The Story of the Scottish Rite / Harold van Buren
The Story of the Scottish Rite / Harold van Buren Voorhis (ed.
Rose Croix : History of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for
England and Wales / A.C.F. Jackson
Practice and Procedure for the Scottish Rite / Henry C.
Proceedings of the XXIXth Conference of European Sovereign Grand
Commanders 33° AASR, 1981
Report of the XXXVIIIth Conference of European Sovereign Grand
Commanders 33° AASR, 1993
Facts of Scottish Rite, 1984
Rituals and documentation
- Richardson's Monitor of Freemasonry, being a Practical Guide
to the Ceremonies in all the Degrees, 1888
- Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated / J. Blanchard. Vol. 1
4th-18th Degree
- Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated / J. Blanchard. Vol. 2
19th-33rd Degree
- Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated / J. Blanchard, Vol. 1
4th-18th Degree, 1905
- Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated / J. Blanchard, Vol. 2
19th-33rd Degree, 1905
- Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated / J. Blanchard, Vol. 1,
4th-18th Degree, 1920
- Ordo ab Chao : The Original and Complete Rituals of the
First Supreme Council 33°, Vol. 1 4th-18th
- Ordo ab Chao : The Original and Complete Rituals of the
First Supreme Council 33°, Vol. 2 19th-33rd
- Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
of Freemasonry / Albert Pike
- Clausen's Commentaries on Morals and Dogma
- The Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite / Charles
T. McClenachan, 1884
- The Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite / Charles
T. McClenachan, revised and Enlarged edition,
- Text-Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry for Vermont : Containing Lessons Taught in all of
the Degree from Fourth to the Thirty-Second / Daniel Norris
Nicholson, 1873
- The Scottish Rite / William Homan, 1905
- The Secret Work 1º - 32º, n.d.
- Book of the Scottish Rite 4º - 32º, Prince Hall, 1946
- Ancient and Accepted Rite 4th - 33rd Degree, 1804
- Monitor of the Ancient and Accepted Rite : Containing Ample
Illustrations of all the Grades / E.T. Carson
- Forms and Ceremonials as Proposed for Use of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite NMJ
- Legenda and Readings of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry / Albert Pike
- Manual of the Lodge of Perfection - 4th - 14th Degree, NMJ,
- Offices of Constitution and Inauguration of a Lodge of
Perfection and Installation of its Dignitaries and Officers,
US - SMJ, 1870
- Scottish Rite Ritual : Condensed obligations from the fourth
to the thirty-second Degrees, n.d.
- Liturgy of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Part
I 1st - 3rd Degree
- Liturgy of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Part
II 4th-14th Degree
- Liturgy of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Part
III 15th-18th Degree
- Liturgy of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Part
IV 19th-30th Degree
- 19th to 30th Degrees AASR Memory Card with signs and words
- Ceremonies of Installation and Dedication : Lodge of
Perfection, Chapter of Rose Croix, Council of Kadosh,
Consistory, SMJ, 1954
- Offices of Constitution and Inauguration of a Council of
Princes of Jerusalem and Installation of its Officers and
Dignitaries, US - SMJ, 1870
- Offices of Constitution and Inauguration of a Chapter of
Knights Rose Croix of Heredom and Installation of its
Dignitaries and Officers, US - SMJ, 1870
- Offices of Constitution and Inauguration of a Council of
Knights Kadosh and Installation of its Officers, US - SMJ,
- Offices of Constitution and Inauguration of a Grand
Consistory and Installation of its Officers and Dignitaries,
US - SMJ, 1870
- The early Grand Rite of Scotland, 4th - 21st Degree, n.d.
- The early Grand Rite of Scotland, 7th - 27th Degree -
Collectanea vol 10 pt. 3, 1976
- Special Ceremonies : Memorial Services, Kadosh Midnight
Burials Service and the Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday
Services, SMJ-Prince Hall, 1921
- Special Ceremonies : Memorial Services, Kadosh Midnight
Burials Service and the Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday
Services, SMJ-Prince Hall, 1961
- The Degree Rituals of the Supreme Council, 33°, AASR for the
Northern Masonic Jurisdiction United States of America / C.
DeForrest Trexler, 2008
- Scottish Rite Ritual : Monitor and Guide / Arturo de Hoyos,
- 14° Grand Elect Mason - US - NMJ, 1976
- 14th Degree - The Ineffable Degrees : The Official Ritual of
the Lodge of Perfection, Washington, 1982
- 15° Knight of the East, of the Sword or of the Eagle, - US -
NMJ - n.d.
- 20° Master ad Vitam - US - NMJ, 1994
- 24º Prince of the Tabernacle - US - NMJ, 1950
- 30° Grand Elect Knight Kadosh - US - NMJ, n.d.
- 30° Grand Elect Knight Kadosh - US - NMJ, n.d.
- 31° Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander - US - NMJ, 1949
- 32° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret - US - NMJ, 1981
- 32nd Degree and Officer's Guide, n.d.
- 32nd Degree and Officer's Guide, 1939
- Secret Ritual of the Thirty-Third and Last Degree Sovereign
Grand Inspector General, 1827, 1860
- Ritual of the Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, n.d.
- Statutes of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree,
US-SMJ, 1983
- Statutes of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree,
US-SMJ, 2007
- Ritual of the Original Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand
Inspector-Generals of the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masonryfor the Southern and
Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America,
its Territories and Dependencies, 1990
- Constitution of the United Supreme Council, 33º, US-SMJ,
1887 and amendments thereto,
- A Manual for Officers, of Subordinate Bodies Ancient
Accepted Scottis Rite of Freemasonry, NMJ,
- A Manual for Officers, of Subordinate Bodies Ancient
Accepted Scottis Rite of Freemasonry, NMJ,
- Secretary's Manual, SMJ, 2008
Rituals of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, the source of
these rituals is unclear:
- 4º Master Traveler, 2004 Tentative Edition
- 5º Perfect Master, 1996
- 6º Master of the Brazen Serpent, 2003
- 7º Provost and Judge, 2005
- 8º Intendant of the Building, 1981
- 9º Master of the Temple, 2003
- 10º Master Elect of Fifteen, 1992
- 11º Sublime Master Elected, 2004
- 12º Master of Mercy, 2002
- 13º Master of the Ninth Arch, 2004
- 14º Grand Elect Mason, 2000
- 15º Knight of the East, 2005
- 16º Prince of Jerusalem, 2005
- 17º Knight of the East and West, 2002
- 18º Knight of the Rose Croix of H.R.D.M., 1999
- 19º Grand Pontiff, 2002
- 20º Master ad Vitam, 1994
- 21º Patriarch Noachite, 2004
- 22º Prince of Libanus, 1994 nun-musical edition
- 22º Prince of Libanus, 1994 musical edition
- 23º Chief of the Tabernacle, 1996
- 24º Brother of the Forest, 2003
- 25º Master of Achievement, 2003
- 26º Prince of Mercy, 1996
- 27º Knight of Jerusalem, 2003
- 28º Knight of the Sun, 1984
- 29º Knight of St. Andrew, 2003
- 30º Grand Inspector, 2004
- 31º Knight Aspirant, 2004
- 32º Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, 2004
Rituals of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, the source of
these rituals is unclear:
- 4º Secret Master, 1999
- 5º Perfect Master, 1999
- 6º Confidential Secretary, 1999
- 7º Provost and Judge, 1999
- 8º Intendant of the Building, 1999
- 9/10º Elu of the Nine and Elu of the Fifteen, 1999
- 11º Elu of the Twelve, 1999
- 12º Master Architect, 1999
- 13º Royal Arch of Solomon, 1999
- 14º Perfect Elu, 1999
- 15º Knight of the East, of the Sword or of the Eagle, 1999
- 16º Prince of Jerusalem, 1999
- 17º Knight of the East and West, 1999
- 18º Knight Rose Croix, 1999
- 19º Grand Pontiff, 1999
- 20º Master of the Symbolic Lodge, 1999
- 21º Noachite or Prussian Knight, 1999
- 22º Knight of the Royal Ax or Prince of Libanus, 1999
- 23º Chief of the Tabernacle, 1999
- 24º Prince of the Tabernacle, 1999
- 25º Knight of the Brazen Serpent or Sufi Master, 1999
- 26º Prince of Mercy or Scottish Trinitarian, 1999
- 27º Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept, 1999
- 28º Knight Commander of the Temple, 1999
- 29º Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew, 1999
- 30º Knight Kados, or Knight of the White and Black
Eagle, 1999
- 31º Inspector Inquisitor or Egyptian Master, 1999
- 32º Master of the Royal Secret, 1999
- Ritual del Grado XI° - Sublime Maestro Elegido, n.d.
- Ritual del Grado XIIo - Gran Maestro Arquitecto,
- Ritual del Grado XIIIo - Real Arco, n.d.
- Ritual del Grado XIVo -Gran Elegido Perfecto y
Sublime Mason, n.d.
- Ritualen IV, IX, XIV, XV, XVIII graad, Soev. Kap. In
Eendracht Volharden, Antwerpen, 1975
- Informatieblad Souverein College voor de Schotse Ritus in
België, nr. 19, september 1992
- Informatieblad Souverein College voor de Schotse Ritus in
België, nr. 20, januari 1993
- Informatieblad Souverein College voor de Schotse Ritus in
België, nr 24, januari 1995
- Informatieblad Souverein College voor de Schotse Ritus in
België, nr. 26, januari 1996
- Ordo, 1997
- Manual di Dinâmica
Ritualística do 1° Grau, 2000
- Ritual do Grau 4 - Mestre Secreto, 1974
- Ritual do Grau 9 - Cavaleiro Eleito dos Nove, 1976
- Ritual do Grau 14 - Perfeito e Sublime Maçom, n.d.
- Ritual do Grau 15 - Cavaleiro do Oriente, 1986
- Ritual do Grau 18 - Cavaleiro Rosa-Cruz ou Cavaleiro da
Aguia Branca e do Pelicano, 1972
- Ritual do Grau 33 - Grande Inspetor Geral, 1983
- Ritual do Grau 33 - Grande Inspetor Geral, 1984
- Os 33 Graus do Rito Escocês Antigo e Aceito / M.L. Bacelar,
- Uma Visão Global dos 33 Graus do R. E. A. A., n.d.
- 17º Knight of the East and West, n.d.
- 18º Sovereign Prince Rose Croix Heredom or Knight of the
Pelican and Eagle, 1991
- 19º Grand Pontiff, n.d.
- 32º Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, 1975
- Un Puente a la Luz / R. Hutchens, 2005
- Un Puente Hacia la Luz : El Maestro del Real Secreto XXXII°
/ R. Hutchens, n.d.
- 4° Rituaal voor de Graad van Geheim Meester, 1996
- 4° Rituaal voor de Graad van Geheim Meester, Le Droit
Humain, n.d.
- Rituaal voor de Achtste Graad, Opperraad van de Hoge Graden
der Gemengde Vrijmetselarij in Nederland, 1967
- 13°, Rituaal voor de Graad van Ridder van het Koninklijk
Gewelf, Le Droit Humain, 2005
- 14° Rituaal voor de Graad Groot Schot van het Heilig Gewelf,
Groot Uitverkoren Verheven Metselaar, Le Droit Humain, 2005
- Verlening per Communicatie der 13e en 14e Graad der ASSR,
- 22° Rituaal voor de Graad Ridder van de Koninklijke Bijl,
Prins van Libanon, 1987
- 22° Rituaal voor de Graad Ridder van de Koninklijke Bijl,
Prins van Libanon, 1996
- 28° Rituaal voor de Graad Ridder van de Zon, Prins Adept,
- 28° Rituaal voor de Graad Ridder van de Zon, Prins Adept,
- 31° Rituaal voor de Graad Groot-Inspecteur - Inquisiteur -
Commandeur, 1987
- 31° Rituaal voor de Graad Groot-Inspecteur - Inquisiteur -
Commandeur, 1996
- The Perfect Ceremonies of the Knight of the Eagle and
Pelican and Sovereign Prince Rose Croix de Heredom, 18º, 1891
- Complete Ceremony of Knight of the Rose Croix of Heredom -
Co-Freemasonry - Le Droit Humain, 1930
- The Ceremony of the Rose Croix of Heredom, 18º, 1938
- The Ceremony of the Rose Croix of Heredom, 18º, 1951
- The Ceremony of the Rose Croix of Heredom, 18º, 1989
- The Ceremonies of a Chapter of Princes Rose Croix of
Heredom, 18º, 1994
- The Ceremonies of a Chapter of Princes Rose Croix of
Heredom, 18°, 1995
- The Ceremonies of a Chapter of Princes Rose Croix of
Heredom, 18°, 2002
- The Ceremonies of a Chapter of Princes Rose Croix of
Heredom, 18°, 2008
- Director of Ceremonies 18th Degree, 1999
- 30th Degree - Notes for a New Knight K..., London 1991
- 30th Degree - Résumé of the Degree of Grand Elected Knight
Kadosh, 1972
- 30th Degree - Résumé of the Degree of Grand Elected Knight
Kadosh, 1980
- 31st Degree - Résumé of the Degree of Grand Inspector
Inquisitor Commander, n.d.
- 31st Degree - Résumé of the Degree of Grand Inspector
Inquisitor Commander, 1980
- 32nd Degree - Résumé of the Degree of Sublime Prince of the
Royal Secret, London, 1989
- 32nd Degree - Résumé of the Degree of Sublime Prince of the
Royal Secret, London, 2002
- A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 1°-17°,
- A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 1°-17°,
- A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 1°-17°,
- A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 1°-17°,
- A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 19°-29° and Résumé of
- The Rules of the Supreme Council 33° for England and Wales,
- The Rules of the Supreme Council 33° for England and Wales,
- By-Laws of the St. Augustine Chapter Rose Croix H.R.D.M. no.
144, Gillingham, 1980
- Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite - French Working - 1st
- Rituels du 1er au 3ème Degré et Cérémonies Maçonniques REAA
- Livret d'Instruction de l'Apprenti, 2020
- Livret d'Instruction du Compagnon, 2021
- Livret d'Instruction du Maître, 2021
- Conseil de Maîtres Installés - Installation du Vénérable
Maître, 2017
- Rituel de Banquet d'Ordre, 2004
- Rituel Loge de Perfection - Quatrième Degré, 1978
- Rituel du 4e Degré : Maître Secret, 2009
- Rituels du 4ème au 14ème Degré Loge de Perfection REAA
- Rituel du 5e au 12e Degré, 2013
- Eclairage du 8e Degré, 2016
- Rituel et Initiation au 11e Degré : Sublime
Chevalier Élu, 1984
- Rituel du 13e Degré : Cevalier de Royal
Arche et du 14e Degré : Grand Élu, Parfait et Sublime Maçon,
- Rituels du 15ème au 18ème Degré Chapitre REAA
- Rituels du 19ème au 30ème Degré Aréopage REAA
- L'Action du Chavalier Kadosch - Supplement au 30e
Degré, 2015
- Le 30e Degré et le Saint Empire, 2016
- Rituels du 31ème, 32ème et 33ème Degré: Degrés
Administratifs du Rite REAA
- Rituel du Souverain Grand Inspecteur Général, 33e et dernier
- Instruction du 4e Degré, 2001
- Instruction du 5e au 12e Degré, 1998
- Instruction du 5e au 12e Degré, 2001
- Instruction du 13e au 14e Degré, 1998
- Instruction du 13e au 14e Degré, 2003
- Instruction du 15e au 18e Degré, 2009
- Instruction du 19e au 30e Degré, 2011
- Annuaire 2007-2008
- Ritual 30. Grad Ritter Kadosch, 1959
- Ritual für den 30. Grad, n.d.
- Gerichtsordnung AASR, 1998
- Konstitution des Obersten Rates des Alten und Angenommenen
Schottischen Ritus für Männer und Frauen in Deutschland, den
Niederlanden und Österreich, 1973
- Der Tempel der Freimaurer : der 1. bis 33. Grad : vom
Suchenden zum Wissenden
- 4º Ritual/Working Book of the Degree of Secret Master, 1967
- Rituel 5ème et 6ème Degre: Maître Parfait, Secretaire
Intime, n.d.
- 7º Ritual/Working Book of the Degree of Provost and Judge,
- Rituel du 7° Degre : Prêvot et Juge, 1968
- 8° - 14° Perfect Elu Degrees, 1973
- 18º Ritual of the Degree of Prince of the Rose Croix of
Heredom and Knight of the Eagle and Pelican, 1972
- 19º Ritual of the Degree of Grand Pontiff, 1977
- 25º Ritual of the Brazen Serpent Degree, 1979
- 32° Ritual of the Degree of Sublime Prince of the Royal
Secret, 1971
- Rituale per la Loggia di Perfezione dei Maestri Segreti (4°
Grado), 1967
- Rituale per la Loggia di Perfezione dei Maestri Segreti (4°
Grado), 1983
- Rituale per il Maestro Eletti dei IX, 1917
- Rituale per il Cavaliere Eletti dei IX, 1955
- Rituale e Istruzione per il Fratello Cavaliere Eletto dei
IX, 1967
- Rituale per il Cavaliere Eletti dei IX, 1970
- Rituale per il Cavaliere Eletto dei IX, 1977
- Rituale per il Principe Rosa-Croce, (18º Grado) 1945
- Rituale per il Principe Rosa-Croce, (18º Grado) 1977
- Rituale per il Principe Rosa-Croce, (18º Grado) 1983
- Rituale per Caveliere Eletto Kadosch (30º), 1965
- Rituale per Apertura e Chiusura dei Lavore (32º), s.a.
- Rituale per Apertura e Chiusura dei Lavora (32º), s.a.
- Grado XXXII Concistoro - Parte Essenziale della Iniziazione,
- Estudios Liturgicos Grado 14, 1938
- Liturgia del Grado 4º, Maestro Secreto, 1940
- Liturgia del Grado 4º, Maestro Secreto, 1944
- Grado 6º, Secretario Intimo, Maestro por Curiosidad o
Maestro Inglés, 1965
- Grado 9º, Elegido de los Nueve o Perfecto Mason Electo, 1965
- Liturgia del Grado 14º, Gran Elegido, Perfecto y Sublime
Mason, 1972
- Liturgia del Grado 18º, Soberano Principe Rosa Cruz, n.d.
- Liturgia del Grado 18º, Soberano Principe Rosa Cruz, 1972
- Grado 24, Sacerdote o Principe del Nuevo Tabernáculo, 1965
- Liturgia del Grado XXX, Caballero Kadosch o del Aguila
Blanca y Negra, n.d.
- Liturgia del Grado XXXII, Sublime Principe del Real Secreto,
- Liturgia del Grado XXXII, Sublime Principe del Real Secreto,
- Liturgia del Grado 4° - 14°, n.d.
- Liturgia del Grado 15 - 18, Mexico, 2019
- Liturgia del Grado 19 - 30, Mexico, 2018
- Liturgia del Grado 31 y 32, Mexico, n.d.
- Liturgia del Grado 33, Mexico, n.d.
- Curso Completo del Filosofismo en las Logas Capitulares de
Perfeccion 4-14 de Orden Masonica Mexicana Ordo ab Chao, n.d.
- Curso Completo del Soberano Capitulo Rosacruz 15-18 de Orden
Masonica Mexicana Ordo ab Chao, n.d.
- Curso Completo del Consejo de Caballeros Kadosch 19-30 de
Orden Masonica Mexicana Ordo ab Chao, n.d.
- Ritual del Primer Grado - Aprendiz, 2010
- Ritual del Grado 21° del R. E. A. y A. - Patriarca Noaquita
o Caballero Prusiano, n.d.
- Ritual del Grado 22° del R. E. A. y A. - Principe del Libano
o Real Hacha, n.d.
- Ritual del Grado 23° del R. E.A. y A. - Jefe del
Tabernáculo, n.d.
- Ritual del Grado 25° del R. E.A. y A. - Caballero de la
Serpiente de Bronce, n.d.
- Ritual del Grado 26° del R. E.A. y A. - Principe de Merced o
Escocés Trinitario, n.d.
- Ritual do Grau 4 : Mestre Secreto, 1994
- 18th Degree - Rose Croix - S.C. for Scotland, 1962
- 30th Degree - Grand Elect Knight Kh - S.C. for Scotland,
- 31st Degree - Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander - S.C.
for Scotland, 1982
- 32nd Degree - Sublime and Valiant Prince of the Royal Secret
- S.C. for Scotland, 1987
South African
- Rose Croix Chapter (Dutch rite), 1962
- Ritual Primer Grado Simbólico, Segundo Grado
Simbólico, 2011
- Ritual del Segundo Grado, 2009
- Ritual del 4° Grado - Maestro Secreto, n.d.
- Ritual del 8o Grado - Intendente de los Edificios
ó Maestro en Israel, n.d.
- Ritual del 9o Grado - Maestro Electo de los
Nueve, n.d.
- Ritual del 11o Grado - Sublime Caballero Elegido,
- Ceremonial Masónico, R.E.A.A., 2016