Order "Achei Brith" and "Shield of
Ritual for Initiation in the Second Degree
President to Vice-President: Bro. Vice, it is reported that
Brethren of the Lodge who have only advanced through the First Degree now desire
to be permitted to pass through the Second Degree. I desire your assistance and
that of the Lodge.
Vice-President: Bro. President, as only members who are fully
qualified and who have merited the advance are permitted to enter the Second
Degree, does the Secretary report that the records of the Lodge show the members
seeking admission to the Second Degree qualified according to the Constitution
of the Order?
President to Secretary: Do you, Bro. Secretary, assure me that the
records of the Society prove these members to be so qualified?
Secretary: Yes, Bro. President.
President: Bro. Inside Guardian, will you step forward and give me
the Password of the Second Degree! Bro. Guardian does
so. President continues. Bro. Inside Guardian, you will please keep
the door secure and take care that no one is admitted unless he is in possession
of the Password of this Degree!
Inside Guardian: Bro. President, your commands will be
respectfully obeyed.
President: Bros. Marshalls, will you step forward and give me the
Password of the Second Degree. Bros. Marshalls do so.
President: Bros. Marshalls, will you take the Password of the
Second Degree from the Breth-ren here assembled and report any who are not in
possession of it! They do so. President giving two
knocks in quick succession, all the members rise.
President: Bro. Vice-President and Brethren, let us open the Lodge
in the Second Degree and with the help of the Great Creator continue the work we
have undertaken.
Sign of the Second Degree. I declare
Lodge No.
"Achei Brith" & "Shield of Abraham," duly open in the
Second Degree. One knock, and the Brethren resume their
President: Bros. Marshall, will you please go and greet our
Marshalls retire. They demand re-admittance by a rap and double rap on door.
Bro. Guardian admits them, but not beyond the door. One of the Bros. Marshalls
addresses the President: Bro. President, our Brethren here are come
to enter the Second Degree of the Order.
President: Will you direct them to the Vice-President who shall greet them. Bros.
Marshalls lead members to the Vice Chair.
The Marshalls: Bro. Vice, these Brethren, by their conduct and
interest in the work of our Order, have merited admission into the Second Degree
of the Order. They await for your instructions.
Vice-President to Candidates: Brethren, we are glad to learn from
the Bros. Marshalls that you have now reached the stage of the Second Degree of
the Order, and it is the pleasure of the Lodge that I give you greetings, he
bows but before I introduce you to the Bro.
President it is my duty to enquire whether you are willing to reaffirm the
declaration you signed when first initiated into this Order, and prepared to
uphold and support the Constitution of the Order and to subscribe to all its
tenets as contained in our Ritual of the First Degree. They
answer in the affirmative.
Vice-President: Bro. President, the Brethren before me are willing to
reaffirm their declaration signed when initiated into the Order and are prepared
to continue to uphold and support the Constitution of the Order and to subscribe
to the tenets of the Order as contained in our Ritual of the First Degree. I
would entrust them to your care, Bro. President, if you will further instruct
President: Bro. Vice, I gladly accept the care of the Brethren and
will be pleased if you will direct them to the altar.
Vice-President: Bros. Marshalls, will you please conduct the
Brethren to Bro. President! They do so.
President: Brethren of the First Degree, I am glad to learn of
your desire to enter into the Second Degree and that you have merited admission
thereto; but before initiating you into that degree, I must ask you, do you
accept the Standing Watch Word ךוםכ
ךערל הבחאו "Love thy Neighbour as thyself" and are you prepared to accept that as
your guiding principle in life? They answer in the
affirmative. It is most pleasing to us to hear you reaffirm this.
As in the case of the Ritual of the First Degree so through the Second runs
the spirit of that Standing Watch Word. Though not enunciated until a later
date, it was the principle that guided our great Patriarch Abraham who, in all
he did as recorded in the Sacred Scriptures, was the spirit of "Love thy
Neighbour as thyself"; and though as a brother we accept your pledge to
strictly observe this, still I must ask you to reaffirm the Declaration signed
when first initiated, and I beg you to repeat the following words: The
Chairman gives three knocks anti all Brethren rise. The Initiates place their
right hands on their breasts.
, members give their names
solemnly reaffirm the Declaration which I made when initiated into the First
Degree. I will duly honour the signs, secrets and lessons that had been and may
be entrusted to me and that I will obey all lawful commands of my officers and
will do all in my power to faithfully carry out all the dictates conveyed in our
Standing Watch Word and the lessons to be adduced therefrom." The
Chairman gives one knock and the members excepting the initiates, resume their
President, continues: My Brethren, the declaration you have just
made will. I doubt not, be strictly observed by you and as a token of our entire
and unlimited confidence in your sincerity and integrity, I entrust you with the
Sign and Password of this Degree. The Sign is
Will you please repeat it! They do
The Password is
. This Password conveying an instruction to which we owe
allegiance all our lives, still is changed from time to time, not because the
need for it has ceased, but because reminders of other duties are conveyed in
successive Passwords. We all hope that your acts within the Lodge will be
strictly in accord with the principles you have declared. It is our express
desire that as members of the Order "Achei Brith" and "Shield of
Abraham" you will uphold its dignity both inside and outside the Lodge. As
men cognisant of your responsibilities towards your fellows, you will feel that
there is no limit to the self-sacrifice in their interests. The one striking
lesson which no one can learn with completeness is, that it is the helping hand
and tender heart that rears the child to manhood estate; and it is a helping
hand and tender heart and generous thought of our fellows that makes all men kin
and renders certain the exercise of those virtues impressed upon you in the
First Degree,Loyalty, Fidelity and Benevolence, Truth and Honour.
The exercise of the virtues are a solace to us in our own distress while
extending relief and consolation to our fellows in hours of affliction. Their
exercise help to free our souls from the dominion of pride and prejudice. They
help us to view each other as members of one brotherhood with one common bond
owing and fulfilling a common duty. We are endowed with facilities to think and
to determine good and evil. The cultivation of either is largely determined by
the goal one sets himself out to reach. Our objective goal is "Unity,"
which shall make us strong; "Fidelity" which shall ensure our binding
affection to our fellows; and "Benevolence" whereby we help others to
share our own happiness; and here I impress upon you that these ideals, the
Order "Achei Brith" and "Shield of Abraham" have set
themselves. So far as in our power lies we are constant and devoted to our Order
and our Cause. We hope that with your assistance, and the further accession of
strength, the lessons just imparted will become constant factors in our lives.
We now welcome you as Brethren of the Second Degree, who with the vow just made,
will give effect to the lesson of that Degree. We look to you to help make our
Order a living force and an instrument for good, and as the children of one
Creator, we receive you into our midst and greet you with our standing Watch
Word ךוםכ ךערל
הבחאו "Love thy Neighbour as Thyself," which denotes all that I have said to
President gives three knocks: Brethren of the
Lodge No.
Order "Achei Brith" and "Shield of Abraham." I here confirm
into the Second Degree of the Order and ask you to receive them and
treat them as Brothers competent to discharge the duties we have set ourselves.
May we all be blessed in our endeavours to do good and assist to achieve all the
good our hearts and ideals prompt us; Brethren, will you give me the sign of the
Second Degree! They do
President to Bros. Marshalls: You are now to conduct the Brethren
to their places.