and Illustrious Star of Bethlehem
This order, once known as the Knights of the Star of Bethlehem, was
introduced in the United States from England in 1691 by Giles Corey of London.
Colonial authorities suppressed it. Over 200 years later it was again brought to
the city of New York in 1849 or 1850 by John Bell, who established several
commanderies in 1851. Permanent establishment of the order did not really occur
until 1869, when the society organized on the state level in Pennsylvania and
New York. Between 1878 and 1884 the order completely reorganized with new
titles, officers, and organizational name: Ancient and Illustrious Star of
The AISB was a fraternal benefit order that provided death, sickness, and
disability benefits. The society also helped its members find employment in the
event they became unemployed. Another objective of the AISB was to perpetuate
its traditions.
In terms of its history, the society traced its origin to the first century of
the Christian era. More specifically, however, the AISB drew upon the thirteenth
century for its tradition. According to the society, the thirteenth century had
a monastic order known as the Bethlehemites, whose members wore a five-pointed
star on the left breast, in commemoration of the star that appeared over
Bethlehem at the time of Christ’s birth. In the fourteenth century the order
apparently became a semi-military organization known as the Knights of the Star
of Bethlehem. The order spread to various parts of Europe in the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries. In 1571 the order became a benevolent and scientific
society in England. In 1813 the order suffered a schism, apparently because some
members objected to women being admitted to membership. The schism apparently
led to the formation of the Royal Foresters in England.
The ritual of the American order accented the practical teachings on truth,
fraternity, and moral law. These elements were reportedly all drawn from the
society’s ancient past.
Membership in the AISB was open to men, women, and children. The latter formed
the order’s juvenile department. By the early 1920s the society had about
17,000 members in 250 lodges in the United States and the Canal Zone. The
ladies’ auxiliary group was known as Eastern Star Benevolent Fund of America.
As far as can be determined, the AISB no longer exists today.
The government of the AISB consisted of subordinate lodges, uniformed conclaves,
and grand councils. Headquarters were maintained in Detroit, Michigan.