Masonic Rosicrucian
3rd edition
ISBN 978-90-78156-66-6
The contents of
this collection (in PDF-files):
- Drei "Adeptus Exemptus"-Rituale : Die Einweihungs-Zeremonie
in der Sephirah Chesed / Harry Eilenstein, 2011
- Drei "Adeptus Major"-Rituale : Die Einweihungs-Zeremonie in
der Sephirah Geburah / Harry Eilenstein, 2022
- The Fraternity of the Rose Cross / Harry V. Eisenberg
(Rosicrucian Society Essay), n.d.
- The History of Organized Masonic Rosicrucianism / Harold V.B.
Voorhis, 1935
- The History of Organized Masonic Rosicrucianism / Harold V.B.
Voorhis, 1983
- Masonic Rosicrucian Societies / Harold V.B. Voorhis, 1958
- The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity of R:C: and Problems
of the Fama
- Rituals of the Societas Rosicrucianis in Anglia by Unknown,
- Rituals of the Societas Rosicrucianis in Anglia / A.E. Waite,
- Rosicrucian Rites and Ceremonies of the Fellowship of the Rosy
Cross, 1946
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
- 1st Grade - Zelator, 1983
- 1st Grade - Zelator, 1995
- 1st Grade - Zelator, 2005
- 1st Grade - Zelator, 2019
- Questions for a Zelator, n.d.
- Notes for the Grade of Zelator, 2017
- 2nd Grade - Theoricus, 1981
- 2nd Grade - Theoricus, 1995
- 2nd Grade - Theoricus, 2005
- 2nd Grade - Theoricus, 2019
- Notes for the Grade of Theoricus, 2017
- 3rd Grade - Practicus, 1983
- 3rd Grade - Practicus, 1995
- 3rd Grade - Practicus, 2005
- 3rd Grade - Practicus, 2019
- Notes for the Grade of Practicus, 2017
- 4th Grade - Philosophus, 1981
- 4th Grade - Philosophus - The Lecture, 1981
- 4th Grade - Philosophus, with Lecture, 1995
- 4th Grade - Philosophus, 2005
- 4th Grade - Philosophus, 2019
- Notes for the Grade of Philosophus, 2017
- Opening for College of Adepts, 2019
- 5th Grade - Adeptus Minor, 1987
- 5th Grade - Adeptus Minor, 2005
- 5th Grade - Adeptus Minor, 2019
- Notes for the Grade of Adeptus Minor, 2017
- 6th Grade - Adeptus Major, 1990
- 6th Grade - Adeptus Major, 2005
- 6th Grade - Adeptus Major, 2019
- Notes for the Grade of Adeptus Major, 2017
- 7th Grade - Adeptus Exemptus, 1987
- 7th Grade - Adeptus Exemptus, 2005
- 7th Grade - Adeptus Exemptus, 2019
- Notes for the Grade of Adeptus Exemptus, 2017
- Notes for the Zelator, Theoricus, Practicus, Philosophus,
Adeptus Minor, Adeptus Major, Adeptus Exemptus, 2003
- 8th Grade - Magister, 2019
- Notes for the Grade Magister, 2019
- 9th Grade - Magus, 2018
- 9th Grade - Magus, 2019
- Notes for the Grade Magus, 2019
- 10th Grade - Adept of Christian Rosencreutz, 2019
- Ritual for Opening and Closing a Provincial Meeting, 2010
- Consecration of a College - Installation of Primus Celebrant,
- Installation of a Celebrant, 2010
- Installation of Celebrant & Proclamation, 2019
- Installation of a Chief Adept, 2012
- Ceremonial for Official Visits / Founding a New College, 2005
- A Guide to the Ceremonial, 1983
- A Guide to the Ceremonial, 1996
- A Guide to Ceremonial, 2010, revised 2022
- Information for New Members, 2019
- Entrance to the Mystic Circle, 1983
- Entrance to the Mystic Circle, 1995
- Entrance to the Mystic Circle, 2005
- Entrance to the Mystic Circle, 2020
- Rituals of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia: Zelator,
Theoricus, Practicus, Philosophus, n.d.
- Study Course
- Part 1, 2016
- Part 2, 2017
- Part 3, 2018
- Clavicula Rosicruciana I - VI
- Clavicula Rosicruciana I - VI, 2020
- Ordinances of the SRIA, 1979
- Ordinances of the SRIA, 1985
- Ordinances of the SRIA, 1995
- Ordinances of the SRIA, 2005
- Ordinances of the SRIA, 2021
- Directory 2004
- Directory 2005
- A History of Rosicrucian Thought and of the Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia / T.M. Greensill, 2nd (revised) edition,
- A Basic Historico-Chronological Model of the Western Hermetic
Tradition / Trevor Stewart, n.d.
Metropolitan College
- 1885
- 1886
- 1887
- 1889
- 1892
- 1894
- 1898
- 1902
- 1907
- 1908
- 1909
- 1910
- 1914
- 1915
- 1917
- 1918
- 1920
- 1922
- 1923
- 1924
- 1925
- 1926
- 1927
- 1928
- 1929
- 1994-1995
Province of Greater London
- 21st Century Rosicrucianism & In Ictu Occuli : Being a
digital pamphlet from fratres of the Province of Greater London
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, 2020
- The Practical Paths of Rosicrucianism & The Radiance of
Nature : Being a digital pamphlet from fratres of the Province
of Greater London Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, 2020
- Paths to Utopia & In my End Lies my Beginning : Being a
digital pamphlet from fratres of the Province of Greater London
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, 2021
- Living Rosicrucianism : Being a digital pamphlet from fratres
of the Province of Greater London Societas Rosicruciana in
Anglia, 2021
- Alchimia Rosicruciana : Being a digital pamphlet from fratres
of the Province of Greater London Societas Rosicruciana in
Anglia, 2022
- Ars Nova : Being a digital pamphlet from fratres of the
Province of Greater London Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, 2022
- Flores et Taciturnitas : Being a digital pamphlet from fratres
of the Province of Greater London Societas Rosicruciana in
Anglia, 2023
Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia
- 1st Grade - Zelator, 1930
- 2nd Grade - Theoricus, 1930
- 3rd Grade - Practicus, 1930
- 4th Grade - Philosophus, 1930
- 5th Grade - Adeptus Minor, 1930
- 6th Grade - Adeptus Major, 1930
- 7th Grade - Adeptus Exemptus, 1930
- 8th Grade - Magister, 1930
- Our Mystic Circle
Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
- Rituals of the First Four Grades / Charles E. Meyer and Harold
V.B. Voorhis
- Zelator Ritual, 1933
- Ritual of the First Order (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Degree), 1982
- Ritual of the Second Order (5th, 6th and 7th Degree), 1978
- Key and Property List, 1978
- Constitution of the High Council, 1979
- Constitution of the High Council, 2021
- Constitutions of the North Carolina College, 2019
- Rosicrucian Manual : For the Instruction of Postulants in the
Congregation of the Outer, Neophytes, and Fraters of Duly
Instituted Colleges of the Societas Rosicruciana In America /
George Winslow Plummer, 1933
- An Introduction to Masonic Rosicrucianism / William G.
Peacher, 1990
- Rosicrucian Fama # 19/20
- Rosicrucian Fama # 23
- Rosicrucian Fama # 25/26
- Rosicrucian Fama # 53
- The Rosicrucian Enchiridion, Vol. 1, No. 1, Dec. 1993
- The Staff of Adam : And the Shem-Hammephorash / S.C. Gould,
- The Path of Rectitude : Or Ye Samian Y / S.C. Gould, 1889
- The Rosicrucian Fraternity in America pt. 1 / R. Swinburne
Clymer, 1935
- The Rosicrucian Fraternity in America pt. 2 / R. Swinburne
Clymer, 1935
- The Pearl - SRICF - Pearl of the Orient College, Philippines
- Vol. 1, Issue 1, September 2021
- Vol. 1, Issue 2, March 2022
- Vol. 2, Issue 1, September 2022
- Vol. 2, Issue 2, March 2023
- Vol. 3, Issue 1, September 2023
- Golden State College Newsletter
- Vol. 2, Issue 1, February 2024
SRIA Papers
- Society of Rosicruciana in Anglia : How It Works and some
other stuff / Scott Wisdahl, n.d.
- Introduction to Astrology : Zelator, First Grade of the Order
/ Gabby Comia, n.d.
- Meanings of the Rose Croix Tradition / Harry V. Eisenberg,
- The Hidden Symbolism in Medieval Tiles / A.J. Mugridge, n.d.
- Pythagorean Musical Theory, and the Theophilosophical
Attributions of Musical Mathematics and Harmony / Matt D.A.
Fletcher, n.d.
- The Cross and its Symbolism / David R. Clark, n.d.
- The Empyrean Realm / Robert Word, n.d.
- The Foundation and Content of the Rosicrucian Manifestoes : A
Brief Commentary / Thomas D. Worrel, n.d.
- A Brief Study of the Rose Cross Symbol / Thomas D. Worrel,
- The F.A.R.+C and the Modern Alchemical Revival in Europe /
Robert Word, n.d.
- Our Ancient Friend and Brother, the Great Pythagoras / Thomas
D. Worrel, n.d.
- Reviewing The Jewel of the Society : A Continued Study / Evan
Wells Brewer, n.d.
- Indian S.R.I.A. Colleges / Alistair Lees, n.d.
- History of the Petition / C. Forester, n.d.
- A Historical Summary of a Department Commander, Grand
Encampment / Vincent A. Cowie, n.d.
- Christianopolis, n.d.
- The Company / Christopher Sloan, n.d.
- The Esoteric Significance of the Summer and Winter Solstices /
Gabriel C. Comia, Jr,, n.d.
- Meditation and Masonry / Joseph MacDonald, n.d.
- Imagination : The Good, The Bad & The Ugly / Mark Gleave,
- Consciousness Quantum Physics and the Multiverse / Desh
Ashton, n.d.
- Quintessence of Dust : A Masonic perspective on the
Neoplatonic philosophy of Marsilio Ficino and his magia
naturalis, n.d.
- The Tarot Mysteries that turn a Man into a Freemason / John J.
Knight, n.d.
- "Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?" /
Malcolm Summers, n.d.
- Procul hinc, o procul este, profani / T.W.D. Smith, n.d.
- Incense our connection to God and civilization, n.d.
- The Templar Temptation : The Knights Templar — Yesterday and
Today, Jay Kinney, n.d.
- The Theology of Christian Cabala / Isaac Dikeocha, n.d.
- Origin of The Rosicrucian Society / Charles E. Green, 1956
- Chivalry, Templary and Masonry, James B. Kilvington, 1964
- Rosicrucianism Analyzed / James H. Hutchins, 1969
- The Eleusinian Mysteries / John S. Proud, 1970
- The Roman Collegia / George Kuba, 1970
- Benjamin Franklin - Freemason / Carroll D. Edgar, 1971
- George Purvis, a Lesser Masonic Light, 1975
- John Parke, Colonial, Poet, Soldier and Mason / James H.
Hutchins, 1976
- Alchemy and Freemasonry / C.R. Scarborough, 1977
- A Salute to Service / Chester C. Coffin, 1981
- The Legend of Rosicrucianism / Charles R. Taylor, 1982
- Burns — the Man & Burns — the Mason, 1983
- Brother Wolfgang Mozart / Henry George Law, 1984
- Delaware's Masonic Governors / Paul E. Ellis, 1986
- Some American Indian Freemasons / Charles M. Allmond, III,
- Grand Lodges in the British Isles / C. Ray Scarborough, 1988
- John Dee / Henry G. Law, 1989
- The Duncan Beard Clock of Union Lodge No. 5 / William J.
Littel, 1990
- Masonic Aprons at Lombardy Hall / Harold T. J. Littleton, 1991
- Foucault's Pendulum / Henry G. Law, 1992
- A. Conan Doyle : Physician and Creator of a Legend / Maynard
H. Mires, 1993
- Rudyard Kipling / Maynard H Mires, 1994
- The First Masonic Duty / Albert J. Miller, 1994
- The Origin and Philosophy of Freemasonry / Albert J. Miller,
- Answers to Interesting Questions / Richard A. Scarlott and
James A. Pletz, 1995
- James Buchanan / James A. Pletz, 1996
- Masonic Age / John N. Fortner, 1997
- The Rationale of Rosicrucianism : The Status of the Fraternity
as Opposed to Conflicting Claims of Pseudo-Rosicrucian Bodies /
George Winslow Plummer, 1997
- Pythagoras : Self-Discipline / Warren F Schueler Sr., 1998
- Masonic Musicians : The Big Band Era / Kenneth E. Spiess Sr.,
- Rosslyn Chapel Rosslin, Midlothian, Scotland : My First Trip
June 23, 1997 / Harry M. Sullivan, Jr., 2000
- The Rosicrucian Impulse : Magic, Mysticism, and Ritual /
Charles C. Cicero, 2000
- History is an Afterthought : Written only when greatness has
already been achieved / Frank A Battaglia, 2002
- Rosicrucian Angelology / Thomas D. Worrel, 2003
- Freemasonry - Shaping Delaware History / Charles H Lengel,
- The Sacred Pentagram / Gregory H. Peters, 2004
- Fiat Lux / Franklin R Townsend, 2004
- Charles Darwin / Bryan Hughes, 2004
- Esoteric Significance of the White Lambskin Apron / Gregory H.
Peters, 2004
- A View of Masonic Geometry / Patrick Gage Bailey, 2004
- John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum (1867 – 1941) / Herbert J.
Atkinson, 2005
- Enemies, Yet Brothers / Wayne D. Mower, III, 2006
- The Stone Which the Builders Refused / Gregory H. Peters, 2007
- What is the Destiny of Man? / Harold Brannick, 2007
- Definition and Meaning of I N R I / Daniel Doornbos, 2008
- The Mystical Circle: A Personal Journey / Alberto J. Rivas,
- A History of First State York Rite College #45 / Mark lrwin,
- Solve et Coagula : Alchemical Symbolism of the Double Headed
Eagle / G.H. Peters, 2008
- Joseph Campbell and the Legend of Christian Rosenkreutz / John
Lilburn Cooper, 2009
- Is There an Esoteric Masonry? / Jay Kinney, 2009
- Spirit of Trees / John Martin, 2010
- The Ouroboros / Robert J Knowles, 2010
- What is a Rosicrucian? : Ideals & Definitions / Martin
Ede, 2010
- A Mormon in the White House? / Daniel L. Doornbos, 2011
- The Teutonic Knights War in the North : A Brief Synopsis /
David Laucius, 2012
- The Pragmatics of the Second Ancient / Phil Hardiman, 2012
- Ætatum Ordo : Or, A Chronology of the Evolution &
Development of Modern Rosicrucianism as Perpetuated by Various
Orders / Giovanni A. Villegas, 2012
- The Design of the SRICF Jewel : A Geometric Construction /
Patrick G. Bailey, 2013
- The Hindu Monotheist / Thom Pryor, 2013
- Wittgenstein in Newcastle – with an introduction to his
thought! / Bill Schardt, 2013
- Our Lodge, Our Sacred Space / James McNeely, 2013
- Mind, Body & Soul / Efren Prado, 2013
- What is the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis? /
Jay B. Walsh, 2014
- Mythology and Symbolism of the Four Constellations / Frank
Beer, 2014
- Saint John Cassian : An Early Christian Qabalist? / John D
Williamson, 2014
- The Dead Sea Scrolls / Harold W. Hampton, 2014
- The US Constitution and War and Emergency Powers : A Summary
Report on the National Emergency in the United States of America
/ Patrick G Bailey, 2014
- Searching for Truth / D. Deryck, 2014
- The Musings of a Past Celebrant / Compiled and Presented by
John Peck, 2014
- Reflections on ‘The Christ Nature’ in Masonry by Examination
of Particular Sources of Masonic Ideals / Jonathan Dru Wood,
- Elijah and Ezekiel in Masonic Ritual / William D. Robertson,
- The Masonic Aprons - Geometrical Foundations / Patrick G.
Bailey, 2015
- The Accession of Constantine the Great, and Some Comments
about his Mother, Saint Helena / James R. Herrington, 2015
- The Beauceant – Go Forth in Glory / Francis G. Way, 2016
- What is Rosicruicianism? / Gregg Hall, 2016
- (Reflections on) Wither Traveling ….. : In search of Light in
Masonry / James Edward Hawkins, 2016
- A New Telling of an Old Story… / John J. Knight, 2016
- The Quest for the Music of the Tree / John J. Knight, 2016
- Freemasonry and Johannine Christianity / Jedediah (Aaron)
French, 2016
- Interpenetration of the Observable Space / Michael McKeown,
- Paradox of Faith / Ari Indra, 2017
- History of Tennessee College S.R.I.C.F. 1993-2017 :
Perspectives of the Chief Adepts / Robert G. Officer, 2017
- The Valley of the Dry Bones : A Discussion of the Substance
and Application of Ezekiel 37 / Hoyt O. Samples, 2017
- Brother Timothy Hogan’s Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual /
George C. Ladd, 2017
- Freemasonry meets Optics / Thomas Mikeska, 2017
- The Tetractys and its Association to Freemasonry, the Occult,
Numerology and Rosicrucianism / Henry “Hank” Hamblin Jr., 2017
- Homo sapiens : The avatar / Scott Wisdahl, 2017
- Living Stone of the Waters / Hone Hohepa, 2017
- The Kingdom of Heaven / Richard E. Kretz, 2017
- The Number Three / Casey L. Hood, 2017
- The Rosicrucian Manifestoes : Part I - Fama Fraternitatis /
Joseph C. P. Kindoll, 2017
- The Rosicrucian Manifestoes : Part II - Confessio
Fraternitatis / Joe Kindoll, 2018
- Associations between the Royal Arch and Astrology / Ronald
Naumowicz, 2018
- I.N.R.I. : An exploration of the symbolism of this sacred
acronym and a comparative study of the number four in
Freemasonry / Jason Michael Maness, 2018
- Systems Thinking – ‘The Dismal Science’ / Tony Osborne, 2018
- Conservation of Life Energy / John H. Donohoo, 2018
- Spiritual Water: The Universal Solvent in Spiritual Alchemy /
Fr. Scott Wisdahl, 2018
- God’s Chinese Rebels: Hong Xiuquan and the Taiping Rebellion
1850-1864 / Mark Cordell, 2018
- An Exploration of the Sephiroth in Masonic Symbolism / Ernest
R. Spradling, 2018
- The Four Planes of Existence in the Kabbalah / George Ladd,
- Zelator Degree / Ronald Naumowicz, 2019
- Existentialism – Sartre and All That! / Bill Schardt, 2019
- The Trickster in Mythology and Psychology / Brett Robinson,
- The Problem of Universalism vs Particularism / David Felty,
- Sephiroth & Alchemy / Ronald Naumowicz, 2019
- Islam : An Introduction to the History and Practices of the
Muslim Religion – Part I / Hoyt O. Samples, 2019
- The Library of Alexandria : A Search for Our Truth / Tony
Osborne, 2019
- The Order of Nine Angles : ‘Traditional’ Satanism or…..? /
MRC, 2019
- Work and Devotion : A Contemplative Investigation of
Consciousness / Ari Indra, 2019
- Alchemy and the Alchemists / David Tipper, 2020
- First Degree Tracing Board / Rajinder Tumber, 2020
- Time and the Symbolism of the Hourglass / Jason Casselman,
- The New Atlantis / Travis Trinca, 2020
- Theurgical Primer and Comparison to Other Ritual / Scott
Wisdahl, 2020
- A Philosophical View of the Master Mason Third Degree Bible
Verse / Ralph Jenkins, 2020
- Considerations on the idea of the Egregore / R. John Hayes,
- Dungeons and Dragons, Controversy and The Theatre of the
Mind’s Eye / Richard Develyn, 2020
- “Fear God” but “Do not be afraid” : Re: Covid-19 / Joseph F.K.
Marzouk, 2020
- A Masonic Meditation on an African American Slave Song /
Malcolm Summers, 2020
- The Druids / Rajinder Tumber, 2020
- Knock and It Shall be Opened Unto You / Jason Casselman, 2020
- Zelator and the First Element of Tetramorph / Gabriel Comia
Jr., 2021
- Tarot, Meditation, Science and Magic / Chris Golbourn, 2021
- Is Idol worshipping prohibited in religious philosophies and
religious traditions around the world and if yes, are there any
exceptions? / Osiji Onah, 2021
- Jim Corbett : A British Holy Man in India? / Bill Schardt,
- The Eight Material Elements of Nature / Osiji Onah, 2021
- ‘Waiting’ : A Christmas Message for 2021 / Joseph, 2021
- Darkness to Light / Todd Connor, 2021
- Extrinsic and Intrinsic Reflections of the Divine in Nature /
Todd Connor, 2021
- Passion, Pasxo, Pathos, & Pyros : The problem of Suffering
/ Joseph F. K. Marzouk, 2022
- Humanity and the Path to Perfection / Rod Gillies, 2022
- Equilibrium / Todd Connor, 2022
- Sacred Geometry : The Square and Compasses, the Pythagorean
Triangle, and Phi / Todd Connor, 2022
- Zoroastrianism and the Fravashi / Izaak J. Cheetham-Wilkinson,
- Social Media and “the Truth” : Thought for the Day / Chris
Ansell, 2023
- The Descent Into Matter / Todd Connor, 2023
- The Language of Masonic Colors / Thomas E. Metcalfe, 2024
Societatis Rosacrucis In Anglia para o Brasil
- Terveiro Grau - Practicus, n.d.
- Curso Rosacruz Grau Quatro Philosophus, 2013
- Curso Rosacruz Grau Oito Magister, 2013
- Curso Rosacruz Grau Dez Illuminati, 2013
- Curso Rosacruz Grau Onze Alchimicus, 2015
Royal Order of Eri
- Rituals, 2004
- Ritual, 2020
- Installation Ritual, 2020
- Consecration of a Faslairt & Installation of Primus
Enlightened Commander, 2020
- Major Psalter - Compiled 1887, 1992
Fraternitas Rosae Crucis
- Grau 1 - Cerimônia de Recepção no Grau de Neófito, 2014
- Grau 2 - Cerimônia de Avanço ao Grau de Zelator, 2014
- Grau 3 - Cerimônia de Avanço ao Grau de Theoreticus, 2014
- Grau 4 - Cerimônia de Avanço ao Grau de Practicus. 2014
- Grau 5 - Cerimônia de Avanço ao Grau de Philosophus. 2014
- Cerimônia de Recepção no Portal da Terceira Ordem - Sendo o
Segundo Grau do Portal, 2014
- Grau 6 - Cerimônia de Admissão ao Grau de Adeptus Minor, 2014
- Grau 7 - Cerimônia de Admissão ao Grau de Adeptus Major, 2014
Ordem da Rosa e da Cruz
- Livreto informativo para formação de um novo conclave, 2018
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