The Elks are the oldest and largest of the “Big Three”
orders that name themselves after assorted wildlife; the other two
are the Moose
and the Eagles. In addition to the main order, there is an
order, and there was once an insurance arm. There are also various
female organizations, not always auxiliaries.
Benevolent and Protective Order Of Elks of America
B.P.O.E. was founded in 1868 in New York as a drinking club, but
broadened into a
charitable, and service organization. It is open to male U.S.
citizens over 21,
of whom some 1,500,000 were Elks in 1994.
According to the organization’s What It Means to Be an
Elk, “the animal from which the Order took its name was chosen
because a
number of its attributes were deemed typical of those to be
cultivated by
members of the fraternity. The Elk is distinctively an American
animal. It
habitually lives in herds. The largest of our native quadrupeds,
it is yet fleet
of foot and graceful in movement. It is quick and keen of
perception; and
while it is usually gentle and even timorous, it is strong and
valiant in defense
of its own.”
The origin of the B. P.O.E. lay in an informal drinking
society called the Jolly Corks, formed in 1866 to circumvent a New
York law
that closed saloons on Sundays.
The founders were a group of actors who rented a room first
on 14th Street and then on the Bowery, where they could drink in
peace of a
Sabbath evening. Members carried a cork; failure to do so meant
having to buy a
round of drinks. Their leader, the aggressive American nationalism
of modern
Elks notwithstanding, was an English actor called Charles Algemon
S. Vivian. It
seems likely that he borrowed at least some of the paraphernalia
of the Elks
from the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalo.
As the drinking dub grew in size and popularity, the name (if
not the intent) was made more sober; the change was apparently
inspired by a
stuffed elk’s head on display at Phineas T. Barnum’s museum.
According to
some accounts, it may actually have been the head of a moose. (The
founders were
after all actors, not taxonomists.)
By the Elks’ own reckoning, the organization was founded
on February 16, 1868, and its aims are the four cardinal virtues
of charity,
justice, brotherly love, and fidelity; the promotion of the
welfare and
happiness of their members; the fostering of patriotism; and the
cultivation of
good fellowship.
To this day, good fellowship ranks very high. Elks Lodges
sell good liquor at very reasonable prices, and their breakfasts
are an
excellent value, if somewhat out of step with a
cholesterol-conscious world. If
an Elks Lodge is in session at 11:00 p.m., they drink a toast to
absent brothers.
What Ig Means to Be an Elk says that the fraternity “seeks to draw
into its
fraternal circle only those who delight in wholesome associations
with congenial
The organization provides very well for Elks fallen on hard
times, and for the families of dead brethren. The Elks also
contribute a great
deal to military veterans’ hospitals, and they are rightly
renowned for this
and for other charitable works. The Elks National Foundation — the
and humanitarian wing — was founded in 1928.
The Elks are also very strong on patriotism. More than
70,000 Elks fought in World War I, and “over one thousand of them
made the
last supreme sacrifice in that service.” In World War II, on Pearl
Harbor Day
itself, the Grand Exalted Ruler “telegraphed the President of the
States, placing at the latter’s disposal the full strength of the
Order.” In
due course, “The Adjutant General asked the Elks for 45,000
recruits; through
the efforts of the Lodges 97,000 men were enlisted in record
The Elks who remained at home shipped vast quantities of
cigarettes and tobacco to the fighting forces, and for those who
came back,
their work with veterans (especially wounded and disabled
veterans) has always
been extensive and enthusiastic. They have also taken pains to
look after
soldiers’ families; for example, in the summer of 1918, they built
a 72-room
structure for the families of the 40,000 soldiers stationed at
Camp Sherman,
The Elks National Memorial Building is a magnificent
edifice dedicated on July 14, 1926 and rededicated on September 8,
1946, to take
account of World War II. It has subsequently been rededicated
again to include
“the American patriots of Korea and Vietnam.”
When the organization changed from the Jolly Corks to the
B.P.O.E., it borrowed a certain amount from the Masons, including
aprons and
such terms as “Tyler” for the guardian of a lodge, and “Lodge of
(a funeral service for a dead Elk). It also established a
governmental structure
“Following the general plan of our Federal government,” dividing
organization into Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches.
Although local lodges each raise large sums of money every
year, there is also a central fund called the Elks National
Foundation, which
was established in Miami in 1928, “by amendment of the
Constitution of the
Grand Lodge,” which immediately donated $100,000 as the nucleus of
the fund.
This Foundation is charged with furthering the charitable,
patriotic, and benevolent activities of the order. It is extremely
The Elks National Home, for elderly Elks, was established
at Bedford, Virginia, in 1902; it was later rebuilt and dedicated
anew on July
8, 1916. The main building (which still stands) is very
impressive; there have
been a number of additions since.
Membership was for many years limited to “white male
citizens of the United States, not under twenty-one years of age,
who believe in
the existence of God” and who are not “directly or indirectly a
member of or
in any way connected or affiliated with the Communist party, or
who believe in
the overthrow of our Government by force.” As long as election to
a lodge was
still carried out by the old blackball system, entrance to the
B.P.O.E. remained
subject to these requirements regardless of legislation and public
outcry to the
contrary, but in 1989 the Grand Lodge changed the rules so that a
two-thirds majority vote in favor of a candidate was sufficient to
The structure of the B.P.O.E. consists of a Grand Lodge and
Subordinate Lodges. A Subordinate Lodge may be established only in
a United
States city, which has within its corporate limits not less than
inhabitants; many small cities have taken advantage of this. In
larger cities,
there may be one Elks lodge for every 500,000 people or
substantial fraction
thereof, in the absence of special dispensation from the Supreme
Lodge. In 1900
there were over 1.5 million members.
Elks can also get plenty of committee experience at the
local lodge. Committees include:
Auditing and Accounting Committee
Visiting Committee (visiting the sick)
Relief Committee (aid or relief)
Social and Community Welfare Committee
Lapsation Committee (dues-chasing)
Youth Activities Committee
Committee on Indoctrination (prior to initiation)
Americanism Committee (“implementing . . . patriotic
Membership Committee
Memorial Day Committee
Flag Day Committee
National Service Committee
Government Relations Committee
Public Relations Committee
Investigating Committee (examine applicants)
National Foundation Committee
House Committee (club house)
and Special Committees as necessary
Although the Elks in their own literature say that “The
Order questions no man’s religion; nor bars him on account of his
there is a strongly Christian bias, despite the fact that no
prayers may be
offered in the name of Christ. This slant is made clear during the
into the single degree of the B.P.O.E., that of Loyal Knight. In
this, the
Esquire places a Bible on the altar (which is decorated with an
American flag),
while the organist plays “Nearer, My God, to Thee.” He declares,
is the Bible, the Book of the Law, upon which is founded Justice,”
and the
members sing,
Great Ruler of the Universe
All-seeing and benign
Look down upon and bless our work
And be all glory Thine
May Charity as taught us here
Be ever born in mind
The Golden Rule our motto true
For days of Auld Lang Syne
“Auld Lang Syne” is effectively the fraternal anthem of
the Elks.
The oath that follows includes secrecy (not revealing
“the confidential matters of the Order”), obedience to the Elks’
rules, a
promise to uphold the Constitution of the United States, never to
reveal the
name of anyone who has received help from the lodge, and so forth.
It is also
forbidden to use membership of the lodge for business purposes, or
to introduce
politics or religion into the lodge meetings. “If I break this
oath, may I
wander through the world forsaken; may I be pointed out as a being
bereft of
decency and manhood, unfit to hold communion with true and upright
men. And may
God help me, and keep me steadfast in this my solemn and binding
obligation in
the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks in the United States
of America.
The official Christian reaction to all this varies with the
sect. The Catholics leave it up to individual conscience, while
some Lutheran
and other sects specifically proscribe membership.
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
The I.B.P.O.E. was founded in 1897 in Cincinnati, Ohio, in
response to the refusal of the established order to admit African
The Elks were never strong on radical harmony in their
early days. In 1912, the (white) Elks even went so far as to seek
and obtain an
injunction in New York state barring the (black) Improved Elks
from using the
name. The judge opined that they could choose from “a long list of
birds and fishes which have not yet been appropriated for such a
purpose.” The
judgment has been ignored.
As well as the obvious fraternal aims lifted from the Elks
(whence they also borrowed their rituals), the I.B.P.O.E. also
proposed “the
expression of ideals, services and leadership in the black
struggle for freedom
and opportunity”; and in 1926, at the National Convention, it
formed a Civil
Liberties Department, which the very next year was opposing the
segregation of
high schools in Gary, Indiana.
Thus provided with clear ideals as well as an agreeable
fraternal structure, the I.B.P.O.E. has held its ground as others
have declined:
300,000 members in the 1960s and about 450,000 from the late ‘70s
to the
The Daughters of the Independent, Benevolent, Protective
Order of Elks of the World is the auxiliary, and (unlike its white
is recognized as such by its menfolk. It has been very active in
civil rights as
well as in patriotism and good works.
The Antlers was a junior division of the B.P.O.E., who,
despite its refusal to countenance official female auxiliaries,
seemed happy
enough to approve (in the Grand Lodge session of 1927)
“organizations of young
men under 21 years of age in the manner prescribed by statute.” In
fact, the
San Francisco Lodge No. 3 had organized a prototypical Antlers
lodge as early as
In 1946, after the Antlers had virtually disappeared as a
result of enlistment for World War II, the Grand Lodge Session
repealed all
references to the Antlers in the constitution and Statutes, and
such isolated
Antlers lodges as may remain are in much the same position as the
Benevolent and
Protective Order of Does (below), a sort of semiofficial affiliate
in a state of
Benevolent and Protective Order of the Does
It is not dear whether this attempted auxiliary antedated
the prohibition in 1907 by the Elks of all degrees, auxiliaries
and insurance
aspects. All that can be said is that the Does still exists,
apparently without
any centralized authority arid even without any fixed ritual,
though Schmidt
(in Fraternal Organizations) says that Corinthians I:iii is
important in at
least one version of their ritual, just as it is to the Daughters
of the
Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, who are a
recognized auxiliary
of the African-American Elks.
Lady Elks
The Lady Elks operate only at a local level, doing good
works and providing fraternal support for one another despite the
indifference or even hostility of some of their menfolk.
Royal Purple
In Canada, where the writ against auxiliaries apparently
do not run, there is a female auxiliary called the Order of the
Royal Purple, founded in 1914.
It is open to women above 18 who have a close male relative who is
an Elk. The
ritual is Christian-influenced. An
interesting aside is that, traditionally,
admission was by blackball, but the “balls” were cubes.
Elks Mutual Benefit Association
The Elks Mutual Benefit Association was a short-lived insurance
branch of the Elks, founded in 1878, but
finally crushed by the
resolution of 1907, which also banned degrees and auxiliaries.
Emblem Club of the United States of America
The Emblem Club of the United States of America was founded
in 1926 as a social and fraternal club for female relatives of
Elks, aged 18 and
over. There were 41,000 members in 1989. It publishes Emblem
Topics 10 times a
The Emblem Club is effectively (though not officially) a
female auxiliary of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Its origins lay
in World War I, when a group of Elks’ wives used to meet regularly
to roll
bandages; they incorporated themselves (in the State of Rhode
Island) as the
Emblem Club in 1926.
Like their husbands and fathers, the members of the Emblem
Clubs are fiercely American and strongly conformist. There are
committees on
Americanism, Color Guard, and the like. Despite this, there is a
ban on
discussing religion or politics at Emblem Club meetings.
The good works included a national disaster fund, set up in
1964 after the Alaskan earthquake of that year.
Membership has remained more or less constant for many
years. It grew very slightly (by about 2.5 percent) in the 1980s.
The rituals
were written by Elks and includes a nondenominational prayer and a
salute to the
American flag.
Ritual for Subordinate Lodges of the
Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks
More rituals and texts can be found on our download