Antient and Noble Order of Corks
The official name of this order is Ancient & Honourable
Societas Korcorum Magnae Britanniae
Traditionally, until recently, a Candidate for membership of the
Order had to be a member of Royal Arch or Mark, or be a Warden
or Past Warden of a Craft lodge recognised by the United Grand
Lodge of England; however some lodges simply require the
Candidate to be a Master Mason.
The 'Cork' in the Order's name is taken from the cork of a wine
bottle, which is the organisation's principal symbol, though
there are variations around the world in the way this is
incorporated into jewels or badges. The beginnings of the Order
are unknown, the ritual is tongue-in-cheek and based around Noah
and the Great Flood. The sole aim of the Cork Degree is to have
fun and raise money for children's charities.
The Order is thought to have originated in Scotland, and
exported to US in 1933 by the Marquis of Ailsa, the First Grand
Principal of Scotland's Grand Royal Arch Chapter, where the
American Allied Masonic Degrees took control of the Order. The
main difference in America is that a Candidate must be a member
of Royal Arch.
Although the earliest surviving records of the English Cork
Order are retained by the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of
England, there is absolutely no proof of any connection with the
Mark Degree. It has more in common with the Royal Ark Mariners
Degree and has the common theme of Noah and the Ark, from which
time the order claims, rather fancifully, that it originated. It
is a kindly and affectionate spoof of Royal Ark Mariners. There
are records to show that before the Second World War, there were
a few English Mark lodges that worked the Degree at their
Festive Boards, after concluding their formal Mark meeting. For
a number of years the controlling body known as 'Great Board of
Corks', presided over by the 'Great Admiral', consisted almost
exclusively of senior Grand Officers of the Mark Grand Lodge. As
the Order went into decline, the Board ceased working. Slowly Ye
Antient Order of Noble Corks regained some of its popularity and
by 2002 was completely recovered. In England, the situation as
to who controls the Order is complicated. Officially recognised
lodges are warranted by the Great Board, hut there are a number
of 'autonomous' lodges in England, that work independently of
the Great Board. In 2012 a number of independent Cork lodges,
established themselves into the 'Grand Fleet of Cork Lodges'.
The fleet includes UK and mainland European Cork lodges.
The Order is stronger and more popular in Scotland where it
originated, than in England, where there are four lodges; the
Order can also be found in the US, Australia, Belgium and Italy.
Dress code is less formal than regular Craft or other Degrees,
and hats are worn during the meetings, the more bizarre and
outlandish the better!
Jewels of the Officers are exhibited on strings of corks.
The jewel of the Degree is a piece of cork within a silver ring,
the hole 5/6 of an inch in diameter and 1/8 of an inch in
thickness, and it may bear letters or figures to indicate where
the owner obtained the Degree. In some traditions it is a piece
of cork in a metal ring, in others it is a small cork set in a
silver clasp (which may be worn as, for example, a watch fob),
in still others it is a flat piece of cork which may be easily
carried in a wallet.
Ritual & Officers
Candidates can be, and aften are, proposed and initiated at the
same meeting. The ceremonies are light hearted and animated but
carried out in a happy atmosphere.
It is not necessary for the Order to meet in a Masonic Temple,
some hold their meetings in the dining room and others have been
known to meet in pubs. The titles of the Officers of the Order
are mostly taken from nautical ones. The Degree can only be
conferred by someone who has been in the Chair of First
Principal in a Royal Arch Chapter, or has served as Master of
some other Masonic Body, which restricts its member ship to
Companions of the Holy Royal Arch; it must take place in the
presence of three or more Cork Masons.
The only Degree worked is that of entry into the Order. Since
the ritual is usually read rather than memorised, brethren are
aften invited to fill offices on the night.
Officers of the Order are: Rather Worshipful Admiral
Uncommonly Worshipful Mate
Highly Worshipful Purser
Hardly Worshipful Lookout
Nearly Rather Worshipful Vice Admiral
Undoubtedly Ship's Worshipful Writer
Little Less Worshipful Doctor*
Barely Worshipful Cook*
Mainly Worshipful Bosun*
Particularly Worthy Screw*
Almost Worthy Carpenter*
Particularly Worthy Midshipmite*
* Optional Officers
The Order meets in lodges.
Members of the Order are expected at all times to carry a cork
on them. If they are unable to show it when requested, they must
pay a fine, which they are expected to give to a children's
The Festive Boards are more akin to those of a Scottish Craft,
meeting than an English one.
In some Cork lodges, brethren are fined for 'misdemeanours', the
fines going to charity. Other lodges invite members to perform '
'turns' (singing, telling jokes, etc) and the other Brethren
show their appreciation by showering the performer with small
coins. Some lodges also have an auction to raise funds for
In England there are no subscriptions; there is a Life
Membership Fee which goes to a children's charity.
Initiation Ritual, 1936
Initiation Ritual, 1997