Ceremonial of the Catholic Order of Foresters

Revised and approved by the High Court, 1926

Opening Ceremony
Promptly at the appointed hour, or as soon thereafter as a quorum is present, the Chief Ranger (or in his absence the Vice Chief Ranger) must call the members to order by giving a series of raps with the gavel. As soon as there is sufficient silence for him to be heard, the Chief Ranger, standing, orders: The members will please come to order and the officers will take their respective stations.
One rap.
The stations of the officers are shown in Fig 1. The Outside Sentinel’s place is in the ante-room.

The Chief Ranger must then note whether any of the officers be absent, and if so, appoint temporary ones and bid them to take the respective stations.
In making such appointments the Chief Ranger must select only members who thoroughly understand the duties of the offices they are to fill, and in case there be no such members present, he must instruct the appointees in their duties. This applies especially to temporary Conductors and Inside Sentinel, who should be acquainted with most, if not with all, the members of the Court.
The Conductors must see to it that the officers are provided with badges and, if the attendance be small compared to the seating capacity of the hall, assign the members to seats about equi-distant from each other, so that no parts of the hail will be crowded whilst others are deserted.
The Chief Ranger then orders: Inside Sentinel, lock the door and allow no one to enter and make no announcement until ordered to do so. Do you understand your duty?
The Sentinel locks the door and answers: I do, Chief Ranger.
C.R.: Conductors, come forward.
The Conductors go to the center pedestal, salute the Chief Ranger with the sign and await his instructions.
The Chief Ranger then proceeds: Conductors, all the members of this Court are in good standing and are entitled to seats in this meeting, provided they have the grip and the password. You will now give me the grip and password and then examine every one in the hall. Do you understand you duties?
The Conductors answer: I do, Chief Ranger. and then go to the Chief Ranger, exchange the grip with him and give him the password, and proceed to examine every person in the hall (Catholic Priests excepted), the Senior Conductor beginning at the left of the Chief Ranger and continuing along the left side of the ball, the Junior Conductor taking the opposite side.
If either Conductor finds anyone whom he does not know personally, though he have the grip and password, the Conductor must obtain his name and the name and number of his Court, and before proceeding any further report to the Chief Ranger thus: Chief Ranger, Brother ... of this Court or Brother ... of ... Court No. ... as the case may be, and await the Chief Ranger’s instructions.
If the person in question be a member in good standing of the Court, or if he be a visiting member known to the Chief Ranger to be in good standing in the Order the Chief Ranger declares: Brother ... is entitled to a seat in this meeting.
But if the person in question is not known to the Chief Ranger, the latter must first assure himself of such persons good standing in the Order before declaring him entitled to a seat.
The Chief Ranger, in his discretion, may accept the assurance of any officer or member of the Order as to the good standing of a visitor, or he may accept the latters receipt book, showing him to be paid up to date, as evidence of the visitors good standing in the Order. In case a delegation from a Court visits another Court, either one of the officers of the visitors Court or the leader of the delegation should be prepared to vouch for all the members of the delegation.
If either Conductor find anyone not in possession of either the grip or the password, the Conductor must request him to go to the Chief Ranger for instruction.
The Chief Ranger must wait until the Conductors have examined all in the hall before instructing those not in possession of either the grip or the password, and must direct such applicants to form in single file to his left, and have their financial standing vouched for by the Financial Secretary.
The Conductors will then go to the Chief Rangers station, where one of the Conductors, standing to the left of the Chief Ranger, must detain each successive applicant four to five feet from the one the Chief Ranger is instructing, whilst the other Conductor, standing to the right of the Chief Ranger, examines each member after he has been instructed.
It is imperative that the Chief Ranger must under no circumstances give either grip or the password to any person whom he does not personally know to be a member in good standing of the Court and he is empowered to give the grip and password to a visiting member only upon the presentation by such member of a valid traveling card or a written request for the grip and password from his Chief Ranger, such request being authenticated with the seal of his Court.
A visiting Chief Ranger is empowered to give the grip and password to a member whom he knows to be in good standing in his Court.
Any person found not be entitled to a seat in the meeting must retire from the hall before any further procedure.
After the Conductors have examined everyone in the hall and found them in possession of the grip and password, and to be otherwise qualified to be present, they proceed to the center pedestal, and after saluting, report—each in turn—thus: I have examined all on this side of the hall indicating the side with the hand and find them properly qualified and entitled to seats in this meeting.
C.R.: Senior and Junior Conductor, you will bring forward and place upon the Center Pedestal the Cross and the Flag, the standards of the order, to remind us of our duties to God and Country.
The Conductors will salute, secure cross and flag, and place them upon the Center Pedestal, the cross to the right, the flag to the left of the Chief Ranger. The crucifix should face the meeting. In bringing them lorward the Junior Conductor should bear the cross, the Senior Conductor the flag. After they have been properly placed the Senior Conductor will report: Worthy Chief Ranger, your orders have been obeyed.
C.R.: Resume your stations.
The Conductors salute and proceed to their stations, and the Chief Ranger requests: The Reverend Spiritual Director will please say the opening prayer.
Three raps. All rise and remain standing during prayer.
If the Spiritual Director be absent, the Chief Ranger must, in the same form, call upon either the Past Chief Ranger or the Vice Chief Ranger to say the prayer.
The opening and closing prayers, like the other parts of the ceremonies, should be memorized.
Opening Prayer
Come, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created, and Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. O God, who hast taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of Thy Holy Spirit, grant, us by the same Spirit, to have a right judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoice in His consolation through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
R.: Amen.
Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.
Seat of Wisdom. R.: Pray for us.
C.R.: We will now sing our National Anthem.
At the conclusion of the song the Chief Ranger formally opens the meeting, thus: Brothers, I declare that ... Court No. ... Catholic Order of Foresters, is now in session for the transaction of any and all business that may be brought before it in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the Order. Please bear in mind that we meet for our mutual benefit and for that of our families and dependents; let this be the key to all our acts. We also meet as Catholics; let this be the reason for conducting our deliberations in a manner becoming intelligent gentlemen.
In the case of a special meeting of the Court the following form is to be used: Brothers, I declare that ... Court No. ..., Catholic Order of Foresters, is now in special session for the purpose of state the purpose or business for which the meeting was called, in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the Order.
The Chief Ranger gives one rap and then orders: Inside Sentinel, you may now, as well as later on, announce any member seeking admittance.
The Sentinel must obtain the name of any member in waiting and, if he be a visitor, the name and number of his Court. He must also ask the applicant for the password and then make his announcement in one of the following forms, whichever will suit the case:
1. Chief Ranger, Brother ... of this Court, with the password.
2. Chief Ranger, Brother ... of this Court, without the password.
3. Chief Ranger, Brother ... of ... Court No. ..., with the password.
4. Chief Ranger, Brother ... of ... Court No. ..., without the password.

If, in the first and second cases, the member be in good standing in the Court, and if, in the third case, the visiting member is known to the Chief Ranger to be in good standing in the Order, the Chief Ranger orders: Admit him
But if, in the third case, the visiting member is not known to the Chief Ranger, the latter must first assure himself of such members good standing in the Order before ordering him admitted.
In the fourth case the Chief Ranger is empowered to order the admission of the visiting member only when the Chief Ranger of such members Court is present and gives his consent, or if such member has either a valid traveling card or a written request for the grip and password from his Chief Ranger, such request being authenticated with the seal of his Court.
The Sentinel, having been instructed by the Chief Ranger to admit a member in waiting, opens the door and, as the member enters, exchanges the grip with him.
If a member so admitted is without either the grip or the password, one of the Conductors must accompany him to the station of the Chief Ranger and, after the latter has instructed the member, take the grip and password from him.
If no members are seeking admittance, or when all in waiting have been disposed of as explained above, the Chief Ranger proceeds with the Order of Business as prescribed in the laws of the Order.
If any member seeks admittance during the course of the meeting he must be treated in the same manner as explained above, but he should not be admitted, nor should the Sentinel announce him, when it would disturb any of the business of the meeting.
To save time and annoyance when a large number of members seek admittance at the same time, the Inside Sentinel should step into the ante-room and obtain the required information from those in waiting and then return and announce all such members to the Chief Ranger.
At Roll Call of Officers the Senior Conductor must stand at the center pedestal and answer present or absent as the Recording Secretary calls the names, which should be called in the following order: S.D., C.R., V.C.R., P.C.R., S., R.S., F.S., T., Ts., S.C., J.C., I.S., and O.S.
In calling the roll both the title and name of each officer must be called; for example: Chief Ranger, Thos. B. Blank; Recording Secretary, Thos. F. Blank; Trustees, J. F. Blank, Phil J. Blank, E. S. Blank.
At Roll Call of Members each member answers present for himself when his name is called.
In lieu of calling the names at roll call the members may write them on cards, which the Conductors must collect and hand to the Recording Secretary, or a special registration book may be placed on the Recording Secretaries table, or some other convenient place, where members can register; or each member in turn may be bidden to rise and give his name, which the Recording Secretary must note.
After the entire Order of Business has been gone through, or after the business of a special meeting has been transacted, a motion to proceed to close the meeting will be in order.
Order of Business for Subordinate Courts
Every Subordinate Court shall conduct its meetings in accordance with the following
Order of business.
1. Opening ceremony, as per Ritual
2. Roll call of officers.
3. Reading of minutes of last regular meeting, and of any special meeting held thereafter.
4. Initiation.
5. Installation of officers.
6. Reading and disposing of transfer cards.
7. Reading and disposing of applications for reinstatement.
8. Reading and disposing of communications from the High Court, State or Provincial Court and Subordinate Courts,  and any authorized letters or circulars.
9. Reading and. disposing of propositions for membership.
10. Reports of Investigating Committees.
11. Balloting on per sons proposed for membership.
12. Reading and disposing of reports of the Visiting Committee and the Medical Examiner.
13. Reports on members who are in distress or out of employment.
14. Reading and disposing of bills.
15. Reading and disposing of report of the Auditing Committee.
16. Report of the Committee on Good of the Order and of special committees
17. Reports of officers of any official act per formed since previous meeting; suspensions, etc.
18. Reports of change of occupations, residence or address of members.
19. Roll call of members. (Collection of assessments and dues and delivery of benefit certificates to members.)
20. Unfinished business. (Any matter deferred from a previous meeting.)
21. New business. Election of officers and appointment of standing committees, and any other new matters.
22. Report of suspensions incurred by members, and on members who have withdrawn, resigned or forfeited their membership.
23. Good of the Order (Secret work drill, if there was no initiation; new password,, and presentation of names of eligible prospects which should be noted by R.S. and referred to membership committee, etc.)
24. Adjournment. Closing ceremony, as per Ritual.
The foregoing order of business shall not be changed, but the ceremonies of installation of officers and initiation of candidates may be deferred, and, by general consent or by two-thirds vote, any order of business that has been passed may again be reverted to.

Initiation Ceremony

Initiations may be held either at a regular meeting of the Court or at a special meeting called for that purpose, but must in the case of candidates for regular membership be held within forty-five days after the High Medical Examiners approval. Joint or class initiations can be held more satisfactorily at special meetings.
If there be any candidates—cardinals, bishops or priests—whom the laws of the Order exempt from undergoing the ceremony of initiation, they should, before the ceremony begins, be caused to sign the obligation of the Order and to pay the prescribed fees and dues, and then be introduced to the Court, unless they express the desire to go through the ceremony with the other candidates.
As soon as the candidates arrive, they must be taken in charge by the Outside Sentinel, or by a member appointed for that purpose, who must care for their hats, overcoats and other superfluous garments; acquaint the candidates with each other and see to it that they are made comfortable. This is a very important function and should not be underestimated. It is the first real contact between candidates and the Order and the aim should be to make the first impression most favorable. The Chief Ranger should see that the Outside Sentinel is duly instructed. Members must not be allowed to remain with the candidates or engage them in conversation.
When Initiation in the Order of Business has been reached the Chief Ranger will say: Recording Secretary, are there any candidates whose medical examination has been approved by the High Medical Examiner. If so, you will please read their names.
Recording Secretary rises and reads names and addresses of candidates and presents list to Chief Ranger.
C.R.: Is there any brother present who knows of any valid reason why any of these candidates should not be admitted? If so, let this be made known privately to me now.
C.R.: If not, let there be no objections raised later.
If objection be made to anyone the initiation of such one must be deferred until the next meeting, during which time the matter should be investigated. A special committee of three members should be appointed to investigate and report at next meeting. If an adverse report be presented, the Court shall reconsider its previous action and reballot on the application as per laws of the Order. The Chief Ranger will then proceed: Financial Secretary, proceed to the ante-room and collect the prescribed fees and dues from the candidates and cause them to sign the obligation of the Order.
The Financial Secretary proceeds to the center pedestal, salutes the Chief Ranger and then goes to the anteroom taking all necessary blanks and writing materials with him.
C.R.: Initiating officers, you will now robe and take your respective stations.
C.R.: The Senior Conductor will appoint necessary assistants and arrange the hall for initiation.
The initiating officers then proceed to invest themselves with their gowns. The Chief Ranger should request two brothers to occupy the seats of the Conductors during initiation.
He also appoints a banner bearer and two brothers to act as cross and flag attendants. The latter are to be seated in front of the Chief Rangers station; one on each side. The cross to the right of the Chief Ranger, the flag to the left.
The Chief Ranger then directs the removal from the pedestals and from the backs of the officers chairs of everything not belonging there, and the placing and arranging of all appurtenances in orderly and proper position.
Unless special musical program is arranged the Conductors must distribute the Initiation Song Cards; and provide the Vice Chief Ranger with a sufficient number proposition blanks and copies of the laws and by-laws for the candidates.
Unless special singers are provided it is a good plan to distribute amongst the other members, those who are able to lead in singing, instead of having all the good singers together.
After all is in readiness for the initiation, the Chief Ranger will call the meeting to order and deliver the following charge, Chief Ranger should use singular or plural depending upon the number of candidates.
C.R.: Brothers, we are about to initiate state number candidates. We desire to make a most favorable and lasting impression upon those to be inducted into our Order. The Officers alone cannot do this. They need your cooperation and for this I ask at this time.
Conduct yourselves throughout the ceremony in a dignified manner. Please do not indulge in smoking, talking or in anything else that might distract the candidates. Do not stare or smile at them or give them the slightest sign of recognition. Please give the most respectful attention to the work in hand. Listen most attentively to all spoken. To hear again the obligations taken; the instructions given and the wonderful lessons of the Order dwelt upon, can only be of profit to you and to the Order. You know how easily we forget. Do not leave your places or retire while the initiation is in progress. When there is singing in unison, let all join and sing whole heartedly and pronounce plainly.
When the candidates are announced I will give the signal to rise. Please remain standing until the signal is given to be seated.
Brother Inside Sentinel! Should a brother ask for admission after the ceremony has begun, you may admit him quietly provided he has the proper password and his entry will not disturb the ceremony.
If the number of candidates be large and therefore considerable time be required for the collection of prescribed fees and dues from the candidates, the Chief Ranger may proceed with the Order of Business.
When the Financial Secretary returns from the anteroom he proceeds to the center pedestal and reports in this form: Chief Ranger, I have collected the prescribed fees and dues from the candidates, and they have signed the obligation of the Order.
F.S. salutes and retires.
C.R.: Senior Conductor! Senior Conductor and assistants and banner carrier will come be fore the center pedestal and salute; the banner bearer standing back of the Conductors.
C.R.: Senior Conductor, I present to you this list of candidates. You and your assistants will proceed to the ante-room and prepare the candidates for initiation.
The Conductors salute the Chief Ranger, and preceded by the banner carrier will retire to the anteroom. The musician for the instruction of the members (unless special music is provided), plays the initiation ode, which should be in slow, march time. The ode should be rehearsed before candidates are brought in.
The accompanist should be instructed that in case the candidates do not reach their positions by the time the singing is concluded he must continue to play either the ode or an appropriate interlude until one rap of the gavel is given by the Chief Ranger.
The Senior Conductors part in the ceremony is a most important one, and he must undertake its performance with perfect confidence in himself and in a manner that will at once command the respect and attention of the candidates. He must give the instructions and directions in a dignified, clear and unmistakable manner. He must not allow the candidates to indulge in pleasantries or levity, and, if they persist, he must not hesitate to reprimand them and to inform them that the initiation they are about to undergo is not a frivolous but a serious matter.
As soon as the Conductors arrive in the ante-room, the Senior Conductor requests the candidates to rise and form in line as he calls their names. He then proceeds to call the names of the candidates—those for honorary as well as those for regular membership. The Junior and the Assistant Conductors then arrange the candidates in single file in the order of their height, the shortest one at the forward end of the file; and, if not already done, request and assist the candidates to lay aside their hats, overcoats and other superfluous garments, all of which must be cared for by the Outside Sentinel or by a member appointed for that purpose. The Junior Conductor then assumes position at, the forward end of the file and an Assistant Conductor at the rear end; the other Conductor or Conductors should take positions on the side of the candidates. The banner carrier should march back of the Junior Conductor.
Before marching into hall the Senior Conductor must instruct the candidates in about the following form, speaking slowly and in a conversational tone: Candidates, please give me your attention. During the course of the initiation ceremony you will be given various commands which I will now explain, and which you must endeavor to execute promptly and properly. When I command Attention! you will fold your arms and when I command Forward—march! you must start out with the left foot at the word March, thus exemplifying, and while marching keep your arms folded and step to the music and maintain a uniform space of at least eighteen inches between each other. At the command Candidates, halt, you must come to rest promptly at the word Halt and remain in your positions until I give the command, Left face, which is executed by turning to the left, thusly exemplifying. Upon command Hands down, you will drop your arms at your side.
Before resuming the march I will give the command, Candidates, fold arms, Right face, which is executed by turning to the right, thus exemplifying. You will also be asked several questions, which you must answer by responding I do, I am, I did, or I will, as the question may indicate; you must not answer yes, sir or no, sir; please remember this. When making the answers and repeating the Obligation of the Order you must speak distinctly, moderately loud and in unison with each other. Please pay close and respectful attention to everything that is said and done.
The Senior Conductor, having assured himself that all preparations in the ball are completed, orders candidates to fold arms and then proceeds to the inner door and announces himself with candidates to the Inside Sentinel.
S.C.: The Senior Conductor with candidates asks to be admitted.
During the ceremony the Senior Conductor has entire charge of the floor; he directs the marches and acts as commandant.
The Ceremony
The Inside Sentinel announces: Chief Ranger, the Senior Conductor with candidates seeks admittance.
The Chief Ranger gives three raps and then orders: Admit the Senior Conductor with candidates.
The singing of a song or of the first stanza of the Initiation Ode, or march music, is at once begun and the Sentinel opens the door.
The Senior Conductor commands: Candidates, forward—march.
The Junior Conductor, under the direction of the Senior Conductor, leads the candidates to the station of the Chief Ranger over the line of march shown in the diagram, Fig. 2, by broken lines, the direction of the march being indicated by the arrows.

At this station, and at each succeeding one, the candidates resting position should be twelve to fifteen feet from the respective officer, and in the form of a semi-circle, as shown in the diagram, wherein the positions of eight candidates are indicated by light circles; the heavy circles, a, b, and c, showing the positions of the Senior, Junior and Assistant Conductors, respectively. In case the number of candidates be very large, it may be necessary to place them so as to form a large circle or several circles, one behind the other. Where this is necessary, the candidates should be divided into sections and a Conductor placed at the head of each section.
The Senior Conductor must take up a position from which he can observe the progress of both the front and rear ends of the file of candidates, and as soon as the latter have reached the positions forming a symmetrical semi-circle in front of the Chief Ranger he commands: Candidates, halt.
He then awaits the conclusion of the singing if the latter has not already been reached.
The speed at which the candidates should be marched must be regulated in accordance with the size of the hall and the number of candidates, so that the completion of the march and the singing will, as nearly as possible, coincide.
In case the candidates have not reached their resting positions when the singing of the stanza is concluded, the accompanist must continue to play either the Ode, song or an appropriate interlude.
As soon as the singing is concluded and the candidates have been halted, the Chief Ranger gives one rap. The members take their seats, but the Chief Ranger remains standing.
The Senior Conductor commands: Candidates, left face, hands down.
After seeing to it that the candidates are in orderly position, and standing about midway between the candidates and the Chief Ranger, he salutes the latter and introduces the candidates thus: Chief Ranger, I present candidates for initiation into the Catholic Order of Foresters.
The Chief Ranger inquires: What assurance have you that they are worthy of membership in our Order?
The Senior Conductor responds: They have been recommended by two of our members, have been duly elected to membership and have otherwise qualified as required by the laws of the Order.
The Senior Conductor then salutes and assumes position at the side of the Junior Conductor, as indicated at a, in the diagram.
The Chief Ranger then proceeds to question the candidates, speaking slowly and distinctly, thus: Candidates, do you say, each one of you, that you desire to be initiated into the Catholic Order of Foresters? Then answer—I do.
The candidates must answer I do and if they fail to respond promptly the Chief Ranger must request them to answer.
The Chief Ranger then continues, giving ample time for the candidates to answer after each, question: Are you—each individual one—a practical Roman Catholic? Then answer—I am.
Will you—each individual one—solemnly promise to remain true to the church and faithful in the practice of her teachings? Then answer—I will.
Are you now sixteen or over and under fifty years of age? Then answer—I am.
Will you always be temperate in your habits, clean of tongue and gentlemanly in your conduct? Then answer—I will.
Will you practice the principles of our Order with your brother members to the very best of your ability? Then answer—I will.
Will you do all in your power to promote by word and deed the best interest of your Court and of the Order and refrain from all captious criticism and fault-finding either of the Order, its officers or its members? Then answer —I will.
Have you been sick, or have you consulted a physician for any personal physical ailment since your examination by the Medical Examiner of the Court? Those who have not will please answer—No. 
fter candidates have answered
Those who have will please answer—Yes.

If any candidate answers yes to the foregoing question he should not be initiated until the matter has been first referred to the High Medical Examiner and initiation approved.
Are you now prepared to take the binding obligation of the Catholic Order of Foresters? Then answer—I am.
The Chief Ranger, turning towards the Senior Conductor, then orders: Senior Conductor, present the candidates to the Past Chief Ranger, who will administer the obligation of the Order.
The Senior Conductor steps forward to about midway between the candidates and the Chief Rangers station and after saluting the Chief Ranger, commands: Candidates, fold arms, right face.
The Chief Ranger gives three raps, the members rise and then the Senior Conductor commands: Candidates, forward—march.
At the latter word of command the singing of the second stanza of the Ode begins, or the musician plays a march.
The Junior Conductor leads the file of candidates over the line of march, shown in diagram, to the station of the Past Chief Ranger.
In case of a narrow hail, where there is insufficient space between the Past Chief Rangers station and the center pedestal the Senior Conductor should circle candidates back of center pedestal.
The Past Chief Ranger, the Vice Chief Ranger and the Treasurer remain standing after the completion of the singing when the candidates are at their station.
The candidates, having reached their positions in front of the Past Chief Rangers station, and the singing or playing being concluded and the members seated, the Senior Conductor salutes the Past Chief Ranger and then introduces the candidates thus: Past Chief Ranger, I present candidates who desire to take the Obligation of the Catholic Order of Foresters.
The Past Chief Ranger then proceeds, slowly and impressively, thus: Worthy candidates! This is the station of the Past Chief Ranger. Its emblem is the Cross, symbolic of the virtue of Faith. Faith—that gift of God which unites man with God, and causes man to recognize most clearly the relations and obligations existing between men.
This Order has as one of its objects the strengthening of faith in God and the development of faith in the brotherhood of one another. You were presented here to assume the obligation of the Order; thus to dedicate yourselves in special and solemn manner to the work of Catholic Forestry.
Worthy candidates, the obligation which you are required to take is a comprehensive one. In taking it, however, you will not assume anything in conflict with your duty to church, country, home or loved ones, but you will be bound to render strict obedience to the laws of our Order, both in letter and spirit. With this understanding, are you willing to take the obligation? Then answer—I am.
If the candidates fail to respond promptly they must be required to answer, and having answered, the Past Chief Ranger proceeds: Then raise you right hands exemplifying with the hand open and fingers together and repeat after me.
The Chief Ranger gives three raps and, when the members have risen and all is orderly, the Past Chief Ranger, holding his own right hand in a raised position and speaking slowly, distinctly and impressively, administers the following obligation, division by division, giving the candidates ample time to repeat after him:
I solemnly promise that I will remain faithful to holy church, devoted to home and loved ones and true to my country. I promise that I will earnestly endeavor to live up to the highest ideals of the Order.
I promise that I will respect and uphold the constitution and laws of the Catholic Order of Foresters and obey all commands of the High Court of the State (Provincial) Court and of the Subordinate Court of which I am a member provided such commands do not conflict with my civil liberty or the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church; that I will never use for any purpose or communicate to any person except as prescribed in the ceremonial and the laws, rules and regulations, any of the signs, grips, passwords or business affairs of the Order; that I will not defraud or wrong any member or department of the Order or suffer it to be done by others if in my power to prevent; that I will not tolerate anything of a political nature at any meeting of the Order; that I will not disparage any member because of his nationality, color or race; or engage in captious criticism or fault-finding or idle and hurtful gossip; that I will be clean of tongue; gentlemanly in my conduct; temperate in my habits and just in all my dealings; that I will assist a member or his family, when in distress, so far as charity requires and my circumstances permit; and that I will do all in my power to promote the best interests and welfare of my Court and of the Order.
And I further promise that should I violate in letter or spirit any part of this obligation or the form subscribed by me, I hereby agree to be expelled and should I be expelled or leave the Order, I will consider this obligation still binding. To all of which I pledge my word of honor as a man and a Catholic.
At the conclusion of the obligation the Chief Ranger gives one rap and, when the members have taken their seats, the Past Chief Ranger continues: Senior Conductor, you will now present the candidates to our worthy Treasurer for further preparation. Senior Conductor, proceed.
The Senior Conductor proceeds as before. The Chief Ranger gives three raps, the members rise and at the command Forward, march the singing of the third stanza of the Ode or music begins. Upon arrival at the Treasurers station, the candidates being in proper position, the Senior Conductor, saluting the Treasurer, says: Worthy Treasurer, upon direction of the Past Chief Ranger, I present candidates for further preparation.
The Treasurer proceeds, speaking plainly and impressively: Worthy candidates, this is the Treasurers station. Its emblem is the heart, emblematic of that greatest of all virtues—Charity. You have subscribed to the high ideals of our organization and have obligated yourselves in solemn manner to the fulfillment of the duties and obligations of membership therein. It is my duty now to call your attention to one of the essential obligations. With the ideal, this Order unites the practical. To talk charity—brotherly love—affection for home and loved ones is one thing. To practice these things by making substantial provisions, is another. By their fruits, ye shall know them, said the Master. So, by our work, not our words—will our Order be known and will we individually gather spiritual treasures for the world to come and build enduring monuments for ourselves in the hearts and memories of those near and dear to us. Before the station of the Past Chief Ranger you severally and collectively pledged devotion to home and loved ones; you pledged that you would assist a member or his family when in distress so far as Charity requires and your circumstances permit. You sealed this obligation with your word of honor as men and Catholics.
Worthy candidates, that there may be no misunderstanding, permit me to ask you at this time, did you each fully understand this part of the obligation taken?
Candidates answer.
After the candidates have answered the Treasurer will say: If there is any candidate who has not, let him make it known now.
After a pause: Worthy candidates, this Order through its Courts, makes provision for members in case of sickness and distress and through the benefit treasury of the Order for the beneficiaries in case of death. To meet these obligations members are required to pay dues into the Court treasury and assessments into the benefit fund of the Order. Dues and assessments are payable on the first of each month to the Financial Secretary of your Court and must he paid before the close of the month in which they are called, otherwise a member stands by that fact suspended. With a full understanding of this and to impress the importance of your financial obligations most firmly upon your minds, I shall now ask you to raise your right hands and repeat after me the following obligation:
The Chief Ranger gives three raps. After members have risen, Treasurer continues:
I solemnly promise to participate in the great charitable and benevolent work of the Order, by faithfully and punctually discharging my financial obligations to the Order.
I promise that I will never allow myself to become suspended for the non-payment of dues and assessments. I further promise, should I, for any reason, desire to leave the Order, I will make final payment to the financial secretary of my Court and secure from its officers an honorable withdrawal card.
To all of this I pledge my sacred word of honor as a man and a Catholic.
Treasurer orders hands down. C.R. gives one rap for members to be seated.
Treasurer: Worthy candidates! You are coming into this Order in honor. Self interests dictate that you should never leave it, except in honor. Life, my brothers, has its trials and tribulations. Should circumstances or conditions therefore arise at any time, which would make it impossible for you to pay your dues and assessments before the close of the month, go to your Chief Ranger, state your case, and I am sure that your Court will exercise that Charity which is one of the basic principles of the Order.
Worthy candidates, by the pledges you have taken you are bound to us and have assumed the duties of membership, and you are now entitled to instruction in the secret and other work of our Order.
Addressing himself to the Senior Conductor, the Treasurer then orders: Senior Conductor, present the candidates to the Vice Chief Ranger, who will give them all necessary instructions.
The Senior Conductor proceeds as before; the Chief Ranger gives three raps; the members rise and at the command March, the singing of the fourth stanza of the Ode, or the march music, should begin.
Upon arrival at the Vice Chief Rangers station, and when all is ready, the Senior Conductor introduces the candidates thus: Vice Chief Ranger, I present candidates who having assumed all obligations of the Order, are now entitled to instructions.
C.R. gives one rap for the members to be seated.
The Vice Chief Ranger then proceeds to give the following instructions in a slow, conversational and explanatory style, exercising every care to be clearly understood by the candidates:
V.C.R.: Worthy candidates, this is the station of the Vice Chief Ranger. Its emblem is the anchor, symbolic of the virtue of Hope. Hope— that force that springs eternal in the human breast, and ever leads man on to renewed and greater effort. Not only do we as Catholic men hope in God, but we hope, with Gods assistance, working unitedly, through the instrumentality of this Society, to carry out successfully the great purposes and objects of our organization. It behooves you therefore to become thoroughly familiar with all pertaining to our Order. It is for this reason that I shall ask you to pay close attention to my instructions. Furthermore, your future advancement in this Order will largely depend upon the knowledge you have of it.
This branch of our Order is (will be) known as ... Court No. ....      
In case of a joint initiation the Vice Chief Ranger must give the names and numbers of the several Courts having candidates initiated, using this form: The respective branches of our Order of which you will be members are known as ....
Being a fraternal society the members of the Order address each other as ‘brother’.
The Order has signs, grips and a password, which are to be used only as I will explain, and which you will never disclose to anyone—not even to a member of the Order—except when you are acting in the capacity of a duly authorized officer.
The sign oft. salute is made by placing the right hand—thumb and other fingers extended, but held together—over the heart exemplifying and bowing the head—not the body—slightly exemplifying and then request Candidates make the sign of salute. When all have made it properly, continue I will explain the uses of this sign later.
The sign of recognition is made by explain and exemplify sign, and then bid the candidates to make it. The countersign is the answer to the sign of recognition, and is made by explain and exemplify countersign, and bid the candidates repeat it. Should you happen to be in a company of men and wish to know without inquiring whether any of them be a Forester you may employ this sign of recognition exemplifying, making it so deftly as not to attract the attention of anyone not a member of the Order. If a Forester be amongst them he will notice this sign and answer with the countersign exemplifying.
The grip is given and returned in this wise explain and exemplify the grip with the aid of the Senior Conductor, who must step up to the Vice Chief Ranger for that purpose, and then bid the Conductors to exchange the grip with the candidates. The grip should always be exchanged when greeting a brother member, and it must be exchanged with certain officers at the meeting of a Court, as I will explain later.
The password will be given you by the Chief Ranger. Only members in good standing in the Order are entitled to the password and they can obtain it only from the Chief Ranger of their Court or from the acting Chief Ranger at a meeting of their Court. Visiting members may, however, obtain the password upon presenting either a valid Traveling Card or a written request from the Chief Ranger of their Court.
Brothers, you must keep the password a close secret, as you promised, and never communicate it to any person or to any member of the Order, excepting the presiding officer, Conductor and Inside Sentinel in their official capacity at a session of a Court or a convention of the Order; and you must always speak it in a whisper.
We also have gavel signals taking up the gavel employed by the Chief Ranger when presiding at the meetings of the Court. One rap exemplifying is the signal for order—silence—and for the members to take their seats; and it is also used by way of confirming the result of a vote as declared by the chair or a ruling made by him. Two raps exemplifying is the signal for all officers to rise. Three raps exemplifying the signal for all to rise to their feet; and a series of raps is used for calling the meeting to order.
When at the opening of a Court meeting, the Conductor approaches you, you must rise in your place, exchange the grip with him and give him the password in a whisper. If you have forgotten either of them you must go to the Chief Ranger for instruction, after which you must give the grip and password to the Conductor before taking a seat. If you are not personally known to the Conductor, though having the grip and password, you must give him your name and if you be a visiting member also the name and number of your Court, and then remain standing until the Chief Ranger declares you entitled to a seat in the meeting.
If you arrive after the meeting has been opened you will give three raps exemplifying on the inner door—the one leading into the hall. When the Inside Sentinel opens the wicket you must give him your name and, if you be a visiting member, also the name and number of your Court. You must also give him the password when he asks for it. When the Sentinel admits you, you must exchange the grip with him, then pass up the middle of the hail to the center pedestal pointing to it, where you must salute the Chief Ranger with the sign exemplifying. If he be engaged you may turn towards this station and salute the Vice Chief Ranger. After you have been recognized with a return of the salute you may take a seat on either side of the hall. If you have not the password, the Chief Ranger, after having been assured of your good standing, will order you admitted. When the Sentinel opens the door you will proceed in the same manner, but after you have saluted, you go to the Chief Ranger for instruction and then give the grip and password to the Conductor before taking a seat. The Senior Conductor will demonstrate the proper manner of entering a hall while the Court is in session.
The Senior Conductor leaves the ball, gives due signal, enters in proper form and takes his seat.
V.C.R., continues: If you have not the grip or password and desire to attend a meeting of a Court other than your own, and at which the Chief Ranger of your Court is not present, you must have either a valid Traveling Card or a written request for the grip and password from the Chief Ranger of your Court, such request being under seal of your Court.
From this explanation, candidates, it must be clear to you that you are not entitled and cannot be permitted to be present at any meeting of any Court, unless you have the grip and password, and unless you are known to be members in good standing in the Order. Bear this well in mind.
Now a few words as to your conduct during the meeting of a Court. Should you wish to obtain the floor for any purpose whatever, you must first rise in your place and addressing your self to the presiding officer, say Chief Ranger.
When, he has recognized you, you may proceed, but not before. Should you desire to change your place, cross the hall or retire from the meeting, you must first obtain permission, and then go to the center pedestal pointing to it and salute the Chief Ranger, or, if he be engaged, the Vice Chief Ranger, and then pass on in crossing the hall, always do it between this station and the center pedestal.
At the close of the Court meeting the Chief Ranger gives one rap with the gavel exemplifying and then making the sign of salute, says: ‘Brothers, good night, or good afternoon’, as the case may be. The members in acknowledgment also make the sign and say in unison: ‘Chief Ranger, good night or good afternoon.’
The regular meetings of this Court are held on the give day of week of each month give place of meetings and you should endeavor to attend each and every one of them.
The Conductors will now present to you copies of the constitution of the Order. and of the by-laws of the Court, which you should peruse diligently, so as to become conversant with the laws, rules and regulations and with your duties of membership. Will each of you promise to do this? Candidates should answer. Please bear in mind that you will not be able to observe the laws or fulfill your duties unless you know them.
You will also be given some proposition blanks.
The Vice Chief Ranger then bids the Conductor to hand each candidate copies of the laws and By-laws and several proposition blanks.
After they have been distributed the Senior Conductor will report: Worthy Vice Chief Ranger. your orders have been obeyed.
The Vice Chief Ranger continues: You will now be conducted to the station of the Chief Ranger, where you will hear the lesson of our Order and receive the password.
The Vice Chief Ranger gives three raps for members to rise, turning to Senior Conductor he then orders: Senior Conductor, present the candidates to the Chief Ranger.
The Senior Conductor proceeds as before, the candidates being led over the same line of march as at first to the Chief Rangers station, and the fifth and last stanza of the Ode is sung, or a march is played.
Upon arrival at the Chief Rangers station, the Senior Conductor introduces the candidates thus: Chief Ranger, I present candidates who have taken the binding obligations of the Order and have been instructed by the Vice Chief Ranger.
The Chief Ranger gives signal for members to be seated and then delivers the following, with feeling and conviction, and to the yery best of his ability:
C.R.: Brothers, I have a few words to say to you touching upon the fundamental structure of the Catholic Order of Foresters.
Our order, planted under the protecting shade of holy Mother Church, in which it finds its source and from which it draws its inspiration, is founded upon three cardinal principles—principles based upon the three great theological virtues, typified so beautifully by the stations you have just passed—Faith. Hope and Charity; principles that tend to elevate and make us better members of society, of the church and of the state and nobler defenders of the Christian home.
These principles are: Friendship, Unity and true Christian Charity.
Friendship——a flower that blooms in all ages and in all climes. It is—as the rivers, the strands of the seas or the air we breathe—common to all mankind. It is a principle that you should practice at all times and under all circumstances and you should cultivate, both by intercourse and association, the friendship of the members of this Order, whom you ask to be your brothers. We will be your brothers. Having assumed the self-same obligation that you have taken, we stand ready to aid and protect you so long as you wear your armor in the cause of right and live amongst us as true and faithful Catholic Foresters.
My brothers, I will now give you the grasp of Friendship as a mark of welcome to our ranks; at the same time I will impart to you the password of the Order, which will open to you the doors of all our Courts.
The Chief Ranger passes around among the candidates, giving to each the grip and password of the Order. While doing so an appropriate (solemn) song should be sung or an interlude or reverie played on the piano. If the class is large, the Chief Ranger should request several visiting Chief Rangers or Past Chief Rangers to assist him in giving out the password. This will expedite the work. These officers, if possible, should be gowned.
Returning to his station, the Chief Ranger continues: The Conductors will now take the password to assure me that you are in possession of it.
The Junior and Assistant Conductors, each beginning at his end of the file, then proceed to examine the candidates, and, if there be a large number, the Senior Conductor assists, taking the middle one-third. The musician should softly play an interlude or reverie.
The Conductors should not exchange the grip or grasp the hands of the candidates when taking the password.
If any candidate has forgotten the password the Conductor must request him to step up to the Chief Ranger for instruction.
The Conductors, finding all in possession of the password, the Senior Conductor will report to the Chief Ranger thus: Worthy Chief Ranger, all have been examined and are in possession of the password.
The Chief Ranger then continues: Brothers, the second principle of our Order is Unity. This principle teaches us that alone man is weak, united he is strong; a truth that the philosopher of old exemplified so strikingly and which I, in like manner, shall now ask the Senior Conductor to exemplify.
Worthy Conductor, come forward.
The Conductor will come forward and salute the Chief Ranger, who will hand him a stick. He will salute again and then face the candidates, holding the stick so that all can see.
C.R.: Conductor, break the stick.
After this has been done the Chief Ranger will say: Worthy Conductor, you will now take this handful of sticks, bound closely together to unite their strength, and try to break them.
The Conductor will salute the Chief Ranger, accept from him the bundle of sticks, salute again, face the candidates and try to break the bundle. Having made several efforts, he will turn, salute the Chief Ranger and report: Worthy Chief Ranger, I have tried but cannot break the sticks united.
Conductor salutes and retires to his position.
C.R.: What a splendid illustration of the power of Unity. The single stick so easily broken, resists every effort when united with others. As with the sticks, so it is with man. Alone we are weak and can do but little or nothing; our efforts are easily shattered; but associated in a bond of fraternal union we are strong and can accomplish much for church, home and country and can make substantial provisions for one another in case of sickness and distress and for our loved ones, in case of death. You, my brothers, from henceforth will be called upon to lend strength to this potent principle by inviting into our Order all eligible Catholic men, to the end that the greatest good may come to the largest number.
Slight Pause.
The third principle, my brothers, is Christian Charity. Charity is that principle which inspires in our hearts and minds those of Friendship and Unity, and which incites us to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Life, my brothers, has its sunshine and its shadows; its days and its nights; its seasons of joy and its hours of sorrow, and in this eventful drama each and every man plays a part. And so in our Order. Every member is called upon to dc his share toward making the world better and brighter; toward bringing sunshine and gladness to hearts in gloom and towards, dispelling the clouds that at times gather about and darken the life of a brother member.
Remember, my brothers, that Charity consists not only in money giving, or in the doing of things possible only for the rich; but Charity includes as well those little acts of kindness and mercy, which all can practice, irrespective of calling or station in life, which give to humanity the touch of kinship and make the world a place we delight to live in.
My brothers, consoling and encouraging indeed to every Christian soul must be the words of our Divine Master, promising eternal reward—some, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; naked and you covered me; sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me.
Amen, I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.
Fraternity—humanity—Christianity— in its deepest significance.
Cultivate ever, my brothers, the practice of the sublime principle and virtue of Charity. Let no day pass without enriching it, by performing, in the Masters name, some little act of kindness, charity or benevolence. Cast from your hearts every grudge; banish every unkind thought: lay aside every personal prejudice.
Recognize more clearly, each day, in every man, the imagine of God—your brother. Let not the vanity of the world dazzle and blind you.
Let the Golden Rule be your motto. Let the sun of charity that rises at home, always set abroad. Help to propagate and extend the great work in which we are engaged. Lastly, let no act of yours ever tarnish the fair name of our Order, but let your lives at all times be above reproach. Be faithful in. your duty to your God, to your family, to your country and to your fellowman; and consider that, when at last your earthly mission is ended, all the noble and generous deeds which you performed will serve as golden keys to open for you the gates of eternal happiness.
These, my friends, are the sublime teachings of our Order, and these point out the rule of conduct we would have you follow as members of the Catholic Order of Foresters.
My brothers, I will now invest you each with the emblem of the Order, signifying that you have been selected to regular membership. This emblem pointing to the emblem on the banner has upon it a cross and a deer. The cross typifies our faith. The deer, figurative of Christ, symbolizes those ardent and virtuous desires, which spring so warmly from a truly Christian soul.

The cross—the tree of salvation—and the deer—the noblest and keenest denizen of the woods—are to remind us further of the Forest—the Forest of Life—in which we as true Foresters are to labor zealously and which we are to guard faithfully.
In the cross you find the letters F. H. C., representing those sanctifying virtues—Faith, Hope and Charity. I ask you to wear this emblem. Let it always be worn, however, with honor. By no act of yours bring discredit upon it.
The Chief Ranger passes among the candidates and invests each with an emblem (button) of the Order.
The Senior Conductor assists by passing him the emblem, which he carries on a tray. Should the class be large, the Chief Ranger should ask one of the other officers to assist.
During this ceremony an appropriate song should be sung, or an interlude played.
The Chief Ranger, upon returning to his station, continues: My dear brothers, your initiation to regular membership is about to close. Further travels await you, would you reach the heights of full membership in the Order. You will soon be conducted from this hall. Later you will be returned to be introduced to the brothers present You were presented proposition blanks. I now hand you this roll, which I kindly ask each to sign while in the ante-room, certifying that in appreciation of your admission to membership, and as evidence of your willingness to help extend the Order, you will make an earnest and sincere effort to secure the application of at least one good, eligible man within the next sixty days.
Let each sign this roll and let it be returned to the Secretary of the Court for safekeeping and,, later, during your next march to a higher degree, let it be presented as a pledge and as evidence of your loyalty to the Order.
The Chief Ranger hands roll to Senior Conductor who, in turn, hands it to the third candidate.
C.R. gives three raps, members arise.
C.R., pointing to the cross and flag: Behold before me the two great standards of civilization—the cross and the flag. The cross and flag attendant should rise. The one symbolizes the church; the other the state. How closely interwoven is man’s destiny with both. How dependent on these is the happiness and safety of the home.
My brothers, you each declared before this assemblage that you were a practical Catholic: You pledged loyalty and obedience to holy Mother Church. I present to you this cross, emblematic of our faith. The cross attendant hands cross to Chief Ranger, who presents it to Senior Conductor, who remains standing until C.R. closes remarks. Take it with you. Let it ever serve as a reminder that through it alone man can be saved and on the occasion of your next journey toward higher membership let it be presented as evidence of the faith that is in you.
The Senior Conductor holds cross erect, facing candidates, until song is concluded and then hands cross to the first candidate in line.
Solo: Hail, Cross Divine, Nearer, My God, to Thee or other appropriate religious song.
After the cross has been presented the Chief Ranger continues: At the close of each meeting of our Order, the members are reminded that a good Catholic and a true Forester is the highest type of a citizen.
Loyalty to God is the best assurance of loyalty to country. Loyalty to country is a duty as is loyalty to God, for the Master said: Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God, the things that are God’s.
To impress upon your minds most fully the duty you owe to your country, I now present to you this flag, the emblem of our nation. Flag attendant hands flag to the Chief Ranger, who holding it high continues: Let it ever remind you of your civic obligations, and cause you to discharge them faithfully, be it in peace or be it in war.
The Chief Ranger hands flag to Senior Conductor who faces the candidates and stands holding flag erect while the Star Spangled Banner (in Canada a national anthem) is sung. At conclusion of singing the Chief Ranger continues: Take this banner with you and in your onward march toward higher membership let it serve as evidence of your patriotism and your ever willingness to upbuild and defend your country, even at the cost of your very lives.
With cross and flag I beg you to proceed and vouch for you a safe and happy journey. Conductor presents flag to second candidate.
C.R.: Worthy Conductor, proceed.
Senior Conductor orders candidates to march as before and leads them to the ante-room.
The Chief Ranger gives three raps; all rise and sing America. In Dominion of Canada a national hymn is used. Singing should be continued until the new initiates have marched out of the hall. Upon arrival in the ante-room the Senior Conductor should have all sign the pledge roll. As soon as all have signed the Senior Conductor should announce to the Inside Sentinel that the new initiates are ready to return. If the class is large several pledge sheets should be used to expedite signing.
The Inside Sentinel, awaiting a proper pause in the business procedure of the Court, announces: Worthy Chief Ranger, the Conductors with the new initiates ask to be admitted.
C.R.: You will admit them.
The Chief Ranger gives three raps. All members rise. The Conductors will lead the new initiates before the Chief Ranger, placing them in a semi-circle, as when first they entered: A march should be played on the piano during entry. After new initiates have been properly placed the Senior Conductor will step to the center, salute the Chief Ranger, and say: Worthy Chief Ranger, I present our new brothers, each of whom has signed the roll, they now await your further pleasure.
C.R.: Brothers, you are about to be introduced collectively to the members present by me and individually, a little later, by the Conductors. Before proceeding with this formality, permit me to present to you a number of books, the reading and study of which will be most helpful to you in. your journey toward higher membership. Read them carefully. Read other books and literature of a similar nature and thus prepare yourselves for the journeys to come. A word to the wise is sufficient.
The Conductors will please distribute the books.
After they have been distributed the Chief Ranger will ask the new initiates to face the members and will make the following introduction: Brothers of ... Court No. ..., I take much pleasure in presenting to you these new brothers, who are now regular members of this Court and of the Order. Give them your hearty greeting.
The members applaud and then the Chief Ranger declares a short recess, instructing the Conductors to introduce the new members individually to all present.
After sufficient time has been given for introduction, congratulations, etc., the Chief Ranger again calls the meeting to order and continues with the Order of Business. If the meeting is a special one, for the purpose of initiating a class, a social session should follow.
In either case, one or more of the new, initiates should be called upon for remarks.
Closing Ceremony
A motion to proceed to close having prevailed, or there being no further business to transact, the Chief Ranger, standing, says: Brothers, we will proceed to close this meeting in regular form. The conductors will please collect the officers badges.
The Conductors proceed to collect the badges and the Chief Ranger continues: Financial Secretary, what are the receipts of the Court since the last regular meeting?
The Financial Secretary reports in the following form, speaking slowly so as to enable the Recording Secretary and the Treasurer to write it down: The receipts are: Benefit Fund, $...; Court Fund, $...; Contingent Fund, $...; Total, $....  
C.R.: Treasurer, will you receive and receipt for these moneys at the close of the meeting and credit them to the respective funds ?
The Treasurer must answer.
C.R.: Recording Secretary, have you kept a true record of the acts of this meeting?
The Recording Secretary must answer. And have you noted the receipts of the Court as reported by the Financial Secretary ?
The Recording Secretary must answer.
As soon as the Conductors have finished collecting the badges, the Chief Ranger requests: The Reverend Spiritual Director will please say the closing prayer.
Three raps. Members rise and remain standing during prayer.
Closing Prayer
Under Thy protection we take refuge, O Holy Mother of God. Despise not our petition in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Virgin.
Let us pray for our departed Brothers.
Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.
May the souls of our departed brothers and of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. R. Amen.
C.R.: Let us now sing the closing song.
At the conclusion of the song the Chief Ranger commands: The Conductors will come forward and take charge of the Cross and Flag.
The Conductors come forward, salute, take cross and flag, turn and face the meeting.
C.R.: Brothers, salute the standards.
Members give military salute.
C.R.: Conductors retire.
Conductors take cross and flag to place of safe keeping. Upon their return the C.R. will say: Brothers, the work of our meeting is performed. Let us part as we met—in the spirit of unity and brotherly love. Let all our acts at all times be governed by the sublime precepts of our Order, and the world will learn that a good Catholic and a true Forester is the highest type of a citizen. Do not fail to attend the next meeting, which will be held .... give day and date, and call particular attention to any special feature of that meeting.
The Chief Ranger then gives one rap and, making the sign of salute, says: Brothers, good night, or good afternoon as the case may be.
The members, in acknowledgment, also make the sign and say in unison: Chief Ranger, good night, or good afternoon.
