Presiding Officer.
I (state your name) / solemnly affirm to all those present / and those who have preceded me / that I will serve the Society / to the best of my ability./ I will observe the Society’s bylaws / and provide counsel and aid for my fellow members./ In accepting membership into Delta Mu Delta, / international honor society in business administration,/ I acknowledge the distinct honor that has been bestowed upon me./ This pledge is evidence of my commitment to your fellowship.
Presiding Officer: In recognition of your academic achievements and your pledge to the purpose of Delta Mu Delta, we will now present to you the key of the Society. The key provides a tangible symbol of your commitment.
Key and certificates are presented individually to new members as their names are called. Personal and academic accomplishments may be related as individuals come forward.
