Royal Ballantine’s Order of Finland
Initiation Ritual of the Ballantine’s Degree


Opening Ceremony

Bro Inner guard. See that the lodge is properly tyled!
IG, opens the door to see, that there are no disturbants:
WM, the lodge is properly tyled.
Bro Bottle Guard, what is the constant care of the Ballantine's Brethren?
To see, that there are Ballantine’s enough.
Bro Marshall. What is the next but minor care?
To see that all present are Ballantine's Brethren.
Have you supervised that all present are entitled to participate this meeting?
I have, according to my best knowledge, skill and understanding.
Bro Marshall. What are your duties?
To conduct the ceremonies of the work in the lodge and see that all present are entitled to participate the meeting.
Where is the position of the Inner Guard?
At the outdoor.
Bro IG. Your duty?
To see that we are properly tyled and that nobody enters without equipments.
Where is the position of the Bottle Guard?
Behind the table.
Bro Battle Guard. Why is your place there?
Here I can entirely manage my duty.
What are your duties?
To see that the equipments are in order and that there is Ballantine's enough.
Have you seen that this is a fact?
Yes WM, according to my best knowledge, skill and understanding.
Where are the Stewards placed?
At the ends of the table.
Bro Steward, what are your duties?
To pass the equipments to every brother before the lodge is declared open.
Brethren stewards! Fulfil your duties.
Stewards give glasses to every brother and give the Ballantine's bottle to circulate among the brethren. Brethren fill their glasses. When this is properly done:
Brother Marshall. When and where was the Ballantine's Lodge first time assembled?
ln Sompala, Finland, anno domini 1965 or the educations year Nr.1. of the Ballantine's order.
Who are the members of the Ballantine’s Lodges originating from this very first Ballantine's Lodge.
All Brethren who have received this degree in Sompala or in the Kingdome of Scotland or in the Town of Newcastle, north from the Hadrianus wall, as we in emergency meeting anywhere.
When and where is Ballantine's Lodge Number Nothing established?
Anno Lucis 5975 or in tenth year of the Ballantine's Education.
Who are the members of this lodge?
All Brethren, who have received this degree in the Kingdom of Scotland or in the Town of Newcastle, north from the Hadrianus Wall, as well in the emergency meeting anywhere.
Because there is Ballantine’s enough and all present are entitled to participate this meeting of the Ballantine's Lodge, I will hereby declare the meeting of The Ballantine’s Lodge Nr. 1 Sompala open. I will propose the toast to this honorable lodge.
Slan Si Vah!
Slans Si Vah!
The toast is then taken but not to bottom.


Bro. Marshall! Guide the candidates in this Lodge.
M guides the candidates in and conducts them opposite WM.
Let me introduce you the Brothers … (tells the names of the candidates) who have duly served as master masons and desire now some experiences in the Ballantine's degree, to attend masonic joy according to the landmarks of this lodge.
Bro Marshall. Your presentation will be observed.
Brethren! I welcome you to the meeting of this honorable lodge.
As masons we have to support each other in the pleasure and sorrow. Although we have the right to rejoice at good days, it must take place within our landmarks.
When we have worked hard in workdays, we are entitled to enjoy the refreshments in the holidays.
Bro Marshall! Dictate the stewards to provide the candidates with equipments.
Brethren, fill your glasses!
Stewards give the glasses to the candidates, and let one Ballantine's bottle circulate.
WM takes a black Ballantine’s bottle from the table with his left hand and holds it horizontally.

Brethren! You must now give a solemn obligation, which applies this Degree. Touch with your right hand this Ballantine's bottle and dictate the obligation following me.
Say I - give your names – and continue after me.
I will follow the rules and traditions of this lodge and the second paragraph of the sixth Charge of the Free Mason.
I will be acquainted with the masonic cheer according to moderation and so that pesky and pleasure may result.
I will hele, conceal and never reveal all, what I have seen or experienced here, except to Ballantine’s Brethren.
Of the violation on the purpose or against my better knowledge may my whisky bottle be broken and my glass overturned, whenever I have filled it.
I ask Ballantine's Brothers support me to fulfill this my Ballantine's obligation.
My Brothers. I welcome you to the members of this Worshipsful Lodge. I'll give to you the sign, motto and password of this degree.
Do after me! Touch with your right hand your left ear and drink the glass to bottom. Lift the right hand up and say: Stop!
The motto is: Greediness goes before the fall.
The password is: Stop!
The Ballantine’s posture is the traditional one, in which the first Ballantine's brothers ever have received this degree. The sign and motto refer to the attitude that all brothers confirm the obligation. The sign, posture, motto and password must every brother give to the tyler, when they want admission to the Ballantine's Lodge.
Thereafter all the brothers give following WM the sign, say the motto, and give the password when they take the toast.


Bro BG, my order is that you shut the Ballantine's Bottles. Brethren! I ask now you according to the ancient custom to empty your glasses and hide the Ballantine's in the safe and secret chambers of your stomachs.
Every brother empties his glass. When this is done:
Bro BG! Are the glasses emptied and the Ballantine's Bottles becoming shut and hidden to a safe place for next use?
Yes WM, according to my best and rest knowledge, skill and understanding.
Brothers officers. Take away your regalia’s and hide them in a safe and protected place for next use.
When this has been done:
When the work tonight has been done and the brethren received their wages, I declare this Ballantine's Lodge closed.